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Lorelei: The Witch of the Pacific Ocean

Lorelei: The Witch of the Pacific Ocean (2005)

March. 05,2005
| Adventure Drama Action Thriller

A drama set during World War II where a submarine carrying a secret weapon attempts to stop a planned third atomic bombing of Japan. Based on Harutoshi Fukui's novel Shuusen no Lorelei.


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Far from Perfect, Far from Terrible


This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.

Mabel Munoz

Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?


I wasn't sure what to expect from Lorelei. A sub movie, certainly, but not one with such warm characters and subtlety of script. I expected a simple wartime tale, but got so much more.All of the cast give excellent performances (with perhaps the exception of the main villain, who is given to staring madly during emotional moments). But even he does his part justice for the majority of his screen time. The rest have no trouble conveying either their characters or the emotions they are going through. This is particularly important due to the often very much more subtle and under-emphasised nature of Asian facial expressions. Yet here there was no trouble for my poor old Western eyes to understand who was feeling what.Also to be commended in a cinematic age where heroes never die is the concept of noble self-sacrifice, which is evident here. The notion that "Everyone lived happily ever after" is a seemingly uniquely Western one that has gotten out of hand in recent decades. There aren't many Western movies that are willing to kill off characters and those that do often handle it badly (I'm looking at you...new Star Wars trilogy). So it is a pleasant change to be reminded that not everyone has forgotten this concept, or how to implement it.The story also is worth commending. In an age where Hollywood churns out formulaic script after formulaic script, having something which doesn't follow those cookie-cutter writing conventions is like a breath of fresh air. It should be noted that the story is still rather simple, however, but realised in a way that makes you overlook that simplicity. That said, I admit I failed to see the main plot "twist" evne though, in retrospect, it was spammed hugely in the opening minutes. That's okay though. If I fail to spot something that obvious, it usually means I'm enjoying the movie so much that I'm not analysing it, which is rare these days.As far as effects go, they are serviceable by today's standards. The movie was made in 2005, so they are actually pretty good for that time and, barring a few scenes, don't distract you or take you out of the movie. They do their job and you never have to try and figure out what is going on on screen.All in all, there isn't anything I can point at and say was bad... except for maybe the climactic scenes weren't very convincing and could have done with a rethink. The very final scene was rather obvious and formulaic, but done well enough, because it washed the slight disappointment of the climactic action sequence.You'll note I haven't spoiled any of the movie with specifics. That is deliberate. When a movie tries its hardest to be entertaining and makes me pleased I spent the time to watch it, the least I can do is not spoil it for others. So apologies if the rather non-specific comments here leave you scratching your head and wondering if it is worth your time.Who is this movie for? Anyone that remembers the older generation of war movies where the heroes faced impossible odds yet somehow came through will find plenty to like here. Likewise those that are just tired of the tedious nature of much of American cinema and want something that isn't entirely hamstrung by those movie-making conventions, will also find this a refreshing change.SUMMARY: Entertaining and surprisingly subtle and emotional. Well worth your time if you like old war movies.

Konrad Skeri Ekblad

If you, like me, watch this hoping to see a Japanese "Das Boot" one of three things will happen:1. You fail to realise that this is not a Japanese "Das Boot". You won't like the film and you will leave a 1-star rating.2. You do realise that this is not a Japanese "Das Boot", but don't like what it in fact is. Ratings will range from "I didn't like this, and that's all that counts" 1-star ratings to good ratings of "while I didn't like this, I can appreciate the movie for {how it was made/story line/whatever}".3. You do realise that this is not a war movie but in fact a science fiction drama in a world war II submarine setting, and that is something that you at least don't immediately dislike just because of that.Once I came to terms with this being a science fiction-movie I actually started to enjoy it. I like the fictional story line as well as the science fiction parts of the movie and the movie feels very good made. If I watch it again starting with the right expectations it's even possible that the rating will go up another star.I think that where the movie falls short when compared to other movies en large is just the mix of genre and setting. It's like the Caprica TV-series, said to be a Sci-Fi Dallas. While not a bad series in itself people who like Dallas doesn't necessarily like Sci-Fi and vice versa, and therefore the series gets a bad average rating. I can therefore understand the low average grade this movie gets despite that this movie actually is quite good.


I found out about this film when I stumbled across the trailer. It looked spectacular, and when I finally got to see it, found it was.(SPOILERS) The plot of this film changes a few things about the history of the Second World War. Just before the defeat of Germany they gave Japan a prototype submarine with an advanced underwater tracking system called Lorelei. The sub when used was known as "the witch" by the Americans because of the eerie singing that was heard after each attack. Just after the first atomic bomb is dropped on Japan the sub is put into the hands of a once renegade captain who refused to go along with the suicide missions that the country had begun to use. Desperate times called for desperate measures and he's pressed into service with a crew of so called misfits. Their job is to try and prevent a second bombing of Japan. Once out at sea it becomes clear that the Lorelei system is based on Nazi genetic experiments and has a human at its heart. Things become complicated when the second bomb is dropped on Japan and through a web of circumstances its believed a third one, aimed at Tokyo, maybe on the way. (END SPOILERS)This is a rousing submarine tale told from the Japanese point of view. I liked how its not about winning the war rather its about the nobility of surviving and working towards a future. The music is rousing and the action sequences are spectacular. This is a great film to just sit down and immerse yourself in.As much as I liked it, its not perfect. The problems come in two forms. First there is a heavy reliance on computer generated effects with many of the surface ship sequences, they look almost unfinished or like something from a computer game. If you accept them for what they are you're golden, if not you may end up driven up the wall. The second problem is that this film is very convoluted when it comes to the plot. This was based on a novel and I kept feeling like I was missing some of the characters back story. On screen it worked because they knew their background, but in the audience I felt like something was missing. The film also suffers because one of the plot points, concerning one of the characters motivations for setting the story in motion isn't spelled out clearly until its almost in retrospect. Since we're not sure of why this was done, we, or rather I, became confused with what some of the other characters were doing. Its not fatal, but it does lead to several minutes of confusion.I really like this movie a great deal. There is something wonderful about it that I can't put my finger on. I like that its trying to be a bit more than an action film, that it does have a point of view. I like that it draws you in, shakes up your expectations and makes you care about the characters. (and yea, you can sometimes predict whats going to happen, but so what? rarely can you guess everything, even if you get part of it right.)I heartily recommend it. If you can take it for what it is, namely a flawed alternate history with uneven visual effects you'll enjoy it. If given the chance give it a try. I don't think you'll hate it, even if you don't love it.8 out of 10 (purely out of frustration from the sense of missing something)

Michael Studte

Lorelei can best be described as a Japanese version of "Das Boot" with a supernatural storyline thrown in. The setting is the last week of WWII, Hiroshima having just been bombed. A Japanese veteran captain is given command of a German-surplus submarine with a secret weapon, the "Lorelei System". As viewers of Japanese movies will know, scenes with English-speaking characters usually end up very awkward, with the English-speakers often being cheap local "talent" grabbed off the street, in most cases with very questionable English credentials. But this movie was just about on-par with the classic Tora Tora Tora, using professional Hollywood and local English-speaking actors that portray their roles to near perfection, making the whole movie flow smoothly. Without giving away spoilers, it's difficult to review this movie. But the advancement of computer graphics has made for some really visually stunning submarine battle action. If anything, the surface vessels come across as being a bit lifeless, as the effort was spent on the underwater sequences. At 140 minutes the movie is long, and by western standards probably somewhat talky, but there is a lot of political maneuvering going on in this movie, plus the diverting from history as we know it, that requires the additional dialogue. All actors put in very decent performances, the soundtrack is fittingly orchestrated and the cinematography excellent. While not being the classic that "Das Boot" was, this movie is very enjoyable, and with subtitles could potentially get a decent western cult following.
