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Casomai (2002)

April. 30,2002
| Comedy Romance

Tommaso meets Stefania. They like each other, they fall in love, they get married. A child is also born. It all started very well, it evolved well, then discreetly, little by little until the crisis. It seemed impossible, yet the love, which seemed really solid, perhaps fell apart, even turning into hatred. Who knows if there is still time to do so. Volo, ex Jena, tries to be a real actor. An appeal test is required.


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The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.

Jenna Walter

The film may be flawed, but its message is not.

Keira Brennan

The movie is made so realistic it has a lot of that WoW feeling at the right moments and never tooo over the top. the suspense is done so well and the emotion is felt. Very well put together with the music and all.

Sanjeev Waters

A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.


This movie contains personalities that so deliciously are playing their parts, I love the final, when nobody knows what are they gonna do about their life, but it's completely great when you see and realize that the priest is right, is jut for two, so what are the other persons doing there? The movie embrace you to a new life, to experiences, to be able of dream with the other person and reach those dreams. Also shows you the life itself, hard like it is. But gives you the option to choose what you want and what you really need. Hope this comment works for you. The movie it did worked well for me. I bought the movie by the way ;) Take care.


A sophisticated contemporary fable about the stresses that work to loosen and ultimately unbind the vows of marriage. The main thrust of the narrative arises from a 'homily' spoken by a country priest following the wedding vows of a young cosmopolitan couple from Milan. In it, the future course of the marriage is spelled out, which bit by bit frays from the stresses of modern life. The 'moral' of this story within a story is that in order for a marriage to work out, both now, and in the past, it has been necessary for that relationship to be abutted by family and friends. This film was a relative blockbuster by domestic Italian standards. It's a terrible shame that this film is not available in either DVD or VHS.


I loved this movie and I happened to watch it twice in 2 months, in 2002. I already liked Stefania Rocca, but I didn't think Fabio Volo would have been a great actor (telling from his previous TV shows). Instead he was. And so was the priest. The soft simplicity with which the movies explores a whole love story, starting from the beginning, growing to the climax and then facing ever-increasing difficulties, to reach the final break... was really special. Some moments are really enjoyable, and some other moments will make you cry, as you are pulled, along with the 2 wed characters, into deep troubles, feeling love that vanishes minute after minute and, actually, without really knowing "why" they're not in love anymore.I'd say 9 stars out of 10, even if I may understand that, to non-italian people, it may loose some of its beauty.


"Casomai" is a masterful tale depicting the story of a young couple who wade through the murky waters of marriage. The story is very believable in telling the strange see-saw between oblivion and continuous interference by others, which is fairly typical in Italy (one may wonder whether such happenings are different elsewhere, though). Pavignano and D'Alatri were very good at writing, and that is one of the strong points of the movie. Acting by Stefania Rocca and Fabio Volo is sober and gripping. And the figure of the sympathetic priest is funny and well-rounded. All in all, a truly deserving movie, probably one of the best Italian movies of the year.
