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My Uncle Killed a Guy

My Uncle Killed a Guy (2004)

December. 12,2004
| Adventure Comedy Crime

Éder is arrested after confessing the murder of a man. Duca, his nephew, is sure that his uncle confessed the crime to protect his girlfriend, Soraya, ex-wife of the deceased, so he enlists two of his friends to help prove his theory.


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One of my all time favorites.


Nice effects though.


Brilliant and touching




Even if 99,99% of people that has seen this movie is Brazilian, I'll keep up with the English since it is the language of this website.This movie is a piece of cr*p. Worst acting I have seen for a loooong time. The kids are terrible. Specially the boy. This was the first time I saw someone with less facial expression than Arnold Schwarzenegger, and one single voice tone, like a 5 years-old kid reading in front of the class. How can someone so bad be the main actor of a movie ? The storyline is so shallow my daughter could have done better (she is 3 yrs old). It is so simple it could be written in a napkin and told in 3 minutes.There are only three possibilities for someone enjoy this movie: 1) you are a pre-teen; 2) you have been so brainwashed by Globo's stupidities that you think that anything that has the Globo's seal is awesome; 3) you have a serious brain damage.Avoid at all costs ! A shame to the Brazilian movie scene.


Another witty, romantic, funny, lightweight teen-oriented film directed and written by Jorge Furtado, combining love triangles, comedy, adventure and social commentary, and featuring his great ear for dialog (he's the smartest comedy writer working in Brazilian cinema today). Here, Furtado once again explores his trade-mark ersatz Cartesian logic construction of the narrative (which he's been developing since his famous, ground-breaking 1989 short "Ilha das Flores"): he makes ordinary stories look fresh by refusing linearity and taking time to consider the "what if" factor; his plots develop in bifurcations, they take side roads. When it seems we're lost in a maze, he throws us Ariadne's thread to a safe exit (his non-corny, unaffected happy-endings) -- but we don't feel fooled, we follow him with a smile.The cast is firmly lead by teenagers Darlan Cunha (his nonchalant, minimal acting is perfect for the part) and Sophia Reis (lovely without being "cute"), with Deborah Secco looking very sexy and overrated Lázaro Ramos doing what he does best: comedy. There's a lull in the final act, with too many songs commenting the action and plot holes that require a considerable suspension of disbelief, but the pace and editing are so swift and the mood so joyful that by then we're bought. This is Brazilian commercial cinema at its best: sunny, funny, smart, unpretentious, well-made.

Claudio Carvalho

Duca (Darlan Cunha) is a smart teenager that lives in Porto Alegre with his father Laerte (Airton Graça) and his mother Cléia (Dira Paes). His best friends are the also teenagers Isa (Sophia Reis), for whom he has a crush, and Kid (Renan Augusto), for whom Isa has a crush. One night, his uncle Éder (Lázaro Ramos) visits his family and informs that he has just killed the former husband of his girlfriend Soraia (Deborah Secco). Duca finds mistakes in the story told by his uncle, and decides to investigate the tragic event.Jorge Furtado is certainly one of the best contemporary Brazilian directors and screenplay writers. He is very sensitive to the Brazilian social problems, using many of ours daily and common situations in his well-paced and ironical movies. "Meu Tio Matou Um Cara" is a very funny story, with many jokes. For example, he criticizes the exaggerated concern with racism in Brazilian society in the beginning of the movie; the piracy of CDs, but also the prices of the original CDs - the youngsters prefer to buy four pirates CDs instead of only one original CD, which is an incorrect reality that does exist; he jokes with the efficiency of our police, since a smart teenager is capable to easily resolve a crime and disclose the truth. The cast is wonderful, having very natural performances. For those viewers not familiarized with Jorge Furtado, I highly recommend his delightful romantic-comedy "Houve Uma Vez Dois Verões" (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0322629/usercomments-2) and mainly his masterpiece, his dramatic romantic-comedy "O Homem Que Copiava" (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0367859/usercomments-11). I do not know whether there is international distribution of these excellent movies. My vote is eight.Title (Brazil): "Meu Tio Matou Um Cara" ("My Uncle Killed a Guy")


Brasil is worldwide famous for soap-operas, and inside the country its a passion. I believe this movie follows a soap-opera style, with a boring story and free semi-nudes scenes from the gorgeous Deborah Secco. I say free cause they got nothing to do with the movie, they are totally out of context. The teen movie approach was not very well announced and I happened to watch it with wrong idea, thinking that it were a movie based on feelings, good script and nice acting, like the Brazilian movie industry is very well based on. It isn't a bad movie, it's just not quite good to theaters...a TV series would be enough. And we're also used to very good movies from Brasil these days, which helped to decrease my feelings for Meu tio matou um Cara.
