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Robotrix (1991)

May. 31,1991
| Action Comedy Thriller Crime

A mad scientist transfers his mind to a wicked robot, which then embarks on a program of kidnaping, rape and murder, during which a female detective is killed. To fight the robot, the police woman's corpse is then made into a robotrix.


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the audience applauded


How sad is this?

Sameer Callahan

It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.

Billie Morin

This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows


"Linda" (Chikako Aoyama) is a female police officer who has been assigned to guard the son of an extremely wealthy oil sheik. Lamentably, her mission becomes a complete failure as he is consequently kidnapped and Linda (aka "Selena") is critically wounded trying to protect him. Meanwhile, at a lavish convention sponsored by the oil sheik with the goal of awarding a large contract to the best robot manufacturer, an evil Japanese robotics genius by the name of "Ryuichi Sakamoto" (Chung Lin) televises a video declaring that he has kidnapped the sheik's son and demands the sheik's complete cooperation. He then demonstrates his genius by killing himself while simultaneously transferring his mind into the computerized brain of a nearby robot. Not only does this give him incredible power and intelligence but the robot also has a remarkable human appearance as well. Not to be outdone, another scientist at the convention named "Dr. Sara" (Siu-dan Hui) also has a powerful robot with human appearances by the name of "Anna" (Amy Yip) and vows to help the sheik defeat Ryuichi Sakamoto. Although she realizes that Sakamoto's robot has the edge due to his superior human intelligence, she also devises a plan to essentially compensate for it. To do this she will need a human brain of her own and Linda is the perfect candidate. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that I was surprised at the amount of action, nudity, sex and martial arts this film contained. Unfortunately, the script and the special effects were considerably bad and this really affected the overall entertainment value. Even so, there was some good humor here and there along with several sexy actresses featured including the aforementioned Chikako Aoyama, Siu-an Hui and Amy Yip which certainly didn't hurt this film in any way. In any case, regardless of the cheap effects, I rate this movie as about average.


Not horror as such, but science fiction / action / adult comedy, this Category III film from Hong Kong is a definite beer and snacks movie. Although it may not be to everybody's taste, it's a fun movie for the most part (as is the case with many HK films, the humour can border on the tasteless).The basic premise of the film is that a rather fetching and sexy lady agent has her mind transferred into the body of a robot following a shooting, thus becoming the ultimate sexy super-hero. Imagine "Robocop" meets "Charlie's Angels" with an adult touch and you've got the idea! The budget's not massive (and it shows) but it's worth watching if you're in the mood for something light after a more sober movie.


"Robotrix" is like a Russ Meyer movie with robots and futuristic hardware. It is not terribly well made and it is totally confusing, but it is never boring -- not the uncut version, anyway. There is a graphic rape scene that is scissored from some versions, so make sure you see the film in its glorious uncut state. Mammary-heavy Amy Yip is "Robotrix", a Robocop-like creation who is enlisted to hunt down a renegade robot that goes haywire. Despite Yip's reputation as a sex goddess, she was quite coy about her body in most HK movies (the great "Erotic Ghost Story" excepted). In this occasionally sleazy outing, the nudity honors go to the stunning Chikako Aoyama, a woman with a body to render non-stop chatterboxes speechless.


This film, which goes by the English title "Robotrix" and is available dubbed, is a Hong Kong version of Russ Meyer meets James Cameron. It's ultraviolent, with three hot actresses. The movie is sporadically entertaining and at times disgusting. I give it a 10 only because of the presence of Chikako Aoyama, who topless is a wonder to behold. Amy Yip is also beautiful, skinny and pneumatic. Otherwise I'd give it a 6. One extra point each.
