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WWE Royal Rumble 2006

WWE Royal Rumble 2006 (2006)

January. 29,2006
| Drama Action

Royal Rumble (2006) was the nineteenth annual Royal Rumble PPV. It was presented by Sony Computer Entertainment's The Con and took place on January 29, 2006 in the American Airlines Arena in Miami, Florida The biggest Superstars of WWE RAW and WWE SmackDown! clash at Royal Rumble to determine who will go to WrestleMania 22 as the heavyweight contender. Also, WWE Title: Edge vs. John Cena, World Heavyweight Title: Kurt Angle vs. Mark Henry, WWE Cruiserweight Title (6-way Match): Kid Kash vs. Funaki vs. Gregory Helms vs. Jamie Noble vs. Nunzio vs. Paul London, Mickie James vs. Ashley, & The Boogeyman vs. John 'Bradshaw' Layfield


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Stuart Wilson

The WWE's 19th annual Royal Rumble event was truly atrocious. The event will only be remembered for one thing, Rey Mysterio's shock victory in the 30 man over the top rope battle royal. Whilst the Royal Rumble match itself was as entertaining as always the undercard, much like New Years Revolution a few weeks previous, was utterly dire.The only notable happening from the undercard was Gregory Helms jumping ship from Raw to Smackdown when he won the WWE Cruiserweight Championship invitational.Mickie James battling Ashley with Trish Stratus as the special guest referee would be a match best left for Raw. It had no place on one of the big four. The match was bad. Mickie won but I don't think anyone really cares.JBL has been billed as the longest running WWE Champion in ten years. So why in the hell did he fall to The Boogeyman in such short time? This could have single handedly demolished JBL's credibility and heaven knows it took long enough for the fans to accept him in the first place.Then came the Royal Rumble itself. Why it was so low down the card I do not know. Like I said earlier, an entertaining affair with Mysterio coming out on top after coming in at number 2 and going all the way. I still think it would have made more sense for Randy Orton to win the match but hell, what do I know. Triple H also put on a great performance coming in at number 1 and going to the final three. Another entertaining part of the match was Shawn Michaels being eliminated from behind by Shane McMahon.The WWE Championship was on the line when Edge defended against John Cena. The match was average and nothing more. Cena won and thus making Edge the "Transitional Champion" he did not want to be known as. What a terrible first Championship reign for Edge. The only decent thing coming from it was his TLC match with Ric Flair on Raw.And then the last match of the night. The good news? It involved Kurt Angle. The bad news? It also involved Mark Henry. Christ, I can't stand this useless waste of space. The match was terrible but still better than I expected. Angle won, which we all knew would happen anyway. As did the crowd in the American Airlines Arena, Miami Florida who started to filter out before the match had finished. This was a pity because they missed The Undertakers return at the end of the show to challenge Kurt Angle for the World Heavyweight Championship. The Dead Man demolished the ring with lighting bolts. Just a pity he hadn't done it before Mark Henry was due to wrestle.One of the worse events I have ever watched in WWE history. One to avoid.


1) 6-Man Invitational for the Cruiserweight title. Kid Kash vs. Funaki vs. Jamie Noble vs. Paul London vs. Nunzio vs. Gregory Helms. A great choice for an opener. Fast-paced match with lots of high spots. ***2) Mickie James vs. Ashley, with Trish as the special guest ref. A mediocre match. You get the feeling that Mickie would like to get more technical (nice single-leg boston crabs), but the match is pulled towards a catfight, probably to cover up the inexperience of Ashley. Don't get me wrong, though, Ashley is undeniably learning. ** 3) JBL vs. The Boogeyman. What can I say about this? Awful, but at least short. * 4) The Royal Rumble Match. The middle part is kind of exhausting, but the beginning and the end, when the action can be followed more clearly, are very entertaining. The constant dedications to the memory of the late Eddie Guerrero are a matter of taste, though. Personally I find them distasteful. *** 5) Edge vs. John Cena (WWE title). An average match that offers something we haven't seen before: Cena getting out-wrestled most of the way, but coming out on top at the end! Who would have thought? ** 6) Kurt Angle vs. Mark Henry (WH title). Before the match, Angle cuts a HILARIOUS promo ("Oh, and by the way....Mark Henry, YOU SUCK!"). The match itself tells an interesting story: Kurt realizes that he can't beat the World's Fattest - em, I mean Strongest - Man with sheer technique, so he has to resort to cheating tactics (chair shots, etc.). **1/2 After the match, the Undertaker appears and, with the help of some ridiculous pyrotechnics, makes the ring collapse.

Steve Donnachie

Royal Rumble 2006 will go down as a 50-50 pay per view. it had some good matches and bad matches.1. Kid Kash vs Funaki vs Paul London vs Nunzio vs Jamie Noble vs Gregary Helms. Awesome match. It was kind of slow at first and it was shocking to see a Helms in a Smackdown match when he was on Raw. The match started getting good maybe 5 minutes into it. All 6 of these men continue to amaze fans with there fast and furious moves. The ending was a little disappointing. 5/10 2. JBL vs The Boogyman. Not a good match. Lets face it. I have said it once I will say it again. Just because you look like a great heel or a great face by image dosn't make you a great wrestler. Image is not everything. And these 2 men proved it. JBL did his usual punching and kicking and 1 move then back to punching and kicking. And the boogyman proved why he still has a long way to go. Why they put him in the match with a higher card wrestler is beyond me. Of course it was nice to see Gillan Hall who always looks great now that the mold came of her face. But this match was the worst on the card.2/10 3. Mickie James vs Ashley. Trish Stratus was the guest referee. This match was pointless. It made no sense as to why the womans title wasn't defended and why Trish wasn't wrestling on the card. Mickie James proved she is a great wrestler. A little better and more improved then Ashley who seemed really lost in this match. If you look real carefully you could see Trish mumbling instructions in this match to Ashley who was clearly not ready for a big match.3/10. 4. The Royal Rumble Match. Better then last years. Some new wrestlers were in it and some old ones that you never thought you would see again like Tatanka and Goldust. The ending was surprising and it was a little sad knowing that Rey Mysterio finally gets put into the main event picture because Eddie Guerrero passed away. But this Rumble match was OK. Of course we could have done without the Sprit Sqaud who interrupted the match before it started. 5. Edge vs John Cena. Not a bad match. Edge does his best to carry Cena through this match who amazingly did more then 1 move this time instead of his usual punching and kicking and doing his FU. Edge got great heat from the crowd. I was disappointed that Edge lost the title to Cena. Edge is clearly the better wrestler then Cena and why he didn't get to keep the title longer is beyond me. 7/10. 6. Kurt Angle vs Mark Henry. This match was OK. Kurt Angle did his best to carry the much heavier and slower Mark Henry who seemed tired out after 5 minutes. Mark Henry might be a great heel but this match was slow and kind of boring and surprisingly short. 5/10


Not an outstanding night, but i was very surprised at how the matches boiled out and the rumble winner left me thinking i was still sleeping. So once again wwe relies on shock value for the second pay per view running in order to be a success.1. Cruiserweight Open. 8/10 Bar the Rumble this match was the best of the night, it was so good, great moves, great finishers and some high flying as well, top match and great way to start off the pay per view.2. Boogeyman Vs JBL. 4/10 Wasn't really a "match" well what did you expect. It was more of a creepy segment with punch and kicks.3. Ashley Vs Mickie James. REF - Trish 3/10 It started well for these two, Ashley looked better in ring but after 5 minutes it turned into a horror show, they got sloppy, Trish got bored, Ashley started getting booed because all she was doing was fake, and i mean FAKE! punching and kicking, it was that bad. Ashley needs work and fast! 4. Royal Rumble. 9/10 Quite a surprise to see this match 3rd on the card but at then end of the show it became clear why. It was a great rumble match as usual, a bit better then last year, mostly because i was so shocked Mysterio won, even though there were rumours he would, i didn't believe it, then when he was left with Orton i was sure Orton would win, but it was Rey!5. John Cena Vs Edge WWE CHAMPIONSHIP. 6/10 Once again i was quite at surprise with the result, even though there were rumours Cena would win it back so soon, i just couldn't see it happening. The match was okay, considering they haven't worked together much it was okay but nothing special or to write home about. Great entrance from Cena and big pop for his victory.6. Mark Henry Vs Kurt Angle WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP. 5/10 Well it was Mark Henry and not even the great Angle could get a match out of him, plus this match was so predictable that i couldn't even be bothered to concentrate, saying that there was nothing special to concentrate on. The end of the match made it all too clear why the booking of the PPV was in such bizarre order, yes the once again boring lacklustre return of the Undertaker, i am getting so sick of this guy.Overall a good night for shock value, plus the super cruiser weight match, the ending was very annoying, but not for Undertaker fans.
