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Shaker Run

Shaker Run (1985)

May. 10,1985
| Drama Action Thriller

With the accidental discovery of a lethal bio-agent at her research facility, Dr. Christine Ruben decides to double cross her own government by stealing the deadly formula to keep it out of the clutches of the military, whom she doesn't trust. To make her rendezvous with some confederates who promise to get her out of the country, she recruits daredevil driver Judd Pierson and his partner Casey Lee, who are down on their luck and take the job without knowing what they're getting into.


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A Brilliant Conflict


Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.

Sarita Rafferty

There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.


This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.


It was around this time when Cliff Robertson was struggling for work, due to his age and being blacklisted by Hollywood, so that explains what he's doing in a New Zealand movie. Robertson doesn't show much enthusiasm - he seems to be phoning it in and using his charisma to cover his lack of energy. (His co-star, Leif Garrett, actually isn't bad.) Anyway, the main features of the movie are car chases and action sequences. Some of the stunt sequences aren't bad, but the majority of the action is poorly directed, with continuity goofs to boot. On the other hand, the screenplay has some interest, with the N.Z. filmmakers having a cynical view of their government and portraying America in a heroic role. On the whole, the movie is pretty mediocre, but I think some viewers may get more out of it than I did, viewers who want to see the N.Z. countryside and urban environment (we get plenty of both), and who find the idea of a N.Z. action movie intriguing.

Comeuppance Reviews

Seemingly the only reason for the movie "Shaker Run" to exist, is to prove now, beyond any doubt, the old adage: "real men wear pink." Judd Pierson (Robertson) is a down-on-his-luck stunt driver for the "Helldrivers Auto Circus". He's getting older, and he can't quite jump that long row of cars like he used to. The audiences are dwindling but luckily Pierson has a young and enthusiastic sidekick named Casey (Garrett). Being a passenger in speeding cars makes Casey ill, which really complicates the events about to transpire...When scientist Dr. Christine Rubin (Harrow) approaches them to take "the box" (which is a lethal virus) from one side of New Zealand to the other, The Helldriver boys reluctantly accept. The only problem is, an endless supply of Australian baddies are hot on their trail and constantly trying to kill them. The leader of the cabal of goons is Paul Thoreau (Briant of "Moving Targets" fame) who is in a helicopter for most of the movie.Can the Helldrivers and Dr. Rubin get "the box" to its destination before it is snatched away by Thoreau? "Shaker Run" is an undiscovered gem of a road movie. There are some impressive car chases and stunts. Just imagine a cross between "Vanishing Point", "Smokey & The Bandit", and "The Andromeda Strain". While the title: "Shaker Run" might not be fully explained, I suppose "Vanishing Smokey Strain" doesn't have a good ring to it. Robertson portrays the grizzled old driver who's "the best" with aplomb. He also has cool hat. It is not quite 10 gallon, more like 3-4 gallons. But it suits him perfectly.Another good thing about "Run" is was made before political correctness and the "Budweiser" logo appears on cars and a simple chase that lasts for most of the movie is all you needed to get by.One of the highlights is when our heroes are trapped on a boat. If you ever wanted to see Leif Garrett bash through a wall, here is your chance. Lastly, in a show of consideration, one of the credits at the end of the movie asks that you "please drive home safely." "Run" to go see "Shaker Run" tonight! For more insanity, please visit: comeuppancereviews.com


In New Zealand, Cliff Robertson (as Judd Pierson) is an semi-unemployed daredevil race-car driver. Mr. Robertson advertises Budweiser beer on his race-car. His traveling companion is mechanic Leif Garrett (as Casey Lee). Mr. Garrett drinks Budweiser beer when he goes out to pick up women. While Robertson and Garrett are trying to make ends meet, Doctor Lisa Harrow (as Christine Ruben) learns a deadly virus has been discovered by some suspicious characters she works with at a laboratory. Ms. Harrow hires Robertson as her driver then, she steals the virus. Robertson, Garrett, and Harrow take off with the virus, in Robertson's "Helldrivers Auto Circus" car. Bad guys like Shane Briant (as Paul Thoreau) will do almost anything to get the virus back…Interestingly, the virus stolen by Harrow destroys the body's immune system, like AIDS. It was discovered accidentally, and Harrow seems correct in her assumption about how her government would use the virus; she doesn't trust New Zealand's military. Why she decides to, instead, deliver the virus to the United States CIA has even co-star Robertson baffled! Despite some warming up, there isn't much characterization. The ending gives the film a lift. *** Shaker Run (1985) Bruce Morrison ~ Cliff Robertson, Leif Garrett, Lisa Harrow, Shane Briant


This film is a fairly original piece of budget wonder. Not to be watched by casual film goers as it won't exactly amaze them. This film has a great mixture of tastes, for starters it has a scientific edge;2 the boy racers out there will love it's realistic(well maybe not) stunts. The acting is awful but this adds to the 80's nostalgia. If you don't see it you will live and if you do nothing will change it's that sort of film
