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Future Cops

Future Cops (1993)

July. 15,1993
| Action Comedy Science Fiction

In the year 2043, an evil crime lord is trying to take over the world. Only one government official stands in his way, and plans to send him to prison, so The General and his minions Kent, Thai King, and Toyota travel to the year 1993 to kill the official before he has a chance to get into office. During a battle with The General's minions, the Future Cops Lung, Broom Man, Ti Man, and Ah-Sing hear of their evil plan and devise a plan of their own to travel back in time to protect the official.


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It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.

Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin

The movie really just wants to entertain people.


One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.


In the year 2043, M. Bison is about to serve a hefty jail sentence but not if he can help it, he sends his best men Ken, Sagat and E. Honda back to the year 1993 to kill off the judge that originally jailed their leader. The government get wind of Bison's plans and send a crack team of officers to put a spanner in Bison's work, those officers are Vega, Guile and Dhalsim.The three officers arrive in the past and befriend a bumbling high school student who is the butt of both the school's bullies and his sister's, Chun Li, jokes.The three future cops begin their search for the judge before Bison's men can get their hands on him.This movie was insane, I had heard many bad things about it so I didn't have high expectations when I out the disc in, I mean I figured it couldn't be as bad as it's made out to be.So, basically it's Wong Jing's attempt at adapting the characters from the popular arcade classic Street Fighter II into a feature length movie, he had already played around with the characters in the Jackie Chan classic City Hunter in which Jackie and the other co-stars imitated the game in one scene. Clearly Wong had enjoyed the experience he decided to stretch the whole thing out into a 90 minute movie.First off I should mention when Wong began production he had "forgotten" to ask the developers of Street Fighter II if he could use the names and likenesses so what you see are names played around with i.e. E. Honda becomes Toyota and Sagat becomes Tai King and so on. Also the costumes are changed slightly but still have the look of the original characters.The plot is a send off of Stephen Chow's Fight Back To School when the good guys disguise themselves as pupils at a high school and get into all sorts of wacky high jinks which for the most part work well on a brainless level.The action in this one is scarce which is a shame since it is a fighting game which was the inspiration for this flick but when the action does occur it's fast and frantic, a trade mark of the action director Ching Siu-Tung's work, He styled the scenes to emulate the game play and he did it quite well, although the scene from City Hunter was a little bit better. Each of the actors display the signature moves of their respective characters.Wong Jing's directing leaves little to be desired but the cast is pretty star filled for a Hong Kong movie, in here you've got Andy Lau, Jackie Cheung, Aaron Kwok, Simon Yam. Chingamy Yau, Dicky Cheung and Ekin Cheng.Each actor gives a decent performance, well it is a comedy so there's not much reason to flex the acting muscles in this one.My only problem is that the film should have given more screen time to Aaron Kwok as Ryu or as he's referred to in this Lung, he his a crazy fight with Ekin Cheng at the beginning of the movie and then you don't see him for the rest of the movie until right near the end.Really this kind of movie could only be fully appreciated if you're viewing it with friends, preferably in a Mystery Science Theatre 3000 type of situation. I recommend you buy the movie if you can find it cheap, just try not to take it too seriously.

Joseph P. Ulibas

Future Cops (1994) was one of the last films that Wong Jing made using the STREET FIGHTER video game characters. This bizarre film that was written and directed by Wong Jing (fight direction by Ching Siu-Tung) is not only a violent affair but it's a hilarious end up of video games and teen comedies.The movie begins sometime in the 25th century. A descendant of a great and powerful judge is in danger of flunking out of school. In order for the future to remain on it's current course, word has been received that the nation's enemies have built a time machine. They'll stop at nothing to make sure the 20th century descendant flunks out of school for good. To present this from happening, four of the best cops are sent back in time to watch over this kid. When they arrive in the 20th century, they see that the future's savior is a 28 year old high school student who's a total ween. His sister keeps him in check and he's oblivious from the affections of his hot girlfriend.I don't know how to explain the rest of the movie. What occurs during the next ninety minutes goes beyond explanation. I don't even know where to start. But if you love slapstick comedy with heaping servings of low brown humor then you'll love this movie. If you have watched Wong Jing movies in the past and haven't already seen this film, what are you waiting for? Grab a copy of this movie today!! Stars Simon Yam, Andy Lau, Aaron Kwok Jacky Cheung, Chingmy Yau, Yuen King Tan, Ken Lo, Richard Ng, Charlie Yeung ,Dennis Chan and Dicky CheungHighly recommended.


In the future, year 2043, Bison is convicted and comes up with a plan to free himself. He sends his henchmen, Ken, Honda and Sagat, back in time to 1993 to find and destroy the judge who sentenced him when he was still vulnerable. It turns out that at this time he was still in high school. Cops from the future are also sent back in time to find him first and protect him. Throughout most of the story they are looking for him in the past, and trying to blend in with society of the time. This has to be one of the funniest movies i've seen in a very long time. If you are not in the mood for silly comedy, wait until you are to watch this. Street Fighter fans especially will have fun watching how silly the characters in this movie are. It's very similar to anime in it's humor stylings, making for a completely unrealistic, but comedic world. I would completely recommend this as a party movie among friends when you want a lot of laughs.


Future cops is a cool street fighter based movie which came before Jean-Claude Van Damme's American version of Street Fighter the movie. It is insane also because instead of General Bison's organization "Shadaloo", they called it "The General". Vega is with the good guys?!. Also, Sagat has hair. In the game, Sagat is bald. What's up with Colonel Guile's hair? It is black all over. Plus, Ryu does not have a headband (like in the American version). Well, at least they made Ryu the main character but not Ken. And also, they mixed the movie up with Goku, a DBZ character. The story should be about Street Fighter (in Chinese). This movie is also a laugh-out-loud movie mixed with action. Anyway, I will give it 9/10.
