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The Taking

The Taking (2013)

April. 12,2013
| Horror Thriller

Two strangers must discover a way to escape a sinister family who wishes to sacrifice their souls to an evil presence.


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Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.

Brendon Jones

It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.

Bessie Smyth

Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.

Quiet Muffin

This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.


When IMDb used to have a forum section for each movie, people would often make the clichéd "Worst movie ever" post. I challenge anyone who ever made such a post to compare whatever movie they were writing about to this one.There are no redeeming features in this film except for the tittle and genre. It is across the board awful. The dialog is atrocious. The score is horrible. The script is nonexistent.I can't fathom how this could ever have been made let alone distributed. It can only be because it's a great title for a horror film. Anyone who actually watched it would just be dumbfounded at what they had just seen.


Wow this was terrible. I lasted more than some of the other viewers. I lasted almost 40 minutes and then just shut the piece of crap off. I felt my time was better spent writing this review than sitting through that last half of the movie. I don't even write reviews. This is my first one. If a movie makes me create an IMDb account just to write a poor review then the movie has to be horrendous.I only watched this movie because it WAS rated so poorly and I felt like I needed a good laugh in the morning. I've seen better "movies" on Tosh.O's Viewers Upload segment. The Plot made no sense if there was even a plot at all. It was confusing and all over the place. What the heck was this even about? There wasn't even much dialogue. This movie would have been better if they just made it a silent movie. It still wouldn't have made any sense but at least we wouldn't have had to listen to the crappy music, ghost voice and cheesy sound bites.The constant flow of random images and still shots that made no sense or ties to the story at that moment. Random shots of trees, spiders and people that pop up every minute or so. The same still shot of the forest kept repeating every time they tried to make an eerie transition. The ghost voice, it was so bad that I laughed every time I heard it.This was just a terrible movie which was poorly written and directed. Actually, this was just a terrible movie in every which way you can think of. Can we even call it a movie? A movie has a plot with a beginning and an end that flows nicely. This was just a mish mash of still shots, live action scenes, bad sound effects and music all mixed into one big bowl of crap.The people who made this movie are probably celebrating and high five'n each other because they made a movie and got it released on DVD. Its like bragging and boasting that you are dating the ugliest girl in school. You don't brag about something like that. You hang your head in shame and try to think of ways to kill yourself.Overall this movie sucked. Flat out sucked. The writers, directors,editors and camera men shouldn't be allowed to write a script, step foot onto a movie set or touch a camera ever again. Your attempt at making a decent movie failed and your credibility in the movie industry is forever tainted.

patience johnson

This movie was amazingly awful. I watched the whole thing in shock wondering "why." Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. AWFUL... I didn't understand any of it from beginning to end. I feel cheated out of my time. I love horror movies and I've never in my life seen one like this before. Flashes of confusion, half of the time u can't tell who did what to whom. Who's idea was this? Who believed this would make it? Don't waste your time or money on this film. These people need lots more practice before trying this again. My rating is inaccurate because there's no negative options (like -10). Long story short- this film will frustrate and confuse you and eventually upset you...


First, I want to say I love Horror flicks and that is what this one was suppose to be.This film could not even be so lucky to ever be considered a b movie, its more like a D movie meaning Don't waste your time. If someone was to ask me what this film is about I would have to tell them I don't know.I watched the movie before going to the IMDb and after watching it and having no comprehension I just had to see what the IMDb said about this horrible movie. But,I will tell you what i did see....that there was no plot, a bunch of useless shots of the woods, one goth looking person, a guy tied to a tree and I guess his girlfriend, a handful of people that were not acting, after all, there was hardly any dialogue.lest I not forget the stupid noise that I guess is suppose to be scary music as well as inaudible talking? I do not like giving bad reviews and I always look at the good amongst the bad but this one is all bad! I honestly thought that it was so bad that IMDb would not have it in there data base! My advice is skip this one.
