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Meet the Fokkens

Meet the Fokkens (2012)

October. 18,2012
| Documentary

Sisters doing it for themselves in Amsterdam's Red Light District. Louise and Martine Fokkens are identical twins. For over fifty years they were working as prostitutes. They freed themselves from the control of their pimps, ran their own brothel, and set up the first informal trade union for prostitutes. They are familiar faces in Amsterdam's Red Light District, but soon they will bid their farewells. The Ladies Fokkens is a portrait of these remarkable women, as well as a history of the Red Light District over the past fifty years.


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Highly Overrated But Still Good

Arianna Moses

Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.


There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.

Francene Odetta

It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.


**** SPOILER ALERT***I was so pleasantly surprised by this authentic, original documentary that I watched it twice in one day. When I originally saw the title, I thought there was no way I'd be interested in it. However, my husband had watched it and I was curious. I loved it even more than he did. The sisters are so genuine and real and caring. They have a sense of humor and love of life that is just contagious. It made me want to learn more about them. I wanted to move to Amsterdam and befriend them and buy their paintings. The sex scenes, while graphic, seemed tasteful. Martine seemed to really care about her customers and want to make them happy. She has a positive outlook on life overall and believes that most men are kind. Both sisters had a quiet dignity that was really appealing. I loved this documentary more than I can say.

Michael O'Keefe

Subject matter makes this documentary out of the ordinary. Interesting, touching and funny, along with a few X-rated scenes. Martine and Louise Fokkens are 69 year old identical twin sisters discussing their lives as prostitutes in Amsterdam's Red Light District for more than 50 years. These charming women share stories concerning trials and tribulations revealing a few of the challenges and difficulties they faced establishing Amsterdam's prostitute trade union.The sisters reminisce about their childhood and teen years and the decisions made to enter their profession. Some of the stories about improbable clients may be a bit racy. The sincere care these sisters share for each other is nonetheless touching. This documentary may not be for everyone; but I am glad I didn't choose to pass over this one.


The documentary "Meet the Fokkens" (Ouwehoeren) benefits from more than just a clever title.The Red Light District of Amsterdam caters to many travelers from around the world, but has not been the subject of many documentaries. I was curious to discover exactly how the district functions in the legalization of normally illegal activities.The documentary does not concentrate on those activities per se, but rather hones in on the lives of two of the district's long time residents. The trials and tribulations of these twin sisters give us a window onto the history of the district. Their lives highlight many of the difficulties that lead some to their profession.This documentary shines a light on issues that need to be discussed.
