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American Backwoods: Slew Hampshire

American Backwoods: Slew Hampshire (2015)

October. 06,2015
| Horror Comedy Thriller

In June of 1994, one of the most brutal mass slaughters in history occurred in the backwoods of northern New England. Four months later, history is about to repeat itself. The end of summer signals the brink of manhood for a group of lifelong friends who proudly call New Hampshire their home. But when they embark upon a local rite of passage - traveling north for one final weekend of debauchery together - it just might prove to be their final weekend PERIOD, as this rite is doomed to go frightfully wrong. When they find themselves ensnared in a struggle for survival amongst a sinister hunting party, a bloodthirsty tribe AND a mythical beast, what began as a comedy of errors devolves into an all-out Darwinian duel to the death, and less than 24 hours will pass before a slew of lives have been claimed and the last of the living remains.


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Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.


Very Cool!!!


Surprisingly incoherent and boring


The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.


American Backwoods: Slew Hampshire is a comedy horror film that only fans of the lowest brow style of comedy will enjoy. It's about the usual party of morons who go out into the woods to celebrate in style only to run afoul of the various denizens already living in the depths of the forest. These include rapist rednecks and a little-seen monster.While I appreciate this movie's lightness of touch, I have to say that the comedy is really diabolical and overstated. That it is occasionally amusing is purely down to the wacky editing which enlivens some of the otherwise dumb moments that would be forgettable if filmed normally. Some cheap gore doesn't do much to distinguish this otherwise uneventful production.

Erik Vanlier

Review by Golden State Haunts and EventsIn American Backwoods, four months after one of the most brutal slaughters happened in American history, four friends, Kid (Jeremy Isabella), Dude-Guy (Tyler Rice), Buddy (Shawn Thomas) and Bro (Dayo Okeniyi – The Hunger Games and Terminator: Genisys) travel from New Hampshire to the Canadian border to visit a private strip club in a rite of passage after a party they were to attend gets raided. They never make it to their destination after their car spins out and Officer Girth (Matt Hish) deems it unsafe to continue. The four friends are then taken captive and what ensues is a violent film filled with gore and violent scenes of rape.With everything going on the movie is somewhat hard to follow so viewers must pay attention to all the subtleties and undertones. Director/writer Flood Reed has created an ultriovelent film that covers several topics spanning from mythology and horror to comedy. He even has a few scenes in the film. The scenes of gore seem more high budget using practical effects. Once the movie kicks into high gear it may offend and repulse but it offers a little for everyone. The only thing we didn't like was the complexity of the movie as we like our horror films to flow more smoothly and not have to try to peel back confusing layers.


A night of partying turns weird for a group of friends after an car accident and the arrival of supposed cops in a station wagon. Murderous hunters collide with a cannibalistic tribe, as the kidnapped party goers must struggle for survival.The film carries and eerie, trippy vibe, mixed with a gritty film style. The result is a terrifying atmosphere, with a constant feeling of dread. It has a pretty standard lost-in-the-woods, kidnapped-by-hillbillies kind of set up until the tribe and the creature are thrown into the mix, then things start to get really interesting. A disgusting blend of gore and rape make for a horrific film that make something like 'Deliverance' look like a a nice vacation in the woods. The addition of comedic relief make the film a whole lot of gratuitous fun for gore fans.Dayo Okeniyi is excellent as mature one of the group, Bro. I always enjoy seeing the director's play horrible characters, particularly in horror. Director/writer Flood Reed shows off his multi-talent abilities as hillbilly Bags. If you love over the top violence and gore, you won't want to miss 'American Backwoods: Slew Hampshire'.


Review-American Backwoods has the honor of being the first film I have ever witnessed that made me feel like I was using drugs when I was not. One thing for sure, director Floor Reed is a much messed up individual but my god is he very creative and genius. This film has some of the most insane dialogue I have heard in a horror film; let me rephrase that, in any film this year. There is a scene in the film when the radio is playing a "sexy song", and that song is so absurd that you feel obligated to join in the catchy feel of it. You would never guess from the opening sequence this is a low budget film. Mixing a genre like horror with comical elements is always a hard pill for most horror fans to swallow. The results and reactions are usually mixed at best. I feel this film that film in the early stages had a direction, but as the film was filming that direction went out the window in favor of making the viewer guess where the film is heading.This film revolves around the simplest premise, the premise of four college students making their way to a strip club. We learn as this film starts going, that the group has a past together. Bro it seems was injured one time when they were on snowmobiles. There is really not much in terms of substance and character development when we see the college guys interact, but this is horror and we sort of expect it. The film finds itself when it comes to both the horror element and also the humor element. What shocked me the most was as bloody and disgusting this film gets, you always feel like they are winking at you. Well our college boys find a bunch of redneck hillbilly types who seem to enjoy hunting for human beings. Well, they also practice the lost arts of raping and killing as well. As we think the hillbillies and being raped could be our worst hope in this side of the world, there is something out there as well that seems to be a bigger threat.The one word that stuck out to me the most in this film was "unique". This film really does not mind taking gambles and hoping people can follow. This film is not afraid to test boundaries. This film gives you plenty of sick and disturbing moments that fans watch a film like this for. The pacing in this film was a small issue I had, it seemed that as the hour mark hit, the film lost some of its humor flare and felt a little too similar to other films like a Chainsaw Massacre or a Wrong Turn. I really liked the last ten minutes of this film, and felt that it made a good statement about what we just witnessed. This film to me was a great welcome to a director I feel has his head in the right place, and his heart firmly in this genre. This is a horror film that can only be pulled off by a true fan of the genre. While this film is far from perfect, it does deliver in good doses what we watch these little films for. With any justice, this film will get some good word of mouth from both buyers and critics. Slew Hampshire is a odd place but boy was it fun to visit.
