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Ricky Gervais Live: Animals

Ricky Gervais Live: Animals (2003)

November. 17,2003
| Comedy

Ricky Gervais entertains a live audience in his first stand-up routine.


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This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.


There is just so much movie here. For some it may be too much. But in the same secretly sarcastic way most telemarketers say the phrase, the title of this one is particularly apt.

Ezmae Chang

This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

Billy Ollie

Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable

The Couchpotatoes

What's not to like about Ricky Gervais? He is an atheist, he has a great sense of humor, and he can tell a story like it doesn't really matter but the truth is that he makes people aware of all kinds of things that people take for granted without asking questions because people just assume it is like that. This is Ricky Gervais' first stand-up comedy, and also the first one I saw from him, and it will definitely not be the last one for me. I loved everything about it, the wrong humor, the sarcasm, and his subtle way to bring it like he couldn't care less. As an atheist myself I can only applaud people who mock religion, and in this case in a very funny way. Showing people in a funny way how ridiculous religion is should at least make some believers doubt and maybe make them realize that they have been fooled at young age. Ricky Gervais is one of a kind, one of the funniest guys I know.


Ricky Gervais is absolutely brilliant! I first saw him in The Office, which was one of the most fantastically addicting shows I've ever watched. It was also one of the most uncomfortable shows to watch, much in the vein of Curb Your Enthusiasm. Then I saw him in Extras and by that time I was craving more. So I happened to come across this live special and was again floored at the pure comedy brilliance of this man. It's the subtleties in his humor that makes it so great. I am an American so there are a few bits that I didn't have any reference to but even those bits were hilarious just because Ricky Gervais is such a talented comedian. I can't wait to watch more of his stuff!


Finally saw Ricky Gervais first stand-up special and despite a rocky start (not the hilarious video, I'm talking of the stand-up proper), only rocky because as an American, I didn't get all the name-dropping. But after that I've never laughed so hard at a stand-up special. Take that Eddie Izzard! Ricky stays mostly on the animal kingdom, but takes detours into the Bible, bestiality, Nazis, homosexuality, Stephen Hawkings, Anne Frank and the internet with great comic timing. Ever since "The Office" I actively try to seek out each and every thing Mr. Gervais has done, be it skits, stand-up, printed or TV interviews and I have yet to be disappointed. So if you have a chance to see this brilliance, please do.My Grade: A


I have watched many, many different UK comedians standup routines, both live and on recording. This is far and away the funniest. Ricky Gervais, together with Jimmy Carr and Steve Coogan urinate from great heights on the average comedy of such luminaries as Harry Hill, Peter Kay and Eddie Izzard. I last remember laughing a lot like this at things like Eddie Murphy's raw decades ago. When humour is sanitised by political correctness or tries so hard to be intellectual it simply isn't funny, it self defeats its very existence. Fortunately Gervais suffers from neither. He takes the risk, IS offensive (if your an uptight person who gets offended by comedy that is) and pulls it off. I wish more comedians would ignore P.C and be as offensive as they want. I recently watched a Roy Chubby Brown stand-up routine which was awful. The fact it was overtly racist wasn't the problem, it simply wasn't funny and so got boring, I turned it off after half an hour. Had it been funny it could have been as any-ist as it liked as far as I'm concerned - IT'S COMEDY!!!. There's too many people desperately looking to be offended enabling them to preach their high moral standards for kudos in their sanitised peer group's eyes. We live in an offensive world, deal with it.I have now watched this about 5 times and am still left with an aching belly. I had to rest 40 mins through on the first watch as it hurt so much from laughing I thought I was going to die. It's the casual don'gi'a'f*** mischievous schoolboy delivery and the excellent material that makes it a classic. If you don't pi55 yourself laughing then wonder 'how come someone hasn't noticed that you're dead?' Well done Ricky - a breath of fresh free air in an era of PC Stagnation - Thx
