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Me Too

Me Too (2009)

October. 16,2009
| Drama Comedy

Daniel, a recent university graduate with Down's Syndrome falls in love on his first day at work in the Department of Social Services. Laura is an outsider who spends her nights in the city's crowded clubs and singles' bars, escaping her problems in the arms of total strangers. Yet despite their apparent incompatibility, the two strike up a moving, bittersweet friendship that touches them both and eventually sets them on the road to happiness.


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Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.

Tobias Burrows

It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.

Scotty Burke

It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review


Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.


A very simple story with a heart of gold. It's a bit rough around the edge, but this suits the story perfectly.I think the main female character, whom I consider interesting enough to explore deeper into her family (e.g. what happened in the past?). Anyway, the story is concentrating on Daniel and his friend's struggle to be normal, so this is only a minor point.Please I urge you go and see it. I promise you the warmth will stay with you and change the way you see others. It melts my heart I hope it will do the same to you. Never forget we are all humans and have feelings. See things from the other perspective.


The opening night attraction at the La Mirada festival of Hispanic cinema was this engaging but off beat romance between an unlikely couple. Yo, Tambien (Me, Too) is the fourth film from the writer/director partnership of Antonio Naharro and Alvero Pastor, but it is the one that has gained the most success, having traveled the film festival circuit and picking up a number of international awards along the way. The central character here is Daniel (Played by Pablo Pineda), a high functioning sufferer who has earned a university degree and holds down an office job with social services. It is there that he befriends Laura (played by Lola Duenas, from Volver, etc), a dysfunctional colleague who drinks to excess and sleeps around. These two outsiders form a friendship that enables them to cope with an often cruel world. Yo, Tambien successfully sets out to challenge our perceptions of normality, but many will find the film challenging because of its subject matter. However, it is an honest and intelligently handled look at how people with Downs Syndrome are treated, both by society at large and by their own well meaning but overprotective families. While it could have been exploitative and patronising, the film maintains a sense of dignity in its treatment of its central character. A key subplot centres around Luisa and Pedro (played by Lourdes Naharro and Daniel Parejo respectively), both of whom also suffer from Downs Syndrome and who want to experience freedom, but are less successful. Pineda, who himself suffers from Downs Syndrome, gives a warm and natural performance filled with humour and spirit. He is essentially playing a character that has a number of parallels with his own life. Duenas is also very good in a complex role and she gives an emotionally charged performance. The leads develop a very strong rapport, and the genuine chemistry between them lifts the movie. The film is set in Seville, and the bright but understated cinematography of brings the location to life. The film has been beautifully and sensitively directed by Naharro and Pastor, but there are some scenes during the second half that hint of unnecessary padding.

Pascal Zinken (LazySod)

A guy with a University degree in his pocket finds a job and quickly falls in love with one of the females working in the same office. While she initially does not respond to him she does start to turn around and the first fragile stage for a relation is set. So far, an all too often used story. The twist to this is that the guy has Down's syndrome.And with that twist the trouble starts - some people disagree with the developing relation, some people have trouble accepting the fact that people with Down's syndrome can actually be quite smart and very aware of the world around them.As a film this one is nice - it touches on inter-human relations and acceptance of these relations by the people living around the people in the relations. It is believable and just lovely.Next to a film it's also a message, and as a message it's a very strong and clear one: don't put people with a disability in a single box and expect all of them to be the same. I must admit I was one of those people that were not aware that some people with Down's syndrome were able to get University degrees. Having had only very limited contact with a couple people with the syndrome I didn't hold it possible. This film opened my eyes though and I shall never look at them with the same eyes again.Good stuff and food for thought. 9 out of 10 wide eyed stares


I saw this film at Sundance 2010 and it quickly became one of my favorites for its heart and realism. The plot resembles a typical love story...Daniel meets Laura at work and over time they discover that they have much in common, enjoy each other's company and start to date outside work.The difference is that Daniel has Down's Syndrome while Laura does not and that makes their relationship different. In addition despite missing a chromosome Daniel has a university degree and an intellects view of the world which he is able to use to both surprise and teach those around him.The audience is similarly challenged as the film explores the need all human beings have for love and companionship and the danger of stereotypes when looking for that love. The Directors Álvaro Pastor and Antonio Naharro have managed to get superb performances from the entire cast and I wished I had the foresight to ask them how much of Daniel's humor was scripted for it feels as natural as any conversation I have had today. I sincerely hope to see this film again!
