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Buddy (2003)

August. 29,2003
| Drama Comedy Romance

Kristoffer lives in Oslo with his friends Geir and Stig Inge. He works as a billboard installer, and in his spare time he makes a video diary with Geir and Stig, containing stunts of a Jackass-nature. When Kristoffer's girlfriend, Elisabeth, leaves him, his life seems to fall to pieces. Until his videos are featured on Norway's most popular talk show and Kristoffer becomes famous.


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it is the rare 'crazy' movie that actually has something to say.


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Tyreece Hulme

One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.


Buddy (2003)A quirky low budget film with a strain of realism holding its absurdity together. There are some implausible twists of plot, and a general feeling that it could have been both more poignant and more tightly edited. But it is most of all very sweet, and because of that it's touching and a nice film, something to watch with expectations in check.The key here is really the straight forward storytelling style, the ordinary camera-work, the feeling that contemporary Norway looks and feels a bit like this. There is a sadness to a lot of it that seems forced and yet is moving. The romantic encounters are believable and just wrong and awkward enough to remind us of what it was like to be 20-something and completely tossed around in relationships.In fact, the best of this movie--two or three of the leading actors, for starters--is so good and natural you only wish it had the rest of its act in order. But then, if you make it to the end, you'll either smile or cry because you'll be a bit attached to the actors by then. Fun.


I was originally planning to go to sleep but then i saw a few minutes of Buddy . I ended up watching it till past midnight. It's about three friends, Kristoffer, Geir & Stig Igne. They live in the "Toyen center " . More information from other comments. Buddy must be one the best heart-warming movies i've ever seen ! I didn't expect this much from a foreign film . I loved the characters , Kristoffer, Henriette, Geir & Stig Igne. They were all very unique and had some great characteristics. Nice acting and i especially loved the ending ! It was more than i expected ! It definitely put a smile on my face. I give it 9/10 and i certainly recommend it to those who would like to see some nice decent romance .


The first half of the movie felt fresh and i don't see many Norwegian movies, but with the inner city and young hipp youths in the center of the movie it didn't feel that different from any other Scandinavian movie. What i liked was some of the short jokes with/from the supporting casts. The story itself felt a little like ED-TV with similar sub-plots. I'm a bit disappointed at the ending, as it felt a bit cliché but thats something that was expected of course with the evolving story pushing for it too obvious. Some of the setting and cast were good though, and some minor good jokes. A comfortable movie to watch. I rate it 3/5.


An absolutely awesome movie, Buddy takes the audience into the lives of three guys in a flat who end up on television with convoluted consequences. Their lives will never be the same, and only the discovery of true loyalty and redemptive friendship can make the situation and experiences into something positive. The transformation is quite moving and the characters seem very real, everyday people. Equally interesting, the film crosses documentary with cinema story to interface and comment on "reality TV." Kudos. In spite of the seeming capitulation to Hollywood-style romance and happy endings - very uncharacteristic of Norwegian films - this is an outstanding story about status, using people, allegiance to success and stardom vs. allegiance to caring for human beings, especially friends. "Buddy" goes through somewhat annoying yo-yo relationships that need more definition and less reliance on fickle happenstance. The choices are not black and white, and the characters struggle in them. The topical relevance (to 'reality' TV) is especially poignant. In spite of the over-emphasis on finding romance and happiness in loyalty and responsibility, I give it 9/10. One of the most provocative, "real" yet uplifting European films of the year. Worth watching multiple times.
