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Late Bloomers

Late Bloomers (2011)

July. 13,2011
| Drama Comedy Romance

Late Bloomers stars Isabella Rossellini and William Hurt as a married couple pulled apart by the threat of old age. Each reacts in a different way: Hurt’s distinguished architect chases after his glory days, while Rossellini’s housewife installs handrails about the house.


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I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible


At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.

Robert Joyner

The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

Kaydan Christian

A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.


Adam (William Hurt) is an architect struggling to find money for his latest project. He refuses to accept his aging. While his wife Mary (Isabella Rossellini) is trying to adjust. They are not getting along. And the grown kids notice the friction.It's not a particularly lovable couple. That's my first impression. Nothing in the movie changed that impression. And the ending rang hollow. It felt like it came out of nowhere. I'm not sure if this was supposed to be funny. At least, I didn't get the humor. Rossellini fumbling with her pool noodles was head scratching. The movie really needs somebody with comic timing either in front or behind the camera. This movie had neither. I wish this was a better movie. The two great lead actors deserve a better movie. It just never gel. They really never got the chemistry right.


LATE BLOOMERS (dir. Julie Gavras) A rather tepid film concerning the emotional problems of growing old. William Hurt and Isabella Rossellini play an extremely rich married couple who question what they have done with their lives, and now that they are approaching sixty, time is running out. I find it difficult to empathize with people who have so much money, influence, and power, but feel that something is lacking. They certainly have more than the vast majority of humanity, yet they continue to fret. Why should I care? Of course, many are anxiously concerned if Rob Kardashian will actually make a commercial success of his new line of socks.


Julie Gavras, the daughter of Costa Gavras, the famous French director of Greek origin, was noticed for the qualities of her first movie 'La faute à Fidel !' (2006), a witty coming of age story dealing with the negative repercussions of political involvement on family life. Her second effort in the area of feature films is entitled 'Late Bloomers' and although it proves a notch below 'La faute à Fidel!', this comedy with an edge partly confirms the young writer- director's talent. Her new film, which could be called a "coming of old age story", concerns a couple of people turning sixty. On the one hand meet Mary (Isabella Rossellini), a retired teacher who, wishing very hard to be ready for old age, decides to keep ahead of her future condition and to force this attitude on her husband , trying to make him the diminished person he will become later. On the other, there is Adam (William Hurt), an energetic architect who tends to ignore the weight of years and takes on a new project which may be too big for him. In any event, Adam gets so fed up with his wife's radical approach to old age that he ends up leaving her. But no need to worry too much, this is a comedy and a happy ending is in store for this pair of young/old terrible lovers. As she had already proved in "La faute à Fidel", Julie Gavras has a knack for tackling a serious unsettling subject in a light tone, thereby "helping the medicine go down', as another Julie (Andrews) would have sung. And there is value added in 'Late Bloomers' compared with this first opus since this time the film was made in London, in the English language, with a stellar cast and sparkling dialog. Nobody can say no to witty lines delivered by the delicious Isabella Rossellini, the always reliable William Hurt, the vivacious Doreen Mantle, and many others including 4x20 year-old Leslie Phillips, all excellent. In that context, the first half, a clever mix of biting one-liners and relevant observations on the aging process, borders on perfection. Unfortunately the second half shifts into lower gear as Julie Gavras wastes her time and ours with the stale old trick of boy-leaves-girl-but-still-loves- her-while-behind-the-scenes-others-jockey-to-reunite-them. The final fifteen minutes more or less make up for it but as the saying goes, time and tide wait for no man. All things considered, 'Late Bloomers', although part of it leaves to be desired, remains a satisfying film experience, that will in turns make you laugh (Doreen Mantle's nasty lines ; Simon Callow joyously epitomizing the first attacks of old age through a memorable motto: 'Growing old is not for sissies!' ; and many other eccentricities) and grit your teeth (black humor about becoming old, having to retire from your job, feeling the nearness of death, best summarized by one of the last shots of the films where Rossellini and Hurt in a cemetery look at grave, say "We will be the next to come", embrace each other and finally lie down on the tombstone like two young lovers in the grass). A mix of happy and cruel moments, a faithful reflection of life itself, that is what 'Late Bloomers' can be in its inspired moments.


Great actors can make or break a movie. In this case they make the movie. A very light one, about getting old (as is suggested in the title of course). Still it's not like it is offering everything easily on the table and lets you have whatever it is you want. But the fact that it is shot digestible, makes it easier to watch.And I. Rosselini (who was present at the Berlin International Film Festival, where the movie played) makes a good team with William Hurt. Both have problems (or issues) and try to resolve them. You might feel more for one of them based on your gender, but the good thing is, that it is not too black and white. Will certainly not appeal to people who like their movies to be fast, but if you like a good drama, you could do a lot worse than this ... :o)
