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The Peanut Butter Solution

The Peanut Butter Solution (1986)

September. 12,1986
| Adventure Fantasy Horror Family

Peanut butter is the secret ingredient for magic potions made by two friendly ghosts. Eleven-year-old Michael loses all of his hair when he gets a fright and uses the potion to get his hair back, but too much peanut butter causes things to get a bit hairy.


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Strong and Moving!


So much average

Abbigail Bush

what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.


Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.


This 1985 fantasy film stars Mathew Mackay, Sliuk Saysanasy, Allison Darcy, Michael Hogan and Michel Maillot. Mackay plays young boy, Michael who lives with his sister, Suzie (Darcy) and father, Bill (Hogan) who is an artist. Soon, Michael and his best friend, Conrad (Saysanasy) go to a house that was burned down where a homeless couple died. Michael sneaks in while Conrad tries talking him out of it and Michael is frightened which causes him to lose his hair. Soon, Michael is visited by the ghosts of the homeless couple and they give him a recipe to regain hair. He tries it and his hair grows rapidly long. Maillot plays crooked, art teacher, Sergio aka The Signor who tries stealing Michael's hair to make paint brushes. This is a bizarre film that has stuck with me since childhood. I finally revisited it again and it's not as creepy as I remembered. It does have a bit of an eerie quality, but it's mostly silly and I still recommend it.


Oh my god, Im so glad I found out what this movie was. They played this movie at my daycare when I was 4. I remember bursting into tears like a couple hours after watching it and this counselor trying to find out what was wrong. I didn't really know myself, so I didn't know what to tell her. This movie gave me a weird/unexplainable/embarrassing phobia of being bald. Im talking a serious phobia that as a kid was on the same level as monsters and ghosts. All I remember from the movie was this kid playing soccer and some other kids rip off his wig. Then there's an image in my head of hair growing out the bottom of his pants. I wish this stupid movie had never been made. The weird thing is, I totally forgot about this movie around the time I was 8 until I played some arcade that was like Street Fighter but with different characters. If you lose, you are shown a portrait of you character... BALD. Instantly, everything came back to me and I've never been able to forget this creepy horrible stupid movie. Any attempt to confirm this movie with ANYBODY would result in skeptical/concerned looks. I thought Id never hear or see of this again until I saw a wikipedia article on it. If I was some kind of dictator Id have every copy of this movie burned out of existence.


i watched the peanut butter solution a looong time ago, and like most others, it scared the crap out of me. the movie came out before i was born, but as a small child, the idea that there could be something so scary it could make your hair fall out terrified me. i only remember bits and pieces, but the part where he goes into the painting was my favorite part... i don't remember the acting or dialogue, only that the movie was amazing and i loved it, even if it did scare me... The peanut butter solution was made of some nasty things too, i remember him cracking a raw egg over his head? maybe im making that up... anyway, the kidnapping scared me and the fact that there were so many young children unaware that they were being used for magical paintbrushes... i also remember that the guy who was making the paintbrushes was incredibly creepy... what was his name again? 1985 was probably not a great year for cinema, but this one was a good onethats it


FinallY! And all those years I thought I was dreaming of this crazy film, my main memories would have to be the slide?? or did I imagine that, I mean I haven't seen this since I was 9 years old. Anyway the young boy goes up into this old beaten down house & slides down a slide of some sort when he lands he has no hair!who remembers this part? ha-ha someone please shoot me if I have this all wrong,id be terribly embarrassed if thats not how it goes at all but I do remember this part of the film being very spooky to me, especially being so young. I haven't been able to locate a copy of this anywhere, I found that not many people have seen this movie but I would very much love to see this again so if anyone has any idea where I could get a copy that would be great:-)
