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Lies (2000)

July. 28,2000
| Drama

A story about the bizarre sexual relations of 38-year-old married man J and 18-year-old student Y. After an initial encounter, they embark on a sexual odyssey that visits the realms of obsession and sadomasochism.


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A different way of telling a story


This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.


if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.

Kodie Bird

True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.


They may say I'm wrong, but, in my own judge, the main difference between erotic cinema and pornography is that the first one has a concept behind it, with well thought camera and decoration management; while the second one is plainly sex in front of a camera, and may god take care of the rest. Other interesting difference is that while this last one every scene involving a dialogue or that stands between a sex scene and another is just in the way; in the other one there is an equitable handling of the events, in which the happening of the characters actually affects -in a way or another- the plot development, taking special care on the verosimilitude of this one. In the case of Gojitmal, we are introduced into a typical story in this class of movies: A couple -a young student and an adult man- gets in contact in the distance and decides to get together to start a sexual relation that soon leads into the ways of the sadomasochism. The movie, that follows both the couple dates as well as other aspects of their lives, doesn't fall into the gratuity nor the monotony, in which many movies of this genre happen to fall; but plays with the cameras, has some interesting travelling and (spoiler?) there even is a fast-forward over an entire sex sequence to give place to the story. In the aesthetical plain, notice the predilection for environments in where there is almost none decoration, detail that give the scenes a more simplistic mood and allows to keep all attention on the couple (in contrast with the overwhelmed environments in the average porn, in which there is an attempt to give the characters a personality through the decoration, which in some cases manage to become stand alone archetypes, such as the sexy-intellectual girl, whose house has books everywhere and/or exotic statues on the walls and corners). Being a movie from the sex genre, and not being much of a fan of it myself, there is not such a great deal I may find on it, but I must accept it entertains and that it is well done. Keep a keen eye (actually a sharp ear) on the high-on-amphets hamsters on the soundtrack, without which the movie wouldn't be the same.

Lee Bartholomew

(spoilers??)At least this movie has a story to tell. The camera angles are better than that of the Blair Witch Project. ;) Hmmmm how bout the Erotic Witch Project? lol. whoops. Which reminds me, both films have a female with stretch marks. Any takers? But really, I think the director was intentionally going for the shock value. He says something to the effect on the dvd. It's a funny movie. Though if your a guy and paying attention to the humor and not the um a stuff. Something is a little odd for ya. ;) I find it interesting though that the actress playing Y is listed by IMDB as being born in 1984. When was this filmed? 1998-99? Did IMDB mess up or was the actress really 15 when the film was shot. I find it interesting that this movie made it into America then and Eyes Wide Shut (uncensored) did not. Oh well. If your bored on your Emmanuelle movies, want something a little less harsh than alssc*n. And your a movie fanatic in more ways that one. Hey jump at the chance to watch it.7/10Quality: 7/10 Entertainment: 8/10 Replayable: 8/10


As I recall, in G. Lucas' film "THX-1138" there was a television channel that featured nothing but a robot beating a naked person with his billy club. When I first saw this, I laughed out loud at the obvious satire of our society's need for sex and violence in our entertainment. I had much the same feeling after seeing this film.At first the film seemed like a competent look at how two people in love want to explore every aspect of each other's bodies. The initial mild S&M just seemed like a logical extension of that exploration. But when the beatings bordered on mutual self destruction, I immediately saw this as lampooning our society's need for ever increasing "kicks" to satisfy our insatiable lust for ever increasing degradation of the human body.The director suckered us in and punched us right in the gut! Bravo!.


J - 28 years old artist, Y - high-school girl, who want make a first sexual experience for her own choice. But there are no love without a pain... Flagellation is rule, and Lolita must die... Porno? Art-house? Avanguarde? Nor, but all together... And - best picture about love and sensuality...
