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Lammbock (2001)

August. 23,2001
| Comedy

Stefan and Kai run a thriving business: a home-grown cannabis trade disguised as a pizza delivery service. For now they just have to fight aphids.


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Perfect cast and a good story


Am I Missing Something?

Micah Lloyd

Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.

Sanjeev Waters

A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.

Niklas Rahn

It's a must watch for every Stoner or for people who accept this way of living. Sometimes the film is getting really crazy but the dialogs are just awesome. You know movies like Half Baked, Cheech and Chong or Grandma's Boy they are classy stoner Movie's. But Lammbock is a special one. The two main actors are playing a very god role and they are both stoner's in real life. It seems like a fictional anarchy movie but when you watch it high it turns into a real story and you can perfectly understand the behavior of the actors. When you don't like Cannabis this Movie doesn't get you happy, but if you do you will love this Movie. Trust me ;)


Countenance! Antoine Monot, in a copycat impersonation of Kevin Smith's Silent Bob, keeps asking for it, but writer/director Christian Zübert never listens. Zübert just can't say no to a joke, no matter how cheap. The best thing about this movie is its soundtrack. Of course, Joey Burns of Calexico and the divine Jonathan Richman, understated old-school bard of "There's something about Mary" fame, would grace any small-town dropout story. In visual allure, Stefan (Lukas Gregorowicz) looks cool enough riding his tan six-series BMW two-door, wearing aviator shades, going nowhere. True, he *accidentally* sleeps with his wild-eyed bohemian kid sister (Marie Zielcke), but then, who wouldn't? Thumbs up also to how he goes black-and-white on a liberal dose of that mysterious substance they call zero-zero, but if you're looking for a slightly more serious rendering of what intoxication can do to you, I suggest you check out "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas".


A friend of mine and myself find new Tarantino (he's a Tarantino expert, i only like Kill Bill II) Hommages, in the dialogues, as well as in the non-dialogue scenes. The trashtalk at the beginning reminds of the "Like a virgin" discussion from Reservoir Dogs, the (violent?) part of getting rid of the hunter could be an imitation of the PF scene where Vinces blows his hostage's head off by mistake. The "thought behind" could have been making a Tarantino-lookalike movie, just without (or less) violence and strong language (what I personally dislike about his movies. Cutting ears off, come on!).Of course the humor is not everyone's taste. If you like drug-influenced trashtalk, this is your film. the single episodes seem pieced together without the "red line" between them (except the characters like Frank and Schöngeist. I love those guys - "Halt's maul du Scheißf..." - "Frank. Contenance!"). Actors do imo a pretty good job - W. W. Möhring always playing with his hair, and, one of my favorite scenes, the headshop scene, where L. Gregorowicz stand still looks impressed.I personally love the movie, for I'm quite in this kind of twisted humour (I love The Big Lebowski as well).stay tunedDK Lord Marshmallow


Lammbock is a very special comedy, as I have never seen it before from a german director. He doesn´t try to impress the audience with brilliant pictures as in our days most of the german directors do in order to show how german movie has developed. No, this movie lives from its brilliant dialogues. Moritz Bleibtreu shows once again, why he is one of my favorite german actors. In some scenes I had the impression that this conversation happens just now, "live". In my opinion Bleibtreu had the chance, to improvise in some scenes.Of course Lammbock is a Low-Budget-Production if you compare it to Tarantino´s works for example (who deals with the same kind of humor) but it works and it is good enough to compare it.Great Actors, Great dialogues, great soundtrack - great movie! 7/10
