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Five Across the Eyes

Five Across the Eyes (2006)

October. 01,2006
| Horror

On their way home from a high school football game, five teenage girls become hopelessly lost. When they stop to get directions at a desolate store, the girls are involved in a minor fender bender which leaves an unattended SUV one headlight short. Inexperienced and frightened that they'll get into trouble, the girls flee the scene of the accident and speed away down the dark and unfamiliar roads. As they blindly make their way across an area the locals call THE EYES, the girls are suddenly shocked to see one lone headlight appear behind them. As the driver of the damaged SUV begins one terrifying assault after another, the five girls will lose their innocence and possibly their lives in this brutal and shocking thrill ride.


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Sorry, this movie sucks


While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

Murphy Howard

I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.


Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.


This was the most ............I don't even know a good word for it! I will admit I couldn't watch the entire movie, I had to fast forward through a good bit. I love low budget horror movies but this was just a complete waste of brain thought. I don't think I understood but maybe 10 words in the entire movie the audio was so horrible. Not to repeat everyones review but they are right about mostly the whole movie you can't see what's happening because they are so close to the action. The screaming and crying is so loud I had a bad headache just thirty minutes into the movie. Imagine having a really bad stereo and cranking it up all the way with some hard heavy metal playing, that's how I felt trying to hear this movie.. DON'T BOTHER WASTING YOUR TIME ON THIS ONE!!!


i gotta say this is one of the worst movie i have seen.may not be the worst,but probably top three.it doesn't really make a lot of sense,and it's actually quite perverse,just for the sake of being perverse,in my opinion.a lot of it also just a bunch of random chaos and noise.it's also very repetitive and,for me at least,i found it boring.plus,the reaction of the character don't ring true.i don't believe that someone who went through the same thing in real life would react that way.i watched all the way through,though i wish i hadn't.it's basically 90 odd minutes gone down the drain.it's inexplicable to me how anyone could enjoy this movie,but everybody has their own taste.i hated it,but that's me.for me,Five Across the Eyes is a 0/10


Its a shame that some of you don't recognize brilliance when you see it. Five Across The Eyes is a horror movie masterpiece! It is by far the best horror movie ever made! The end!!! It is the only horror movie that can successfully disturb and horrify me every time I watch it. I've lost count of the number of times I've watched it and the tool box scene makes me sick to my stomach every time! The Blair Witch cinematography is brilliant. It made me feel like I was watching actual real footage and not just some crappy bigger budget Hollywood movie like The Strangers for instance. Or the horrendous remake of Friday the Thirteenth. Both of which are terrible terrible movies. But the cinematography in Five Across The Eyes makes it feel totally realistic. I believed what I saw on the screen was actually happening. And that made it all the scarier and completely pulled me into the film from beginning to end.At first the acting seems like it might not be that good but that is not the case. As the movie progresses the acting by the girls felt so natural that I forgot that I was watching actresses and the five girls became real people to me. And that made me genuinely like and care about them and root for their survival. And Veronica Garcia as the deranged woman that is terrorizing these poor girls is absolutely mind blowing! She is the most psychotic and sadistic villain ever to be seen in a horror movie! There are not enough good things I can say about this movie. The musical score and soundtrack is great. The song that plays when the girls finally exact their revenge is perfect. The cinematography is brilliant. The acting is natural and believable. The dialogue is good and often times funny. The ending is brilliant! This is the only horror movie I've ever watched that left me completely satisfied at the end. It is the epitome of what a horror movie should be and it proves that you don't need a huge budget to make a masterpiece.


I can't believe this is on DVD. Even less it was available at my local video store.Some argue this is a good movie if you take in consideration it had only a 4000$ budget. I find this funny. I would find it very bad whichever the budget.Still more funny, I read the following in another review: "Dramatics aside, if you love horror and you love something along the lines of Duel (1971) updated with a little more story and some pretty girls thrown in, you'll love this movie."What?!? This is a shame comparing those two movies.I give a "1", since I can't give a "0". I just don't see any way this movie could be entertaining.
