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NVA (2005)

September. 29,2005
| Comedy


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Perfectly adorable


Perfect cast and a good story


i know i wasted 90 mins of my life.


a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.

Horst in Translation ([email protected])

There may be many pretty good German films about the life in East Germany before the Fall of the Berlin Wall (mostly of course the Oscar-winning "Das Leben der Anderen"), but there are at least as many forgettable films on the subject too. This one here that runs for slightly over 90 minutes with credits and shows us what life was like in the official army of the GDR, but definitely in a comedic approach. If you know writer and director Leander Haußmann, then you will know that he usually gives his movies a comedic approach while telling the audience some facts and snippets in terms of history and life back then. And this is also exactly what he does here. But it is not a successful approach really. I never really cared for any of the characters and honestly, in terms of historic knowledge, the film has almost nothing to offer unfortunately.But it is not all Haußmann's fault. The biggest problem actually may be lead actor Kim Frank here. There is obviously a reason why he has not acted before of after this film. He was a really successful musician back then with his band "Echt" and some considered him a bit of a young Campino. But acting is definitely not his strength. His approach to the role felt completely lackluster and his line delivery was monotonous enough to talk you into sleep. It always sucks if people get cast because they are famous in other areas, but then have absolutely nothing to offer in terms of range or making his character work. The supporting cast is certainly better without delivering any greatness either. Buck was fun to watch at times though. Not enough, however, to make up for the weaknesses in storytelling and Frank's performance here. I do not recommend the watch.


Don't quite know why some people complain about this film not being a comedy and at the same time being too unrealistic. If it had been realistic, there certainly wouldn't have been much comedy. I also don't think that a comedy needs to make you laugh aloud twenty times. There was much subtle humor, sweet feelings, and Kim Frank just portrayed a dreamy character. In real life, there are many people whose facial expression doesn't change much so Kim Frank keeping his was quite all right. The ending was quite unrealistic, I'd say, but happy. It's a light-hearted movie with a feel-good ending. I liked it. Loved it, actually. A serious part was Krueger going to Schwedt, and I'm glad they didn't show what happened to him there. Showing how he was when he came back hinted at it quite clearly.


I didn't expect too much from this movie, but I was still disappointed. It's supposed to be a comedy, but there are only four or five scenes where I actually laughed, and I think that's rather poor. There is no real plot either, I always had the feeling that most of the scenes could have been put anywhere in the movie because there's no connection between them. But the worst thing was the "acting" of Kim Franke. He has ONE facial expression during the whole movie, as if he was supposed to play some retarded guy, but I believe that's not the case. All in all I rate it four out of ten, I've seen worse movies than this, but I wouldn't spend money on this one again.


What a shame. This could have been good. The main problems are the script and the star. The film cannot decide whether to be a slapstick comedy (of a very uninspired and routine kind) or whether to be a insightful satire on the old East Germany and its mores. Its attempts at the latter flop totally, however. The film does not hold together well and the ending is very artificial and unbelievable. Any stereotypes one might have about German comedy are sadly reinforced.The characters are stereotypes one and all, and the leading character, played by Kim Frank, is colourless in the extreme. He just cannot carry the film and appears to have been chosen largely for his baby face. It may not be all the actor's fault (he is a pop singer), as the script does not give him much to work on.One plus -- the recreation of the East German 'style' and period is good.The worst thing is that the film feels somehow dishonest and demeaning. The film seems to have been churned out by people who were not necessarily giving it their best and just wanted to make a quick buck from a few cheap laughs. (If they were giving it their best, it is a sad case indeed!) I watched it at the cinema with an East German audience and I felt sorry for them. The GDR regime was awful in almost all respects, but those who lived through it deserve better than this.
