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The Razor's Edge

The Razor's Edge (1946)

November. 19,1946
| Drama Romance

An adventurous young man goes off to find himself and loses his socialite fiancée in the process. But when he returns 10 years later, she will stop at nothing to get him back, even though she is already married.


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Tobias Burrows

It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.


The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.


"Larry, how can you bear to sit here in a backwash when America is living through the most glorious adventure the world has ever known?" Isabelle BradleyThese words, spoken passionately by the very lovely Gene Tierney, summarize the intense conflict that the two central characters of this excellent movie are forced to endure. While they are undoubtedly attracted to each other in the physical sense, Isabelle's fiancé, Larry Darrell (Tyrone Power in what I believe was the best role of his career), is in search of the spiritual meaning of life itself. He returns from service in World War I profoundly moved by the heroic and unselfish actions of a fellow soldier, who sacrificed his own life in exchange for Larry's during the very final moments of the war. "So he's gone, and I'm alive. Why?" asks Larry. For a dedicated socialite such as Isabelle, Larry's noble quest for the very meaning of life is totally beyond her comprehension and therefore unacceptable. "I'm young. I want to have fun. Do all the things that people do. We wouldn't have a friend in the world!" Isabelle pouts.Instead of selling bonds in Chicago's financial district and mingling among the empty, superficial country club set, Larry decides to leave Isabelle and Chicago's high society behind, traveling first to Paris and then to the Himalayas of India to seek answers to the most profound questions concerning the meaning of life itself. His pursuit becomes the focus of his entire existence. With the love of her life gone, Isabelle marries Gray Maturin (John Payne), a wealthy securities broker, but do they live happily ever after?In the meantime, Larry's lifelong, childhood pal, Sophie McDonald (Anne Baxter), survives a horrible personal tragedy and resorts to alcoholism and prostitution as a remedy for her deep emotional pain. As it turns out, half of Chicago, including Larry, Isabelle, Gray, their two kids, Isabelle's caustic, pompous, and somewhat bitchy Uncle Eliot (Clifton Webb), and Sophie, turn up in Paris. So who is left in Chicago? Al Capone? At first, I believed that Isabelle's persistent attitude merely represented the "can do" sentiments of many Americans after both world wars until the very dark dimensions of her jealousy and selfishness finally surface. Eventually, we see how Isabelle's viewpoint is much more sinister than what we may have originally thought. Instead of focusing on the pressing needs of her family, which had been financially shattered by the stock market crash of 1929 (another sudden reminder that we're not in 1946), she deliberately and cruelly proceeds to ruin the lives of others. In extreme contrast, Larry faithfully follows the advice of his Indian spiritual adviser and returns to Paris from remote Himalayan isolation in order to assist his fellow human beings by use of the enhanced inner knowledge that he had gained there. First he helps Gray recover from the nervous breakdown that resulted from the financial crash, and then he attempts to rehabilitate Sophie, who sinks deeper and deeper into despair, thanks to the indispensable assistance of a shamelessly jealous and selfish Isabelle. The character contrast of former lovers Isabelle and Larry could not be more pronounced at this point.While Judy Garland and Betty Grable both refused the role of Sophie as too depressing, Anne Baxter was richly awarded with an Oscar for her outstanding performance. I also enjoyed the all-too-brief and quirky appearance of Elsa Lanchester as the singing Scottish secretary to a magical princess with a spectacular office view of the Riviera. Quite a gig! The leads, including Power, Tierney, Webb, and Herbert Marshall as the original novelist, W. Somerset Maugham, are all excellent. At one point, Tierney descends a long staircase in a stunning black gown. Power, waiting for her at the bottom, declares that she is more beautiful than ever, and he is absolutely on the money here. The magnificent musical score of Franz Waxman significantly contributes to the drama from beginning to end. This is a film that very successfully contrasts the serious pursuit of life's deepest meaning against the prevailing social norms of the times. War or no war, what is this life all about anyway? No one should ever have to apologize to an often silly and self-absorbed society for asking the truly important questions concerning the reasons for our being here, whether or not any answers can ever be found.


Edmund Goulding directed this adaptation of the W. Somerset Maugham novel about Larry Darrel(played by Tyrone Power) a returning WWI veteran who finds that he cannot adjust to his old life after his war experiences, so breaks off his engagement to Isabel(played by Gene Tierney) and travels the world looking for enlightenment. Ten years later, Larry returns to find Isabel married to a man named Gray(played by John Payne)though finds that she still loves him. They also meet old friend Sophie(played by Anne Baxter in an Academy Award winning best supporting actress performance) who has fallen low after a series of tragedies wrecked her life. Clifton Webb plays Isabel's eccentric uncle Eliot. Interesting story, though goes on a bit too long, and ends inconclusively, but still features fine acting and unusual touch of having the author appear as a character(played by Herbert Marshall).


In 1919 Chicago, British writer W. Somerset Maugham (nicely personified by Herbert Marshall and directed by Edmund Goulding) recalls meeting handsome World War I veteran Tyrone Power (as Laurence "Larry" Darrell) at a party. He is engaged to attractive socialite Gene Tierney (as Isabel Bradley) and has a little money, but Mr. Power feels restless and uncertain about his place in the world. During the war, Power's life was saved by a buddy; the act killed his friend and left Power with questions about life. He and Ms. Tierney pledge their love, but decide to put their plans for marriage on hold while Power travels...The cast winds up in Paris, where Tierney's flamboyant uncle Clifton Webb (as Elliott Templeton) holds court. Powell is also admired by alcoholic floozy Anne Baxter (as Sophie MacDonald) while more sober John Payne (as Gray Maturin) remains available for Tierney. Power's inward searching becomes highly spiritual and he winds up spending some time in India where a bearded Maharishi-type tells him to imagine, "nothing above you but the sky." Imagine that. After the 1929 stock market crash, Powell returns to Paris. He attempts to bring God-given peace and tranquility to friends and acquaintances living on "The Razor's Edge"...******** The Razor's Edge (11/19/46) Edmund Goulding ~ Tyrone Power, Gene Tierney, Anne Baxter, Clifton Webb


If the movie is this good, I must read Somerset Maugham's works. I refuse to see the remake with Bill Murray. This is a Classic. There's even a Sydney Carton-ish event (does anyone else see "the marriage" in this way?). I saw this late late one night, and was frankly astonished that it was made in the 40s. A movie for all times and all ages (well, above 14 or so).Okay, so IMDb wants more from me: a war, a man, a choice: the traditional life of predictable events -or- a life lived one day at a time, asking questions, seeking answers, without regard to the opinion of others, seeking a foundation of meaning and integrity and compassion? This is not the redemptive journey of a broken man, but the journey of a self-respecting man who could have a secure, productive, prestigious, rewarding life, yet chooses instead to ask: Why? What? Who? He's not so much searching for himself, but for his right place in the world he does not yet comprehend.
