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Alien Evolution

Alien Evolution (2001)

October. 12,2001
| Documentary TV Movie

Mark Kermode brings a tribute to the successful Alien series, featuring interviews with the cast members and directors, including Sigourney Weaver and Ridley Scott. This documentary is featured on the 9th disc of the Alien Quadrilogy DVD set, released in 2003.


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Touches You


Thanks for the memories!


Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .


best movie i've ever seen.


Alien Evolution is a documentary-maker's dream. It gives you everything you could possibly want to know about your favorite creature feature franchise.It is a 64.21 minute long inside look into the minds of the writers, giving you the story behind the story. Many critics have dogged this work since its release saying it spent to much time with the writers, when in fact, many millions of fans were clamoring for more back story and conceptual histories of these wonderfully Machiavellian Aliens.There are also interviews with the Producers, special effects departments, actors, directors, and more, more, more.I thoroughly enjoyed this comprehensive and inspired Supplement which was Disk 9 of the Alien Quadrilogy Collector's Set.Fantastic.It rates a Documentary Scale 10/10 from...the Fiend :.


Some of the interviews I found annoying. They should have focused less on the writers and more on the stars and directors. Too much time is spent focusing on the story behind the original film - i.e., pre-production - and by the time it gets around to the production aspect, and the sequels, etc., time has run out so they try to wrap everything up far too quickly.I first caught this after a UK broadcast of ALIEN - it was featured after the film was over and I was eager to see it because I think Mark Kermode is a pretty good critic and always has something interesting to say.But overall it's just a bit too superficial and annoying to consider deep - the other documentaries on the ALIEN Quadrilogy are much better.


I had the chance to see the North American Premiere of Alien Evolution and I was quite impressed by it. As a fan of this franchise and thinking that I knew everything about it, I have learned many things while watching it. It's a lovely documentary to see because it talks a lot about what the actors, directors, producers of each films think about all four movies. It's a must-see for every movie-goers especially for the first thirty minutes, I would say, because everyone who was involved in the 1979 classic "Alien" give their point of view (and H.R. Giger as well) on the creature and the sets where the story took place. It is great! Also, there is some actors from the first three movies who appear to say their impression about all kinds of things. Ridley Scott, H.R. Giger and Sigourney Weaver had many good things to tell us about.My only disappointment, I think, would be that Alien Resurrection was a little bit ignored in this 1 hour and a half long documentary. The only persons interviewed who were in this 4th installment were the director, Jean-Pierre Jeunet, and of course Sigourney Weaver. It made me a little bit sad because Alien Resurrection is my favorite of them all but Alien Evolution was so well done and what the people had to say was so interesting that I still give it a perfect 10 on 10 because it was excellent!*I wish we could put 11...

Kyle Reese

This was great to watch, and as a fan of both the ALIEN saga and Michael Biehn, I enjoyed it a lot. The interviews with cast members like Harry Dean Stanton, Tom Skerritt, Jenette Goldstein and Michael Biehn were particularly enjoyable. I have to admit, it started off boring with "Alien" as the recollections of the ageing producers were not very exciting, but as the show moved on, it became very enjoyable. A rare treat to see Michael Biehn on an interview, especially on british TV, it's about time my idol got the status he deserved!
