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The Last: Naruto the Movie

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The Last: Naruto the Movie (2015)

February. 20,2015
| Animation Action Romance
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Two years after the events of the Fourth Great Ninja War, the moon that Hagoromo Otsutsuki created long ago to seal away the Gedo Statue begins to descend towards the world, threatening to become a meteor that would destroy everything on impact. Amidst this crisis, a direct descendant of Kaguya Otsutsuki named Toneri Otsutsuki attempts to kidnap Hinata Hyuga but ends up abducting her younger sister Hanabi. Naruto and his allies now mount a rescue mission before finding themselves embroiled in a final battle to decide the fate of everything.


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To me, this movie is perfection.


Thanks for the memories!


At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.


The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.

ThatAnimeSnob (ThatAnimeSnob)

What makes this particular gimmick in the time-line disappointing, is that there is no excitement regarding the conflict of the story. The whole fuss about the moon falling on earth and wiping out humanity instantly becomes unimportant. We knew right away that the good guys will win and survive, since we see them in the last chapter. OK, of course and you expect the good guys to always win in such childish stories, but that doesn't mean you should make the outcome obvious before the first trailer is even out.But it's not like anyone cared about what the conflict is about. The only thing the movie had as its trump card was showing how Naruto and Hinata finally become a couple. That is literally the only thing that matters in it, and even that one is handled in a ridiculous way. Since Kishimoto has no idea of what romance is, he made the whole thing seem forced and artificial. It is so fake, that it's as if you are watching fan fiction, made by the actual creator of the show.The first part is basically Naruto being chased around by girls who are after his D but since he is homo for Sasuke, he doesn't care about any of them. They try to make it seem like he is too dense to understand what they want, but come on, if you are a 17 year old male who knows how to turn into a naked girl and is still not sexually attracted by a thousand willing females rubbing all over your body, you are not straight.Hinata is the only girl not hitting on him, because she is shy, the only trait that defines her as a character. What, you expected more development in a show like Naruto? You should be pleased if they go as far as changing clothes once every 3 years. That's as far as it will ever get.This super harem of one indecisive lead being surrounded by a thousand horny chicks is eventually interrupted by yet another group of evil ninjas who attack the village and are after Hinata. Obvious plot hole right here by the way, that security system the village has, is magically not triggering when intruders appear, like it did with Pein. I guess all the ninjas are asleep.After some convoluted explanation, we get even more ass-pulls thrown into the backdrop story of this world, regarding some faction on the moon that wants to wipe out humanity with yet another power up of the magical eyes. Remember when the show was not always about the magical eyes and huge magical animals? Yeah, it was so fun back then.Anyways, our heroes conveniently find this portal that can magically take them on the moon. Once inside they are struck by some illusions that make them see stuff from their past. And THAT is how Naruto starts realizing Hinata loves him. Yes, you heard right, for the millionth time a flashback is used to excuse PLOT. And it still doesn't have any effect for the next hour because Naruto is STILL unable to realize what that means. I told you he is homo.The next part is the usual fuss all such movies have. Some one-dimensional villain wants to blow up poop and get the ultimate power, blah-blah, seen that a thousand times. You can swap the script with any other movie from any other fighting title and you won't even tell the difference.Anyways, the battles eventually take place and boy, this is where the movie turns even more like DBZ, since the characters are now so strong that they glow, fly, blow up meteorites, and slice the moon in half. Oh, and there is also a doomsday weapon the good ninjas plan to use in order to destroy the moon as a last resort. How convenient that they didn't use it all this time in the story, and it's funny to realize that the peak of power in the Naruto world is the use of a huge cannon that can blow up the moon. Something which Muten Roshi could do 20 episodes in the original Dragonball WITH HIS BARE HANDS.Sasuke also appears at this point, and it's only for three seconds. He blows up a meteor, and immediately leaves, and that somehow means he is now a couple with Sakura, the girl he ignored and tried to kill throughout the show. I guess blowing up meteors translates as romantic in the mind of Kishimoto.After that, the usual poop happens and Naruto predictably saves the day with a friendship speech and by blasting yet another energy ball in the face of the enemy. Oh my, I totally didn't expect that to happen, he only did the same thing in every other movie so far. The last scene is him realizing Hinata loves him, and that totally excuses why he chose her, and not any of the other one thousand girls in the village who also did the exact same thing.And that is how the movie ends. What a waste it was. But hey, at least it is the last one, as the title suggests. No more of this crap! … Nah, who are we kidding, Kishimoto would be insane to stop milking this franchise. The title quickly becomes a troll once you know there is another movie named Boruto coming after it. Stay classy Kishi, you are such a great writer.


This is the first screenplay by Masashi Kishimoto the writer of Naruto Manga. The movie is about how Naruto Uzumaki finally falls in love with Hinata Hyuuga and at the same time realizes how much Hinata has loved him ever since they were small kids. The movie shows the deep bond the two share and is among the finest anime movies of all time. For Naruto fans the movie is an amazing experience which is filled with great action sequences featuring Naruto in Kurama Mode fighting Toneri, Naruto defending Hinata from being kidnapped and many more. There are a few funny moments as well but the movie is basically a love story that most fans had been waiting to watch. The soundtracks in the movie are truly beautiful. For those who haven't followed Naruto in the past, there are a few things that they may not understand but the movie is still quite enjoyable. For hardcore Naruto fans this movie is bound to leave them emotional(some with tears) and wanting more. I hope you enjoy the movie as much as I did.


I loved the general idea of the movie, of course we needed a final movie with Sasuke and Naruto in a epic fight to close Naruto Shippuden.The things I like The idea (place, bad guy, the motivation and other things) for the movie is excellent taking in mind how the manga ended.The Naruto and Hinata getting together needed something like this for the fans, and to open the road for Boruto.The fights are well done with good dynamics and beautiful drawings.The credits really well done don't forget to watch.The last clip after the credits makes you want a Boruto manga.The things I didn't like the 2 thing i didn't like was how relationship between Naruto and Hinata develops, and that Hinata, in this movie that is made for development of his character didn't grow.What I mean is that the movie should begin with the shy Hinata that can't speak with Naruto, and make them become more close and friendly through the movie, at same time Hinata should become more comfortable with Naruto and show her true power, and because of this Naruto Acknowledge her.Hinata needed to have a moment to prove herself and the others in the final fight (of course Naruto should fight the final part).The end should have been Naruto and Hinata been friendly going out of the moon with some comedy from Hinata's sister, and then the narration from Sakura meanwhile some clips without audio of Naruto inviting Hinata to some ramen, walking together, been playful ( Hinata still shy but able to talk to Naruto), and ending with a kiss.This way the movie is not to romantic ( some times slowing the pace of the movie) and avoids the jump from been not even friends to be in love so instantly.At the end not excellent movie but a good one, if you're a fan you need to see it, if you're not fan is OK, but you should start watching Naruto I bet you'll love it.


I'll get this out of the way: I never liked any of the Naruto series. It's everything that's wrong with the shounen genre. Gave up on the first TV series after episode 100 when the onslaught of unbearable filler started. Watched a few episodes here and there of Shippuden then decided to read the manga up until the final chapter. This movie feels like what made just for me because it focused on arguably the one only thing that I found interesting about the Naruto universe: the relationship between Naruto and his background filler / friend Hinata. In the middle of all the insane chaos with Orochimaru, Sasuke and all the major wars, this side story with these two characters is something' that was lacking and felt very unexplored. Thankfully, a movie was made that bridges the gap between the final chapter and the epilogue. Movie starts with new scenes that place Hinata as a childhood acquaintance of Naruto, who stands up for her which results in bullies mocking his botched shadow clone technique, getting beat up and having his red scarf ripped apart. Hinata thanks him and he offers her his scarf as a keepsake which triggers her to develop feelings for the kid. Time jumps to the first few episodes of the original Naruto series where Hinata scribbles down Naruto's name and makes it her goal to win him as time and adulthood chimes in. But Hinata's quest to win Naruto's heart gets sidetracked by a menacing villain who kidnaps her baby sister. Let's start with the good: - Top notch animation all around. Character animations and the smoothness of the thankfully short combat scenes. Characters who are not pertinent to the plot are relegated to being cameos and all the characters who matter are the main focus. As much as I hear many complaining about Sasuke being basically a glorified cameo, let's get one thing straight: he has nothing to do with this. This is Naruto and Hinata's story. Sakura makes sense because she is pertinent to this story as she is both Naruto and Hinata's longtime friend and companion. Shikamaru is there because he is assigned by Kakashi and Sai also plays an important role. Cool Sasuke cameo but in the grand scheme of things, he had nothing to do with the plot. Using a doomsday scenario during peacetime, The Last: Naruto the Movie is a slow moving but satisfying romantic dramedy with plenty of action to go around. The first 25 minutes we deal with Hinata's doing her best to knit that scarf as a both a present and a confession. Grown up, a wartime hero, we also see a less crazy, more mature and focused Naruto enjoying life, pestered by groupies and scolded by Sakura who is pro actively helping Hinata while chastising Naruto for not putting two and two together as he is oblivious to Hinata's every attempt to win his heart. Enter the main bad guy who kidnaps Hinata's sister. The main bad guy is somehow connected to the abnormal lunar activities so Kakashi assembles a task force. He sends them on a mission to save Hinata's sister. After a long battle to gain entrance to the Toneri's hideout, the team is frozen by a technique that traps them into a slumber in which they relive their memories over and over. This is one of the most beautiful sequences in the movie. With Naruto starting to connect all the dots as to how Hinata feels about him by inserting himself into her memories from his perspective. That sequence helps Naruto evolve as a character, being more mature and understanding that there was a void in is life. The dream sequence is an interesting metaphysical venue for Naruto to understand both his feelings as well as understand Hinata's feelings towards him. I admit I do not have all the information since I didn't watch enough of Naruto to piece all the history between these two characters, but the movie does a good enough job covering all the logistics of how Naruto and Hinata's history would lead to this particular event. Naruto as a kid, stands up for Hinata and offers her his torn scarf, not understanding at first how just much of an impact it would have on her life. The movie reminds us that in the time frame in which Naruto was ostracized, Hinata was the only person who was genuinely kind to him during his formative years and again the movie clearly shows that he never quite understood why. And Hinata's confession to him while he was engaged in a bloody battle against Pain was a surprise but once again, it's clear that he didn't quite understand. It's only when he looks into Hinata's memories from her perspective, particularly just how much Hinata is also a constant presence in his own memories. The team starts their search in an abandoned village and this also has important character moments in which Naruto himself is more relaxed, but also clumsier. Hinata walks into a small cobweb which prompts Naruto to act more kindly. Moments later, the hero himself hits a bigger spiderweb. This shows that Naruto is more relaxed in her presence but also distracted by his newly understood feelings. It's charming to see this kid who screamed about being a Hokage every single episode in an unfamiliar territory. What our hero sees as Hinata going into the arms of another is actually a clever reveal with flashbacks in which Hinata acts as a Trojan horse, but it also pains her to keep the act to gain Toneri's confidence at the cost of losing Naruto. The final act is bookended by a massive showdown with Naruto and Toneri. But fighting is nothing compared to the last set piece in which Naruto and Hinata return to Earth, effectively ending an important chapter in the hero's life. Be sure to take in the music and the wedding stills during the credits.
