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How High

How High (2001)

December. 21,2001
| Comedy

Multi-platinum rap superstars Redman and Method Man star as Jamal and Silas, two regular guys who smoke something magical, ace their college entrance exams and wind up at Harvard. Ivy League ways are strange but Silas and Jamal take it in a stride -- until their supply of supernatural smoke runs dry. That's when they have to start living by their wits and rely on their natural resources to make the grade.


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At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.

Janae Milner

Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.


Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.


One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.


How High is an brutal movie with an extremely stupid storyline a lot of really bad jokes,there was no part in this stupid comedy that made me laugh.Going into this movie I didn't really think it was going to be good,but it was even worse than I thought.I only watched it because me and my friend both have Netflix and he said I should check this out,I really don't understand how he liked it.When I was looking at the opening credits,I knew none of the cast,apart from Fred Willard,but I don't like him,but then I saw that Danny DeVito was a producer,so then I thought it myth not be that bad,but it was terrible.I hope he got paid well for being part of this disaster.This movie is stupid,not funny,a big depressing,and at times very racist,I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.One of my least favourite movies ever.Two potheads trying to get into Harvard smoke the ashes of their dead friend which makes them very intelligent.


Making a comedy based around pot-smoking, for an appropriate audience that certainly doesn't want to have to concentrate too much, should not usually pose much of a problem for film-makers. But for the producers of this movie they sure have proved that this was a challenge they were willing to not only take on and accept, but then monumentally lose at. Production-value wise it comes across as a quite polished and adequately accomplished piece, mostly on the whole. The only problem being, and it's a biggy.... is that the predicaments, scenes, and jokes just aren't all that funny. And that is even though they are unquestionably coming from the almost bottomless source-material pit known as "base-humour". Having seen the fantastic "I'm Gonna Git You Sucka" and the absolutely superb and unmatched "Don't Be A Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood" i know how good African-American base-humour comedies can be. In fact, Juice in the Hood is easily one of the best comedies i have ever seen. But this movie pales into absolute insignificance when compared to the non-stop bellylaugh quality humour of either of those. And therefore, with such high expectations, it only added to my eventual disappointment when i watched this film of mostly monotonous and largely childish fodder. Terrible!


I can enjoy some silly stoner movies, when they're done right without taking it too serious in all, but in this case this movie fails. Its not that bad but not really that great either. And people compare this to Friday, but Friday is much better. Now, it seems like a pretty funny and original idea but the direction went off. The movie was pretty watchable, good and funny in its 1st half, but towards the middle and going to the end, it got boring and I lost interest. The first half was good because Method Man (Silas) & Redman (Jamal) weer the main focus, they were funny and they were interacting with each other. They were both great in this, especially Method Man, his character was funny and smart. Towards the middle, there were more subplots and characters (Mike Epps) that randomly came in. It would have been better had they made some connections to Mike Epps character with Method or Redman and introduced him in the beginning. Also towards the end they focused more on the other characters somewhat, and it lost the same energy. It was basically from the Halloween party scene- IMO that dragged on too long. Though many people liked this movie for what it is. It could have been better but also could have been worse


"How High" was one of those pointless, utterly asinine movies that has the ability to make you laugh in spite of how ridiculous the plot is. You can't get a more ridiculous plot than two stoners smoking their dead friend's ashes and then being able to see him.Even though Method Man and Redman aren't the best actors in the world, the movie fit their abilities. It was a silly movie that couldn't be taken slightly serious, so what's the big deal of having two rappers with mediocre acting abilities playing the lead roles? The movie was actually quite hilarious, and it got funnier the more times I saw it.
