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Aces Go Places III: Our Man from Bond Street

Aces Go Places III: Our Man from Bond Street (1984)

January. 25,1984
| Action Comedy

A master thief is duped by lookalikes for James Bond and the Queen of England into stealing a valuable gem from a heavily guarded location then must help the police recover it.


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This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.


Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.


everything you have heard about this movie is true.


I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.


The third Mad Mission movie - a very high paced slapstick parody of the James Bond and other spy movies with some Asian influences - is probably my favourite one of the entire series. Some silly toys of the first two movies have disappeared, the pace is much higher in this movie because of extremely interesting action scenes like on the Eiffel Tower and the jokes are even funnier than before and add a hilarious slapstick style to the movie for example when Samuel Hui plays Tic Tac Toe with cheats in a high secured area or when Carl Maka gets seduced and cheated in the most ridiculous way possible by his friend and a beautiful woman in a restaurant. A very special gem in this movie are the exotic locations for example in Paris and the appearances of some actors of the James Bond movies like Richard Kiel. Only the later Mission:Impossible star Peter Graves is awful and boring in this very entertaining flick filled with action and absurd humour. One can also see that the budget was higher than in the first two movies and most of the action scenes are really well executed.The only negative point is that the quality of the special effects is very low. You can for example easily see strings when Samuel Hui uses his flight machine to escape after a robbery or when he is fighting in the submarine. You can also see that plastic models of ships or planes are used instead of real material. Another negative fact is that the dubbed versions are really awful.But those details and this lack of professionalism doesn't change anything concerning the fact that this movie is still very entertaining over twenty-five years after its creation even if some effects, ideas and the story line are very old fashioned but at least in a charming and nostalgic way. I have seen this movie at least four times now and it is still entertaining and memorable in my opinion. So, if you are looking for a very funny and high paced parody of the James Bond and other spy movies with some charming characters, this movie is the perfect choice for you and it is also a good introduction to the whole Mad Mission universe in my opinion. That's why I can highly recommend this movie to anyone that likes action or comedy movies.


Our Man From Bond Street, the third in the Mad Mission series, sees Tsui Hark taking over directorial duties from Eric Tsang, but fans of the films needn't worry, 'cos pretty much everything else stays the same: Sam Hui, Karl Maka and Sylvia Chang all return for more daft comedy/action and spy-spoofery; there are tons of crazy stunts and silly gadgets; and the whole effort has a chaotic, shambolic feel to it that makes one suspect that they made everything up as they went along.Part 3 sees Sam Hui's affable thief duped (by a faux British secret agent, his beautiful partner and a Queen Elizabeth II lookalike) into stealing the Crown Jewels. When he is made aware of his mistake, he is convinced by a real British agent (played by Peter Graves, star of 60s TV series Mission Impossible) to team up with his Hong Kong police buddies and get the valuables back.As much as I like daft films with shonky effects (there are dodgy models, bad mattes and visible wires from start to finish), I do find the Mad Mission movies leaving me distinctly unimpressed thus far. There's only so much awful slapstick comedy that I can take (and that theme tune is also starting to grate).However, with totally whacked-out action featuring such jaw-dropping sights as a gang of jet-pack wearing Santas staging a heist, a huge shark-shaped submarine (complete with teeth!), and a crazy fight atop an Eiffel tower elevator (between Sam Hui, and genuine Bond villains Richard 'Jaws' Kiel and Harold 'Oddjob' Sakata), those who have enjoyed the previous installments will no doubt also find this one enjoyable.


In this third outing of the series, King Kong is hired by some people who say they work for the Queen of England. They claim that some jewelry from the crown has been stolen, and they want King Kong to steal it back. But things are not quite what they seem, and King Kong and Baldy are in trouble again.Compared to the first two movies in the series this is the worst, it's not quite as action-packed as the others, but relies more on humour, which gets kind of stupid after a while. Maka, who plays Baldy, sets new records in overacting, and the Bond-inspired characters are quite lame.Skip this one, and proceed directly to the next, which is better (Ringo Lam is the king).

Jack Yan

This third Mad Mission film continues the adventures of King King (Sam Hui), Albert Au (Karl Maka) and Superintendent Nancy Ho (Sylvia Chang). The films had become an institution in Hong Kong at the time, and Maka and co-producer Dean Shek knew that they had a ready-made audience.Whether this led to a weaker script is not known but it is, apart from the fifth and last instalment, the weakest of the series penned by Maka and company. But the first two were hard acts to follow and there was always a risk of comparison.For a start, you need to have seen the first two to understand the development of the characters. Nancy has married Albert, and have a bald son, who is introduced in this outing. King Kong receives a mission from Her Majesty the Queen (remember, this was in colonial Hong Kong) and along the way meets certain characters who resemble Sean Connery, Oddjob and Jaws.The silliness of the film is not helped by Maka's willingness to make a fool of himself. This may be part of his humour and style but here it is taken to tiresome extremes. Certain ingredients from the earlier films are taken and exaggerated too greatly: Au's stupidity and suggested infidelity, Nancy's tough-cop routine, and King Kong's cad, James Bond-like attitude. The plot is extremely thin and at best confusing. Even by early 1980s Hong Kong standards, it leaves a lot to be desired.It has its moments: Albert Au trying to use the police computer; the interrogation of King Kong by a police detective (played by Sam Hui's real-life brother, Michael); and the 'Aw, how cute' factor provided by Au's screen son. Mission: Impossible's Peter Graves makes a brief appearance in a scene which is entirely in Chinese (Graves is dubbed - badly). Some of the lines are not too bad, but one wonders how well they hold up in the dubbed English versions.There is some poor dubbing in the Chinese original, with non-Chinese actors sounding typically bad. I suppose it's pleasing to know that the tables can be turned from time to time.Fans of the series would be advised to go straight to the fourth instalment, which is far superior in humour and pace.
