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Princess Kaiulani

Princess Kaiulani (2010)

May. 14,2010
| Drama

Ka'iulani, a 19th-century Hawaiian princess, is raised in England but determined to maintain her people's independence from aggressive American businessmen. After being sent to England as a child by her Scottish father, Ka'iulani returns to Hawaii and becomes a political activist who fights to retain her throne, even though she must leave her English paramour.


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Undescribable Perfection


Redundant and unnecessary.


It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.

Allison Davies

The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.


I love period movies and this is my new favorite! Hawaii, has always been an interest to me considering I have ancestors that are Polynesian. I had no knowledge of Princess Kaiulani, and I am at awe that this was part of the history involved in the deceitful making of a nation.The acting was amazing! The cinematography and wardrobe were amazing! How I missed the release of this movie in 2009 is beyond me.I recommend this movie for anyone that likes period movies, Romance and historical.On a side note, what I find interesting is in real life how Princess Kaiulani died. Inflammatory rheumatism? can be a variety of disorders...it is written that she died of pneumonia? Was it that? or was she poisoned? Considering what she went through and what she had done....What a cover up that would be...anyone could have planted in the papers that the cause of her death was inflammatory rheumatism. Interesting!


I thought the movie was very interesting with strong performances but poor editing. Events often seem to occur out of order and there is some scenes where she just sitting on the beach thinking. One very good directing choice was that rather than force feeding us historical information we found out the fate of Hawai'i as Kaiulani does. There really are many great cinematic moments here, but it comes off as a mish-mash.I believe "Barbarian Princess" would have been a much better title, as that's how US papers referred to Ka'iulani, and she was anything but.I can't speak on the movie's accuracy, but the events are fascinating and this movie makes me want to learn more about Ka'iulani and the Kingdom of Hawai'i.This gets a higher rating from me due to it's unique subject and the performance of the lead actress.


This movie was disappointing. As a native Hawai'ian, I was excited to see and support a historical movie detailing a significant period in our history filled with issues that still weigh heavy on us until this day. Most of the movie seemed amateurish and poorly put together but it tells a story so I guess thats what mattered. There are several scenes which serve merely to develop the viewer's sympathy for Ka'iulani in love, begging us to be overly sensitive towards our heroine and an interest in love while in England ..instead of building her character around more important issues that were her life. Characters like Alice, Archie, Miss Barnes are shallow and rather dull. They exist solely to enhance Ka'iulani and funnel the plot towards her own turmoils in romance.Though the dialog has its moments (like the lovely conversation at dinner in regards to food and politics), the whole movie gets sidetracked by just another fated love story... the same one we've seen a million times: Girl and boy from different situations, finances, countries, and dispositions are supposed to hate each other, but end up falling madly in love. There were also many significant events in Ka'iulani's life that are not portrayed in the movie.


After viewing this enlightening and educational movie, I selected and viewed the extra bonus features, saddened and shocked at finding out the detailed history of Hawaii and its royalty. The truths unveiled by the research (done before the movie was made) made my heart hurt.How sad that again, US intervention caused another group of natives to become a part of the United States when clearly, they did not want that to happen. Capitalism raised its ugly head then, as it continues to do so.Even after moving to England (during the unrest in Hawaii) for several years while her people suffered, Kaiulani (Victoria to her Scottish father) mourned the loss of her Hawaiian mother and her beautiful land. This teenage young lady thought and acted like royalty, wanting the best for her people. Too bad that it didn't happen--her aunt, acting queen, was jailed by American soldiers and sentenced to in-house arrest and hard labor. Kaiulani returned to Hawaii and a few years later, died after developing a serious type of arthritis and a thyroid condition.Princess Kaiulani's heart broke twice, when she gave up the man she loved for the land that she loved.
