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Static (2012)

October. 31,2012
| Drama Horror Thriller Mystery

A couple facing marital problems after losing their child finds their life together further complicated by a mysterious visitor.


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Best movie of this year hands down!


This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.

Bessie Smyth

Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.

Kaydan Christian

A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.


Attempting to get over a personal tragedy, a man and his wife find a young woman on their doorstep trying to escape from a gang of attackers who break into their home and force them to battle off the group in order to escape.Overall this one was pretty enjoyable if slightly flawed. Among it's better qualities is the fact that the second half to this one here doesn't really feel connected to the first half here which is for the better since that is a completely uninteresting movie. The second half is a solid series of chases and encounters throughout the house and the different neighboring parts of land which make for some thrilling times here with the film really getting quite enjoyable when it goes for these chases and stalking as that's all memorable and enjoyable. The first several encounters in the house and the later hide-out in the bedroom are great fun with these really piling on the different types of gun to be had with the home-invasion storyline here that really lets this one get some tense, chilling set-pieces up as well as put some energy into the film that has been missing up until then as there's the fine finale that makes for quite an amazing time here with the barn-yard stalking and the revelations in the house next door all come together to deliver a rather nice twist-ending that's quite enjoyable overall. Still, this one here is still held-down by a series of flaws here, all mainly set up from the outset of this one tending to focus more on the drama of a parents still in blame with themselves over the death of their son. This here tends to really bring up a large portion of time on having the two of them take forever in dealing with their conversations and lifestyle in trying to get over the event and re-start their life together, all of which tends to really focus this one on areas that aren't exactly all that horrific and tend to bring up the fact that what happens for the most part here isn't exactly horror. As a drama it's fine but to spend as much as it does in a horror film is a little too much time here on these matters which causes this one to come off as rather bland and uninteresting for the most part. Likewise, the final twist here almost guarantees that this one's just not all that filled with the kinds of graphic kills or brutal stalking that should've happened in a story like this as it effectively removes the option for such matter to occur in the film in the first place in order to keep that part alive and ends up really neutering this one massively. All in all these hold it down but not quite enough to make it unwatchable, just flawed.Rated R: Graphic Language and Violence.


When you look into horror,found footage,suspense or supernatural genre the list is long around the world there are many films based on concepts we have heard & watched on our screens so what makes this film static different well i have a different opinion on that.I guarantee that after watching this film you will feel felt different i did & anyone else who will see this will agree that these not so famous films are in fact much better & greater then those so called big budget movies Hollywood waste the money on those usual scream & shriek with a big action star in them like Bruce Willis or a female damsel in distress along with a annoying kid we have seen a billion times before now those large studios ran out of scripts so they do either a reboot,remake or keep rehashing the same idea on repeat mode why just because for some cash not for the sake of good story or execution of the project.A lot of people & critics didn't get this film at all because either they didn't pay attention or are not used to long dialog based & deep suspense atmospheric films.Static 2012 looks like no other film in the starting things go crazy the couple is in trouble no one to help etc but the climax will stun you i mean isn't it crazy that you are watching a completely predictable movie that even a kid can tell what will happen in next scene & suddenly the genre switches on from thriller to supernatural mode.The Plot:a couple lives in a house far away from the city they have lost their child one night a visitor Rachel knocks on their door saying some men are out there in gas masks & they are coming this way but soon the men with gas masks enter the house they drag Rachel away while the couple fear & hide thinking what will happen to them.From start to near last 8 minutes before the ending the film is hide & seek between the couple & the men in masks,the couple actually figures it out that why these people entered their house as they have located their safe house from which the gang was operating.The good part starts when the dialog between Jonathan Dade & his wife Addie Dade starts again after a long silence they start talking about their dead son they start to blame each other for his death.The character of Rachel is connect to this because she understood them well then the couple themselves,i have to give a spoiler here i usually don;t give one in my reviews but here it's a exception i believe it is need because i don't want anyone to miss out on this hidden masterpiece.The couple are ghosts & those gang members are paranormal investigators lead by Rachel who successfully confront the ghost couple at their house only make them realize that the death of their son was a mistake so they can forgive each other & move on from this world to eternal life heaven in peace.Why did i tell the whole story is because it is simply well told film with a powerful based script & narrative filled with great acting display by everyone big stars like Sara Paxton & Sarah Shahi did a wonderful job Milo Ventimiglia as the male lead actor was amazing.Just imagine if John Woo made a horror or supernatural film it would have been like this all go slow in the start in the middle things don't seem to make sense but in the end its awesomeness this is what static is all about,i love every film with Sara Paxton in it i became a long hardcore fan of her since Aquamarine i have to say this lady is very talented & chooses great scripts regards to her from a Pakistani fan.Overall forget the haters & critics Static 2012 is a heavily underrated film filled with surprises at every moment i loved it hats off to the director & whole team for making this low budget gem of a film my rating is 8/10:Highly Recommended

Robert W.

Awhile ago I realized that pouring through every movie I come across wasn't working for me. I was watching so much crap and turning most of it off and it was ruining one of my favourite hobbies. So I swore I wouldn't watch anymore obviously bad, unknown horror films. But Static read well so I decided to break my own rule. Thank goodness!! This was a total surprise!! It reminded me of The Strangers mixed with a little Stephen King and it was a solid thriller that was one of the better movies I have seen in the last couple of weeks. The film just does a fantastic job of getting under your skin and really creeping you out. Yes, it is probably a little bit predictable and has that air of the heroes going this way when they should go that but horror is a genre of predictability and there are few unique ideas left. Regardless, if you love horror then you love the tried and true recipe and this film works extremely well. In some respects I could have done without the ending (something other IMDb reviewers are complaining about) but it also worked well and I didn't see it coming, however, we have seen this ending time and time again and has sort of played out its shock value. But ignore that or accept it because it isn't a bad ending and it doesn't take away from the edge of your seat thrills leading up to it.Since his run on the hit show Heroes Milo Ventimiglia has done some bizarre indie flicks. I wasn't sure if this would be a bizarre turn for him but he is very good as the grieving father and husband who is also a writer trying to protect his wife. His character is decently developed and he makes a good lead for the film. He felt like a Stephen King character (and that is by no means a bad thing) and he carried it well. His wife is played by Sarah Shahi who also does a great job as the tortured mother dealing with the loss of their son. You will feel her emotions and her terror and she makes a decent scream queen. The chemistry between them is very good and convincing and both of them carry the film very well. Sarah Paxton (who I enjoy but she doesn't do a lot) has a mostly small role as the mysterious girl who ends up on their doorstep. She is very good and you immediately get a sense there is more to her and what she is doing there. Her character was used sparingly which made her more mysterious and added to the tension of the film.Newcomer Todd Levin flies in the face of my cardinal rule of not directing and writing your own material because he is a co-writer and directs this and I would guess that we will absolutely be seeing more from him very soon. He has a style and he does a lot with what was likely a very low budget. He uses the atmosphere, the isolated home, the countryside to instill a feeling of being trapped and hunted. There are even some genuinely real jump moments in the movie and some truly terrifying scenes involving our intruders in gas masks which made for some intense moments. The film's pacing was quite good especially for an indie movie although some of the more emotional scenes got almost over-dramatic. I imagine its hard not to overact when you're the focus of the film and there isn't a lot of special effects to carry the story. Still, a first rate indie thriller that absolutely should be checked out. I noticed this is also being released in 3D-Blu Ray and I hate 3D enough already but there is NOTHING in this movie that would be made better by 3D. I can't imagine why they would ever do that. But if it makes more people watch it than bonus to them. Do yourself a favour and check it out!! 8.5/10

Eagle H.

I decided to watch this one because of the rating it had here. It's a fairly good movie, but it is way too slow. What it does well is keep you guessing all the way to the very end. You don't know who the girl is. You don't know why they are after her. Then, you don't know why they are after them. The more I think about the movie the more I like it. However, the end leaves you feeling somewhat disappointed. I watched the entire movie picking things I thought were wrong with the movie, only to find out in the end that they all make sense. This one is worth watching, but you wont be raving about how good it was later.
