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Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession

Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession (1973)

September. 17,1973
| Comedy Science Fiction

A scientist builds a time machine and accidentally sends his apartment complex manager and a petty burglar to 16th century Moscow, while Tsar Ivan the Terrible travels to 1973.


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Sorry, this movie sucks


i must have seen a different film!!

Usamah Harvey

The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.


Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.

POGO (PogoNeo)

It is just that and almost nothing more: a slapstick for uneducated people; who when watching a movie do not want to or do not like to bother their minds with things like plot, plausibility of events or laws of physics. If in reality nobody acts the way those various characters act and objects do not work the way that is shown on the screen, then it is no problem for those kind of viewers. And it should be no problem for others as well, because it is suppose to be an adventure fantasy comedy (with elements of musical), that even has a kind of a proper disclaimer at the beginning. But the problem is, that this picture is simply not funny. With an exception of one laugh and 2 or 3 smiles, this comedy is just boring, predictable and annoyingThe only thing of value in it are the shots of high quality, in their entirety: lighting, sets, special effects; all those technical and visual aspects of the film. They not only stood the test of time in comparison to many other movies of that era. Moreover, for a film made in the Eastern Bloc, its quality is simply amazing when compared to other movie productions of economically struggling communist countries. (Although some part of this comes probably out from restoration process for the digital release)And having pointed that out, it is no wonder that this movie is what it is- a sweet pill for the masses brutalized by a communist system. And it is not like this is "a stupid piece of cinematic feces", just because "it was made in the 70's in the USSR". Hollywood was making back then and still is making the same kind of unfunny comedic garbage for simpletons, just like the Russians did with this movie, but only without Benny-Hill-like running around (which Ivan Vasilevich is abundant of). Probably there are even more much worst "comedies" made in USA per decade now, than there were made thorough the entire Soviet period of Russian cinematography


I don't know where to start saying what's wrong with this movie. Be it the childish acting, the ridiculous special effects, the miserable editing or the incompetent directing. While the starting idea of the plot is quite interesting, the final result is a total embarrassment.The only explanation for positive reviews is nostalgia for USSR.The idea of black and white and color to differentiate reality from dream could not have been executed more poorly. I thought the TV was broken or the divx file was damaged.Even something as simple as a pie thrown in the face is depicted with such a bad flow... you see that the pie is thrown and then the shot shows it has landed already on someone's face, without showing the actual impact. This is the kind of editing that could have been acceptable when cinema was invented in 1880s but even for the '70s is already ridiculous.


I own two copies of this film, one purchased in Russia (no subtitles), and one I've acquired recently to show it to my wife with subtitles. She wasn't very excited about Russian cinema, she isn't a film person and hates to read subtitles, but this time she gave in.As many reviewers mentioned before, majority of the humor relies on the verbal misunderstandings between the characters from different time eras, that of 1500's and that of 1970's.I've paused the film no less than a dozen times to explain such details as the meaning of world "liapota," it being the ancient word for the modern equivalent of "beauty," and to explain Visotskii's (a Russian singer whom Ivan the Terrible listens) lyrics. Also, there are many little social comments that those who haven't lived in, visited, or studied Soviet Union wouldn't understand completely i.e. the obvious ridicule of the "social reports" and the black market commentary.Nevertheless, she liked it, and I was dumbfounded.This film is popular and remembered because of its many layers. You may enjoy it simply as slapstick, someone else can view it for the language, while yet others can view it as a social commentary. It adds up if you know the Russian language and history, but even if you don't you will still find it funny and charming because there is always something to take away.


This is one of the greatest comedies produced by the Soviet cinema. It continues to be hugely popular among Russian speaking people (who have all seen it). Even if one does not understand any Russian, the movie is quite watchable in subtitled versions.The plot itself is a rather standard one about ordinary guys thrust into a strange culture with action and adventure. What makes the movie special is superb acting, witty dialog, good pacing, and engaging music.This movie deserves a place along side other action-adventure comedies such as The Princess Bride.
