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Baggage Claim

Baggage Claim (2013)

September. 27,2013
| Comedy Romance

Determined to get engaged before her youngest sister's wedding, flight attendant Montana Moore finds herself with only 30 days to make a connection. Fortunately, her friends have cooked up a high-flying scheme to help Montana land...the perfect guy!


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Captivating movie !


Boring, over-political, tech fuzed mess

Tildon Katz

Movies that cater to a largely black audience doesn't in and of itself make it either good or bad, but this movie is insanely terrible. Many of the actors are really good and its unfortunate they have to accept these parts. Just about everything in this movie is some stereotype of white and black people, centered around a girl as a flight attendant, which is also incredibly exaggerated. Now some poor, ignorant girl with no education is going to think she should get a job like this and live an interesting life in search of a wonder man. I have known many flight attendants and TURST ME, very few, if any, of them lead a life like this. Its low pay, hard hours, terrible hotels, boring layovers, crews don't have any fun, passengers are nasty and treat you like a slave, and its an altogether sucking job that takes the life right out of you. The ones left doing it is because they have nothing else better they can do and are just stuck there. However, the movie is light hearted and silly.


I am a movie watcher, so if you're watching this movie to see something new, you will be disappointed and give it a low rating saying it was a waste of time. However, if you want to watch something for the cuteness, fun and the giggles, this is a great movie to watch. Although I knew exactly what was going to happen from the very beginning, it was really a cute and fun loving story. I laughed and I enjoyed it. It's a movie that makes you feel good, especially on rainy days. I smiled all the way through. So please, don't judge the movie because it's just "predictable." Judge based on how it makes you feel at the end of the day. If it makes you leave with smiles, after relaxing on the couch drinking hot cocoa or eating a bowl of popcorn, the movie did its job. Stop being so deep and just enjoy yourself for a change lol!


I never write movie reviews but this movie was so funny and cute. I laughed smiled cried throughout the whole thing. It was just what I needed. Paula Patton does a good job as do the rest of the characters. I really like Paula Patton in general, she is beautiful and charming in all her movies.These movies can be so cheesy sometimes but this time around it was more funny than anything. I loved Tray songs and seeing Tia Moury as well as Lala. Adam Brody is a great actor and I was surprised to see him here and in a different character. Im also from the DC area and I love the fact that a lot of movies are now taking place here. This is perfect movie for a girls night in.


I'm a little surprised that this movie has a 3.2 rating on here because it wasn't that bad. I, personally, did not want to see it. I'm a little prejudice against black theater writes who start making movies (i.e. Tyler Perry) but this movie wasn't totally bad. I actually enjoyed it. I thought the premise was original. a flight attendance using her resources at her airline to encounter exes so they could be her date for her sister's wedding. I mean it has been done before with Debra Messing but I thought the airline aspect was cool. The gems of this movie were definitely Jill Scott and Adam Brody. Without them this movie would have been dullsville but they deliver some very hilarious one lines and the dialogue between both of them delivers some laugh out loud moments they made me forgive a lot of the movies mistakes. Also, Tia Mowry had a small part but her scene was one of the funniest as well.Now for the bad, Paula Patton really overacted in this. Watching her deliver her lines made me really uncomfortable. If you ask me she did some of her best work in Mission Impossible 4. Whoever her agent is, they need to get her out of playing the same roles in these comedy and romance movie. Jennifer Lewis' monologue at the end was whack. I didn't understand why they introduced her ex named "Curtis" on the plane if she wasn't going to have an interaction with him in the future. Overall, this movie is pretty predictable. I already knew everything that would happen but I enjoyed watching the story unfold simply for the laughs throughout. I don't want to make it a race thing but it's good to see African American cinema explore other genres of film besides the gangster movies or slave movies. It seems those are the only roles that get created so to say an African American based romantic comedy is very refreshing.I enjoyed this movie. But I wouldn't suggest for anybody to rush to see it in theaters. Just wait until Redbox.
