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Goodbye Berlin

Goodbye Berlin (2016)

September. 15,2016
| Drama Comedy

While his mother is in rehab and his father is on a 'business trip' with his assistant, 14-year-old outsider Maik is spending the summer holidays bored and alone at his parents' villa, when rebellious teenager Tschick appears. Tschick, a Russian immigrant and an outcast, steals a car and decides to set off on a journey away from Berlin with Maik tagging along for the ride. So begins a wild adventure where the two experience the trip of a lifetime and share a summer that they will never forget.


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It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.


This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.


Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

Staci Frederick

Blistering performances.

Attila Tormus

This is my first movie that I watched from Fatih Akin. Shame on me! I am deeply impressed his innocent language in telling the story of two boys and the other characters. Tschick (Goodbye Berlin) tells a very ordinary story around two teenagers with an amazing beautiful way. I think that the success of the movie is not trying to tell the story from an adult view, on the contrary, telling like a teenager who talks about what happened during the last summer. The tune between sadness and happiness is very balanced. I like movies that not trying to exploit / (ab)use audience's weak points and Tschick (Goodbye Berlin) is also not trying to do this and set the audience free. For me, the main outcome (if we need a message from every movie that we watched) is "to be yourself" and "to accept life and people around you as well as yourself". There are many upsetting around two boy characters but all are experienced not in a melodramatic way but very truthful way like all we experienced when we were young. Anand Batbileg (Tschick) and Tristan Göbel (Maik) play their role perfectly. As I was watching the movie, I have never thought on their performances as "Oh no it is too exaggerated way" or "they are short for the role". I like this movie. It is honest, cheerful, hopeful and very very sentimental. I like sentimental laughter. (*) Mylast note for the admin. It is not possible to write Fatih Akin's surname in its original way. In Turkish we have small "I" and this field doesn't accept it. His surname is not written with "i" but with small "I". You may need fixing this. Thank you!

Reno Rangan

The coming-of-age road adventure based on the book of the same name. From the director of 'Soul Kitchen'. It was like any other similar themed teen flick, has all the same formulas, but what makes it special is it is being a German film. I'm not saying it is new for German film, but definitely not every year flooded with such plenty of flicks like in the Hollywood. Besides, there are other major differences, as it is culture, mindset of the kids and the type of adventure.The original title name is the name of one of the main film characters. But the story was observed from another character who has been with him all along. Opened with some road accident and soon the flashback follows to reveal what happened till that point of the film. For me the story did not impress, it was how everything was presented on the screen. It was a 90 minute film, and straight to the point kind of narration. Which means the pace was never compromised.It tells the story of two teenage boys how they have spent their summer. After not invited to the birthday party to whom he has a crush on, Maik decides to go an unexpected road trip with his new, weird friend. A lifetime journey. Being a teenager and taking a such ride unwraps his mind as he was only living in the small world so far. Which particularly points out his one sided romance. At the end of his adventure where stands and the aftermath of everything was briefly disclosed.❝Someone just needs to scratch in some letters, then it will be 'Atomic Crisis of 2016'.❞The 'road movie' has been just a concept, but the stories created around it was very nice. Like many mini episodes, whenever they encounter the new people, the new places. At its halfway through, the third character was introduced. It was one of the best improvement. At first it was not intentional, but going further it becomes. Might not close to the real life, but makes such impression that's not too far from the reality. On how some people slipped away from the actual world and the contact with its people. Obviously with the reason, that does not reveal to us because of not to make any further complication in the storytelling.The overall best thing about the film was not digging anything so in detail. Everything about the film was a rough cut. Except the opening parts in the school where the plot was initiated. It was more of an introduction than the initiation. And the remaining film was a transformation from something what we knew its state of condition (of the main character) to the ultimate goal (which was not expected).It drags the gay topic, but throw away immediately. Similarly a few other topics as well. Yeah, the film was fun, as it told from the teenager's perspective, not the entire film to be considered very seriously. Though there some parts make sense and inspires, despite done/committed on the contrary. When it comes to the cast, it was flawless performances. Both the lead boys were awesome. The odd combination worked out well. But it was not that odd, while narrating the story.The Maik reminded me the Wiley Wiggins from 'Dazed and Confused'. The film was not predictable, but the path it has taken was. If I say the film was excellent, that does not mean all of you would enjoy it. Surely teenagers, and children film fans would, but those who are familiar with this kind might find nothing new in it. For them it does not matter, it is an American or a German film. That does not mean it's not worth a watch. So try it, despite you are going to like it or not in the later.7.5/10


Two unlikely heroes (or anti heroes) find each other. The only two boys who are not invited to the hottest (birthday) party of their class. A Young Adult movie based on a book (that I haven't read by the way) that clearly gets the spirit of young boys in one of their most vulnerable times.You may think that some of the things the boys do are annoying. But boys are not always rational. And if you really think about it, the grown ups are making bigger mistakes. Mistakes they shouldn't do and things to other people they shouldn't be doing. Some things are only suggested (adultery), others are out in the open (alcohol abuse). It's not just light fun, there is also drama. And comedy of course. This works on many levels not just for young people growing up. It is a movie that takes you on a trip ...


German road movie about two teenage boys going on German roads during summer vacations. It is a simple movie but very well executed and with a great cast. It makes you want to become young and fearless again, nostalgia, nostalgia, always a powerful sentiment. In background it tackles important topics including dysfunctional families and races.
