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Magic in the Moonlight

Magic in the Moonlight (2014)

July. 25,2014
| Drama Comedy Romance

Set in the 1920s French Riviera, a master magician is commissioned to try and expose a psychic as a fraud.


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Good movie but grossly overrated


Don't listen to the negative reviews


This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.

Kirandeep Yoder

The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.


(Flash Review)This was a picturesque little movie that lightly touches a world- renowned magician who exposes fraudulent magicians and fortune tellers. He comes across on young woman who is very clever and needs to spend more time to figure out her illusions. If he can't figure her out, will he believe she is real and of course she is attractive so will a romance form? The story was OK but for me the climax was muted and the romantic angle a bit unbelievable. It was a visual pleasure and the illusions used were….nifty. Decent acting but the story was average and already slipping from memory.


Although on the thin side, this romantic comedy set in 1928 turns out to be one of writer-director Woody Allen's better latter-day films. Colin Firth plays a British illusionist who performs successfully throughout the world under the guise of a Chinaman from the mystical Orient; he's, however, an unbeliever in the spiritual world, and is therefore curious to meet the houseguest of a wealthy American family vacationing on the Riviera, a surprisingly intuitive lass who claims to be an actual psychic. Firth's doubtful magician, an atheist who is amusingly brought to his knees in prayer after falling in love with telepathic Emma Stone, stands in for Woody Allen but doesn't do a Woody impersonation (a relief). Still, there's no magic between Firth and Stone as a movie-couple (they don't match up well), and the gaggle of comedic supporting characters bustling about the lush location haven't anything funny to do or say. Ultimately a benign film, but one that entertains in patches...and it's always enjoyable listening to Allen's dialogue, especially when his alter-ego continually weighs both sides of a situation without ever giving up his pessimistic nature. **1/2 from ****


Woody Allen continues his tradition of presenting philosophical, existential filmic essays in the guise of a light romantic comedy. "Magic In The Moonlight" deals with themes as heavy and profound as they get: is there more to our universe than meets the eye? Do we need magic to give meaning to our lives? Is it better to be happy with your delusions or unhappy with the truth? Is there any room for logic in love? You have to admire Allen for even bringing up these topics - no other contemporary American director does, to my knowledge at least. The film is beautifully produced, but there is a definite air of familiarity to it - extending to its soundtrack selections. And although Colin Firth and Emma Stone play their characters well, their age difference as a romantic couple is just too big to overlook. You might say the film succeeds in its higher goals (a philosophical study) and fails in the easier ones (a romantic comedy). **1/2 out of 4.

Python Hyena

Magic in the Moonlight (2014): Dir: Woody Allen / Cast: Colin Firth, Emma Stone, Hamish Linklater, Marcia Gay Harden, Jacki Weaver: Enchanting drama comedy about appreciating life. It stars Colin Firth as an uptight pompous illusionist, Stanley Crawford who is the best at what he does and can expose every trick of the trade. Central plot regards a spiritualists, Sophie Baker, played by Emma Stone who can apparently detect thoughts of one's past, or speak to the souls of those whom have passed on. Stanley intends to expose her as a fraud but ends up being impressed and bewildered at what she presents. Romantic sparks fly although nothing passionate. He is in denial, using his engagement to a woman that he is not emotionally connected with as an excuse. She is often being trailed by Brice, played by Hamish Linklater, who sings to her in what amounts to an amusing comic appearance. She accepts these actions yet she is drawn to Stanley's detachment. Jacki Weaver plays a woman seeking Sophie's spiritual powers to communicate with her late husband. Marcia Gay Harden plays Sophie's mother who is not impressed with Stanley's uptight attitude upon meeting her daughter. It contains gorgeous photography and jazz music common with Woody Allen films as well as comic dialogue. The conclusion brings great exposure to the whole charade while certain viewers may not appreciate the mockery of Christianity in a brief scene. The result is an intelligent drama comedy about the ridiculous illusions surrounding magic, truths, and the very notion that we often deny our true feelings when exempting our magic from others. Score: 9 / 10
