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Killer Joe

Killer Joe (2012)

July. 27,2012
| Drama Thriller Crime

A cop who moonlights as a hit man agrees to kill the hated mother of a desperate drug dealer in exchange for a tumble with the young man's virginal sister.


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Too much of everything


the audience applauded


One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.


It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.


1 star because -10 wasn't available. I would go so far as to say anyone who saw anything redeeming in the film may be as sick as the characters therein.


If you want to avoid Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, do NOT watch this movie. Dottie is a minor in the film and she has sex with an adult man. Another part of the movie that made me really sick was watching Matthew McConaughey forcing Gina's character to perform oral sex on a piece of chicken on Matthew's crotch making it look like he was getting oral sex. If people wanted to see sex they would watch porn not a movie.This movie receives a bad rating from me. I was left disturbed after watching this movie.


Sorry Fridken and Letts. This is just a sick excuse to portray blue collar working class types as morons and amoral. Friedkin likes to feel that he understands working class blue collar types, and always identifies with the cops, union guys, killers, etc, that have helped him on his films, but Friedkin is full of s**t, always has been. He is in to power and prestige. Please don't condensed to trailer park people or blue collar types with this sadistic, sexualized and perverted film trash. There is more class in those people than you can forever hope to have. Write and direct movies about Beverly Hill types, that is where you are and who you are now.


William Friedkin's Killer Joe. What, oh what can I say. Upon finishing it, my friend and I shared a single silent moment of heightened horror, looked at each other and chimed "What the fvck?!" in unison. Now, I don't want our aghast reaction to deter you from seeing this wickedly funny black comedy, because it's really something you've never seen before. Just bring a stomach strong enough to handle dark, depraved scenes and a whole lot of greasy fried chicken that's put places where it definitely doesn't belong. Matthew McConaughey is unhinged and off the hook as 'Killer Joe' Cooper, one of his best characters in years up until that point. Joe is a very, very bad dude, a Texas police detective who moonlights as a contract killer and is just a lunatic whenever he's on either shift. Emile Hirsch plays an irresponsible young lad (a character trait that's commonplace with the folks in this film, and something of an understatement) who is several thousand dollars in debt to a charmer of a loan shark (Marc Macauley). Joe offers to help when Hirsch comes up with the brilliant plan of murdering his skank of a mom (Gina Gershon in full on sleazy slut mode). The 'plan' backfires in so many different ways that it stalls what you think is the plot, becoming an increasingly perverted series of events that culminate in the single weirdest blow job I've ever seen put to film. Joe has eyes for Hirsch's underage sister (Juno Temple, excellent as always), and worms his way into her life, as well as her bed. He claims her as collateral, and hovers over the family like some diseased arm of the law. Thomas Haden Church is hilarious as Hirsch's ne'er do well country bumpkin of a father. Poor Gershon gets it the worst from Joe, in scenes that wander off the edges of the WTF map into John Waters territory. I was surprised to learn that this was a Friedkin film, but the man seems to be the king of genre hopping these days, and it's always key to be adaptable in your work. A deep fried, thoroughly disgusting twilight zone episode of a flick that'll give the gag reflex a good workout and keep your jaw rooted to the floor during its final sequence.
