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The Wedding Planner

The Wedding Planner (2001)

January. 26,2001
| Comedy Romance

San Francisco's premiere wedding planner, Mary Fiore is rescued from an accident by the man of her dreams, pediatrician Steve Edison, only to find he is the fiancé of her latest client. As Mary continues making their wedding arrangements, she and Steve are put into a string of uncomfortable situations that force them to face their mutual attraction.


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Mary Fiore is San Francisco's most successful supplier of romance and glamor. She knows all the tricks. She knows all the rules. But then she breaks the most important rule of all: she falls in love with the groom. McConaughey and Lopez have a great chemistry together, the entire Cast is brilliant and even tho the film drives into familiar romantic territory it's still an enjoyable romantic comedy and not just for women but men too to be honest. (10/10)

Davis P

OK, let me start out by saying that this Jennifer Lopez 2001 romantic comedy is as predictable as predictable gets. That being said, it still is not a bad or poorly made film, it's just predictable. Jennifer Lopez does a good job in her role, and I thought she filled the shoes of the character well. As for Matthew Mconahey, I think I spelled that right lol, he is alright, not the best choice for the role of you ask me, but I didn't really hate him as the romantic interest for Lopez. Matthew is just slightly bland in the movie, I didn't really feel his energy or heart in it. Judy Greer is wonderful in her supporting best friend/coworker role. I thought she was enjoyable and funny. The chemistry was there, it just wasn't like electric or awesome, again, maybe if someone else would've played Matthew's role, then maybe the chemistry would have been better. The dialogue and writing is alright, I mean it's nothing too special, it doesn't bring anything new to the genre, which I guess it doesn't really have to, but a little more creativity would have been nice. When it's all said and done, I do enjoy this film, but I just don't think it's great, in other words, I've seen better when it comes to the romantic comedy genre. 6/10 for The Wedding Planner.

Nullify RUSU

Someone put this on in a crowded bar, and everyone gathered around to watch it. Naturally, I did too. I made this account to say that I had the utmost displeasure of experiencing this movie and have to say that the cinematography is like that of a low budget film you would see during the daytime and the acting almost rivals that of the room. The fact that this was involved in the Razzies and only won an award in the Kids' Awards speaks great volumes. Terrible acting, script, plot, everything. Don't watch this; if you're mad enough to watch it bring a double barrelled shotgun: that way, if you miss the first time, you can shoot for a second time and hopefully kill yourself instead of having your eyes exposed to Satan's creation to torture paedophiles.


Hollywood really struggles producing these romantic comedies - they seem to overflow with predictability, and, too often, mean-spiritedness. Bollywood does these things better, since they have invented several harmless ways to get the guy and girl finally together. Having said that, J-Lo and McConaughey have a little bit of chemistry together, and the supporting characters have some charm. My only complaint was the pacing - it was draggy in places - I don't mind being drowned in syrup - I just mind being drowned s-l-o-w-l-y in syrup. You can't beat the carefully-structured quick-paced Astaire-Rogers comedies of the 30's. Still 7/10 for a decent entry in the rom-com genre.
