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The Road Within

The Road Within (2016)

June. 16,2016
| Drama Comedy

A young man with Tourette's Syndrome embarks on a road trip with his recently-deceased mother's ashes.


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The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.


I was absolutely blown away by this movie. I thought it was brilliantly done and is award worthy. Definitely a must see, especially for those suffering from any form of mental illness within their lives.I had never seen any of these actors before but I thought they did an amazing job. I can definitely see how some people could be put off by this movie but you need to have an open mind and an understanding heart to truly appreciate it.I love movies with a parent vs. child struggle and I love it even more when both the parent and child learn a lesson in the end and are able to settle their differences and see eye to eye. You are able to feel for all of the characters and the writing is truly poetic.My favorite part in the movie was how music positively effected the moods of Alex and Vincent. I have heard that music can effect our brainwaves and I found it amazing that this was so comforting for them.The only reason I am not giving it a perfect score is because I wish they had chosen to portray OCD in a manner aside from the "germ phobia." This is the most commonly depicted form of OCD but it is by far the most common. OCD manifests in many different ways and I wish they had chosen to illustrate that more in Alex. But I still think his transformation was brilliantly done.There are definitely some disturbing elements of the movie but I feel that the beauty and growth that the characters experience far outweigh any of their tragedies.


This movie definitely wasn't what I expected when I started watching it, I didn't read the description and just thought it'd be pure comedy with the pictures it had, as has been said though, it was different, pleasantly surprising. The movie does an amazing job defining the individual characters histories, problems and loneliness in a world dominated with judgement. It is a nice mix of comedy with seriousness in it. This is definitely not for the feint heated as it has lots of swearing, sexual scenes and some blood / fighting in it. All in all, I enjoyed it very much. I'd love to watch this movie again in the near future..


As one who has lived with Tourette's myself and as a parent, I was pleased at how accurately this was portrayed. Robert Sheehan was most impressive and expressive. This actor conveys such sad torture with his eyes whilst in the throes of episode, I just wanted to hug him. Though many with Tourette's display the tics and vocalizing rather than the verbal profanity often used to show example, this film got all angles right. The words of the father in regard to his son made me cry...the writer/director must have dealt with this in life as she got the raw emotion of this disorder from the eyes of both parent and child. The Tic Code starring Christopher Marquette and the late Gregory Hines is another revelation in film focusing on life with and the parenting of one with Tourette's. The way The Road Within ties together OCD, anorexia and Tourette's with these brilliant young performers had me wishing it had debuted bigger and they had received far more accolades for their work. Along with Robert Sheehan, Zoe Kravitz is a study in subtlety without being dull and Dev Patel is all palpable anxiety. Robert Patrick's guilty dad believably shows his true colors and Kyra Sedgwick makes an easy piece as caring clinical director her own. This film should be shown in psychology courses for study.


This movie is a cheering (and serious) tale about complicated people sharing a complicated trip to the ocean. The story rolls with a wonderful narrative balance and the result is very entertaining. At the end I wondered who wrote and directed it and found out it was another astonishing female writer/director of these latter Movie years (Gren Wells).Then I asked myself (probably influenced by the Psychoanalytical atmosphere of the movie) why I rated it 8 and not 10. And it was simply because it was too easy for me (as it probably will be for you) to see what was going to come. A small lack of originality however does not affect the overall result, that remains really good. Moreover the movie offers the chance to put a new word in our vocabulary: Abreaction. Maybe you never heard it before but it's easy to figure out its meaning: it's what the story is about.
