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Liar Liar

Liar Liar (1997)

March. 21,1997
| Comedy

Fletcher Reed, a fast-talking, habitual liar, divorced father, is an incredibly successful lawyer who has built his career by lying. He is used to giving priority to his job and always breaking promises to be with his young son Max, but Fletcher often lets Max down, by missing his son's birthday party. But even then at 8:15 Max decides to make him an honest man as he wishes for a whole day where his father can't lie. When his son Max blows out the candles on his fifth birthday, he only has one wish - for his father to stop lying for 24 hours. When Max's wish comes true, Fletcher discovers that his mouth has suddenly become his biggest obstacle


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A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.

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Jim Carrey has to be one of my favorite comedians ever!!! I love him so much! He gives such heart and energy to his roles and I love him for it! He is so good in this movie. He is such an unlikable character at first but then after his son makes that wish and he isn't able to lie anymore you kind of feel for him. You can tell that he really loves his son and that all his son wants is to spend more time with his dad and for his dad to not break his promises. This is such a sweet and charming story and I believe this is one of Jim Carrey's best performances ever. He really gives it his all. Especially in the boardroom scene. I will always love this movie and it will always be a classic to me.

John Brooks

As my title suggests. Jim Carrey can't lie, and this is a film that showcases his many, many bizarre tricks and crafts as an absolute maniac of a unique comedian following that fun-to-start-with premise. This is one of these films that would be entirely irrelevant and painfully forced would it be just about anyone BUT that one Jim Carrey individual. It's completely silly in parts, way over-the-top, and belongs to the good thick family humor but is, somehow, still funny. Thanks Jim Carrey. The film in itself is fine, the story is alright and allows for a good morality at the end. It's cute in places, but really the focus here is Jim Carrey and the ridiculous positions this miracle of life has put him, a conniving lawyer, in to go through. If you like Jim Carrey, watch this. If you don't, you'll find it forced, unfunny and far-fetched.


With a sincere & emotional story at heart, this hilarious flick turns out to be enjoyable while touching at the same time. I credit all the entertainment to the lead star Jim Carrey, for his amusing antics and perfect comic timing. Also, the kid is very adorable.Jim turns from shamelessly selfish to an adorable and honest dad effortlessly, and this is where the charm of the film lies. The story is very simple and cute, and unveils the potential for unlimited funny moments. I felt that it could have been capitalized on better.I found the ending funny but cliché, and that is where my scoring of the film comes down. Also, I did not like the wife's unsurity about which man to choose. She was not nice to the other man who loved her. He may not have been the best dad, but was sincerely concerned for the child.All in all, a complete entertainer and a must watch.
