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Zookeeper (2011)

July. 08,2011
| Comedy Romance Family

Kindhearted Griffin Keyes is one of the best-loved caretakers at the Franklin Park Zoo, but he's more comfortable with the animals than with females of his own species as proven by his failed marriage proposal to the self-absorbed Stephanie several years ago. The animals have listened to Griffin pine over her for years and, after she reappears in his life, they decide to help Griffin rekindle the relationship and become the alpha male she wants him to be. They inadvertently reveal their secret ability to talk and, after Griffin's initial shock, teach him the rules of courtship, animal-style. Surprisingly, the animals' advice really works and Griffin is about to get everything he's ever dreamed of--or is he?


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Slow pace in the most part of the movie.


The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.


A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.

Ella-May O'Brien

Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.


"The Zookeeper" is hardly anything else than copy of "Dr.Dollittle". The plot is unimaginative. The animals aren't either interesting or cute. The story is predictable and the jokes are lame.The acting isn't anything special. Kevin James has always been a poor man's John Candy, at least for me. There is impressive supporting voice cast here : Sylvester Stallone , Nick Nolte , Cher , Adam Sandler , Judd Apatow and Jon Favreau . They did OK , but that's it.The only reason I saw this lame comedy was because Sylvester Stallone in it. I'm on a mission to watch every movie he made (with the exception of the infamous porn movie "Party at Kitty and Stud"). I'm always wondering why someone with an obvious sense of humor like Sly keeps appearing in bad comedies like this one. I guess I will never know. I give it 1/10.


Cinema has just reached a new low. I honestly never thought I would see a movie that was worse than Furry Vengeance, but I was wrong. This movie was just painful to watch. It's overly cutesy messages, clumsy and cliché plot, and unimpressive casting chokes the brain of anyone unfortunate enough to see it. Guess what the plot is? Chubby, relatable dork wants to meet a girl, so the animals try to coach him on how to date. Yeah, it made me throw up a little in my mouth just to write it. This movie would only be enjoyable to the youngest of viewers, (or someone who has never seen another movie before). The only reason I would ever recommend Zookeeper to someone else would be for revenge, and it would require something terrible to deserve this movie... like a war crime.


Kevin James retreads his formula as the lovable fat guy left heartbroken when his marriage proposal to a hot blonde (Leslie Bibb) goes wrong as she dumps him.James is a zookeeper who loves his job cares a lot for the animals, has a sweet relationship with fellow worker Rosario Dawson but is looking for a career change by workings for his brother's executive car dealership.As Bibb comes back into his life, working in the car dealership and earning big bucks is an attractive option as he hopes this will win her back.So far so good but then the film throws a curve ball as the zoo animals start to speak as they do not want him to leave. So you have Nick Nolte, Sly Stallone, Adam Sandler, Cher as some of the voices and supposedly to provide some of the laughs.However James realises that he seems closer to Dawson than Bibb who has another ex boyfriend in tow and is also sad to leave the zoo.The film has a bright start as James gets jilted while he has made a big effort getting engaged but once again he attracts all the hot ladies and then you have the animals, many of them from Africa who start to speak in English and despite the famous voices, they are not really funny, some of its rather irritating.The film itself is not very funny, goes a predictable path regarding its romance and comedy. There are a couple of minor bad guys, one of them who abuses the gorilla voiced by Nick Nolte and there is very little there apart from the animals talking that makes it stand out as a comedy.


Griffin Keyes (Kevin James) is the perfect employee. In addition to being the favorite of all the animals at the Franklin Park Zoo, he's professional, courteous and well-liked by his co-workers. His dedication was only compounded when, five years earlier, he was dumped by his fiancée mid-proposal. But when his fiancée (Leslie Bibb) comes back into his life at his brother's engagement party, his career soon feels like an albatross around his neck. Fearing the loss of their favorite zookeeper, the animals (voiced by Sylvester Stallone, Nick Nolte, Cher and others) intervene. They reveal the fact that they can speak and always could and then proceed to offer Griffin whatever help they can in winning back his former girlfriend. The attempts and advice vary in detail but what it all amounts to is a slapstick tsunami. It can enhance a storyline when used correctly but the use of it in this film is meant to replace one. It makes for a lot of laughs, but not a lot of originality. Basically, if you've seen the commercial, you've seen the movie. The kids will enjoy it, you might too, but you'd like it just as much if you waited to rent the DVD.
