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Ocean's Twelve

Ocean's Twelve (2004)

December. 10,2004
| Thriller Crime

Danny Ocean reunites with his old flame and the rest of his merry band of thieves in carrying out three huge heists in Rome, Paris and Amsterdam – but a Europol agent is hot on their heels.


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i must have seen a different film!!


Highly Overrated But Still Good


A Disappointing Continuation

Kien Navarro

Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.


I'am wrong.Just when i thought this could'nt be more worse turn out its worse then the predecessor ,omg im just gonna watch thirteen just a sake of laugh about it not the pleasure one ,but the sarcast one


Only gave it two stars because the men are decent to look at. Can't help but rate a movie so stupidly, because well, the movie is stupid. It would put anybody off the heist genre, and kill a great fandom. Yuck. Ew. *Goes and throws up dinner* (I wish I was mature enough to actually dissect the movie, but it has killed all my brain cells.)


Ocean's Twelve is the sequel to the hit film Ocean's Eleven released in 2001. Starting into the film, it takes place where the crew flies to Europe in an attempt to pull off quick heists in order to pay off Benedict. There, they find out they are up against a mysterious character who is thwarting their plans for some unknown reason. They have to find this person and stop him before Benedict's deadline. They are also being pursued by a clever detective, Isabel Lahiri (Catherine Zeta-Jones), who is close to arresting them. I was willing to put up with this unbelievable nonsense for a time, but my breaking point came when the film actually has Julia Roberts portraying Tess Ocean, who, in turn is portraying Julia Roberts as part of a plot to get close to a guarded treasure in a museum. I don't think this could ever work, but in order for it to have a chance, wouldn't Julia Roberts have to at least establish the character of Tess Ocean first? It ruined the film as a whole and became quite over the top and silly at this point.One of the things you need in order to have a successful heist movie is a good heist, or a good confidence scheme. Here, the big heist at the end of the movie turns out to be an afterthought. It is a throwaway heist shown as a flashback. The acting is casual, at best. The big problem is screen time. There is only enough of it for Clooney, Pitt and Matt Damon. Most of the others in the all-star cast, like Bernie Mac, Don Cheadle, Elliott Gould, Carl Reiner, Andy Garcia and Roberts, have very limited roles.

Python Hyena

Ocean's 12 (2004): Dir: Steven Soderbergh / Cast: George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Julia Roberts, Matt Damon: A much better film than the junk that proceeded it. After the casino heist in the first film the thieves are sought out and forced to repay back what they owe with added interest. This lands them in a competition against another thief who boasts that he is the greatest thief in the world. Structure is so more detailed and characters developed more strongly with an intelligent ending as oppose to the cheap clichés. Director Steven Soderbergh returns with the action taking place in Amsterdam. He worked with Clooney in the wretched Ocean's Eleven as well as Out of Sight. George Clooney heads the operation and struggles to outsmart his competition and remain on top. Brad Pitt also returns as his best friend who is evidently involved with an investigator played by Catherine Zeta-Jones. She is new casting and her appearance works as she struggles to expose the plot yet falls deeper into danger, and wrestles with her past relationship with Pitt. Julia Roberts as Clooney's wife gives a great performance where she must play herself. This provides the single funniest scenes that is backed with another familiar cameo. The players seem stronger in their self parody as oppose to just being a roll call walk of fame. The result is a pointless yet amusing entertainment. Score: 8 / 10
