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Vanilla Sky

Vanilla Sky (2001)

December. 14,2001
| Fantasy Drama Thriller Science Fiction

David Aames has it all: wealth, good looks and gorgeous women on his arm. But just as he begins falling for the warmhearted Sofia, his face is horribly disfigured in a car accident. That's just the beginning of his troubles as the lines between illusion and reality, between life and death, are blurred.


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Excellent but underrated film


It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.


Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.


It's unconventional, thought provoking and has ZERO cliches. I am BEGINNING to believe the public gets upset when movies don't have to conclusions we hope for. THESE ARE THE MOVIES THAT MOST CLOSELY MIRROR OUR LIVES!!!! They are ART. This movie, to me, is truly a work of Art. It ABSOLUTELT MIST BE SEEN MORE THAN ONCE - the mark of a great film. THIS MOVIE ABSOLUTELY BLEW ME AWAY!!


Extremely moving heartbreaking film. I saw it way back in 2001 and now again on cable... I loved it again. It really plays with your head. Spoiler alert!!! read only if you have seen or don't plan to watchI like the fact that as a viewer it challenges you to not judge David by his new disfigured face, why yesterday he was so charming and attractive the lines he said where so witty and now he seems so pathetic trying to impress Sofia with the same lines and you see Sofia feeling sorry for him and disgusted by his disfigurement and as a viewer you really hate yourself for feeling the same...so dose Sofia. now that is real strong stuff when we are given a mirror to how shallow we really are...how we judge looks...made me quite upset about myself. The movie is about the mind trying to make it alright again. To fix the shatrerd realty like in dreams..its gets out of control...poor David his character is so tragic i cried so much for him at the end...such a sad tragic masterpiece. I did see the original Spanish film its was not as philosophical as vanila sky and tom cruse really can act and has a tender soul. It comes through. Bottom line was: living a daydream is not really living, as the sweet can never be sweet without the souer...yig and yangI would recommend this to anyone that loves sad love storys, fantasy, scify and philosophical films


The strange thing about dreams is that, while in one, the dreamer usually does not realize a dream is taking place. Only upon the conclusion of the dream experience is an individual able to distinguish between dream and reality. That concept is the driving force behind "Vanilla Sky". For a basic plot summary, this movie focuses on David Aames (Tom Cruise), the heir to a vast business fortune who is very much a playboy. At a party one night, David is smitten by exotic beauty Sofia Serrano (Penelope Cruz) and begins a relationship with her. When jealous fling Julie Gianni (Cameron Diaz) finds out, however, she involves David in an accident that will change his life forever. Because this is a "big reveal" type of film, I will not say anything more here to prevent spoilers. There are two primary reasons that "Vanilla Sky" is such an extraordinary film: First, it is very much high-concept. Much like "Inception", or "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind", this movie deals with dreams and how they affect the dreamers. This plot line is almost guaranteed to make you think while viewing, and it will likely be still rattling around in your brain for awhile after viewing. Secondly, though, is that a film like "Vanilla Sky" can only work if it contains incredible character development, which it indeed achieves. In order to truly appreciate both the ending and the overall journey, both the writing and acting must be spot-on. It is, and as such will leave you feeling as if you truly care about the struggles of David Aames and his world. Overall, "Vanilla Sky" is an excellent concept film that ranks right up there with "Eternal Sunshine", "Memento", "The Matrix", and the like. It even has very much of a romantic aspect for those who enjoy high emotion. Simply put, the only people this movie won't appeal to are those purely wanting action/adventure. This one will make you think, but it is more than worth it in the end.(After a recent re-watch, I dropped this movie down from 10/10 to 7/10 stars. This film has lost a bit of its luster for me in the re-watch process and feels a bit dated. The themes are still interesting and the concept is high, but it has been knocked off the lofty pedestal I once perched it on).

Eric Stevenson

It looks like we have another case where the people liked it more than the critics. I guess I'm probably on neither side and I'm just going to say that this movie was okay. There was one thing that I really felt weighed it down. It was too long. There was a time where he took off his mask that I seriously thought the movie would end there. Instead, it kept going! This was a DVD given by a friend for a birthday present. This may be the last movie I ever watch before getting a Netflix account. This movie was perfectly passable. I admit that it got a little predictable. I knew it was going to be that there were dreams involved.It was probably for the best I had no clue what this movie was about. It features Tom Cruise's character as a rich guy who finds a girlfriend and then his ex tries to kill him. Yeah, I didn't see that coming. He survives, but is left disfigured and tries to adjust to life this way. It wasn't that hard to follow but it certainly got weirder as it went on. The acting is pretty good, but I guess it's just not quite the movie for me. I guess it might be because I just saw the "Agents Of Shield" episode "Self Control" that I saw a much better story of people in a dreamlike state. **1/2
