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Red Riding Hood

Red Riding Hood (2011)

March. 11,2011
| Fantasy Drama Horror Thriller

Valerie is in love with a brooding outsider, Peter, but her parents have arranged for her to marry another man. Unwilling to lose each other, Valerie and Peter plan to run away together when Valerie's older sister is killed by a werewolf that prowls the dark forest surrounding their village. Panic grips the town as Valerie discovers that she has a unique connection to the beast--one that inexorably draws them together, making her both suspect ... and bait.


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Too much of everything


Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .


Captivating movie !

Arianna Moses

Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.

Michael Ledo

May contain plot spoilers.Two guys compete for the attention of a young female. The movie is a who-dun-it as we have to figure out who is the werewolf as clues lead us in opposite directions. Red Riding Hood's sister is killed by a werewolf after 20 years of peace. The villagers then go to the cave of the wolf, kill a regular wolf and think they got the werewolf. A man is killed in the attack. Now this is where the plot twists. We find out early on that Red's sister was only her half sister and the man who was killed hunting the wolf was really her father. Red is in love with Peter, the poor woodcutter who reminds me too much of Twilight's Edward. Red is supposed to marry Henry, the blacksmith who happens to be the son of the man who was killed as well as Red's sister's half-brother. Red's sister was in love with Henry, but never knew he was her half-brother, and neither did Red's daddy. Got all that? Because I sure didn't.Gary Oldman shows up as the professional werewolf killer with a silver sword blessed by the Pope. He conducts a "witch hunt" in order to flush out the werewolf. The scene I liked best was the celebration of the death of the wolf. The music could best be described as pagan rave music. It was played with ancient instruments with off setting drums. I really enjoyed the soundtrack. It was a mystery, love story, and werewolf movie wrapped into one. The major down side was the mediocre acting of Peter and Henry, the two suitors.No nudity. A near sex scene. No profanity as I recall, tween friendly.

Stephen Abell

This is a nice update on the "Little Red Riding Hood" fairie tale. Instead of a wolf terrorising the local village we have a werewolf. This adds the dimension of mystery to the tale for who could be the dreaded werewolf. The writer David Leslie Johnson and director Catherine Hardwicke do a fantastic job of playing people off people and putting them into situations where you can never quite figure out who the killer is. This makes for quite an enjoyable movie which the audience can have a stake in; there's not many of those around today.I also liked the fact that the writer and director kept the story in the faerie tale spirit. The setting of the Ye Olde Village is brilliant, it gives a close knitted community that, pretty much, lives in each other's pockets. So when it's revealed by Solomon, played by Gary Oldman, that the beast could be one of them a personal fear and distrust of neighbours starts to spread. There is something very haunting about the village and the surrounding forest as it stands upon a bed of snow, which constantly falls from the overcast sky. All of this just adds layers upon layers to the film making it stronger.On the whole, I loved this film, though there are a few drawbacks which made it drop a few points. I don't understand why Oldman tried to do a German / Bavarian accent as the rest of the cast didn't bother. The worst of it was, his accent kept slipping and this became annoying.Most of the cast were excellent in their parts giving believable performances. Though there were times when both Max Irons, who played Henry, and Julie Christie, as Grandmother, came across as lacking in substance... sometimes Henry just looked doped up... and Grandmother was as wooden as her luxurious forest home.Then there was the music at the celebration of the killing of the beast. We heard modern rhythms and instruments (especially synthesisers) when the musicians were playing horns and drums. Also, the dance we see between Valerie (Amanda Seyfried) and her friend Prudence (Kacey Rohl) wouldn't be out of place in today's nightclubs... but probably not for a religious community. Lastly, the main sections of the story that people know and love - "Oh Grandma, what big eyes you have" and the wolf in grandma's clothing. These are taken as two separate scenes, which I can understand, though they appear to have been thrown into the story and film and this is a waste as they are pivotal to the original story and should have been used better to draw the audience further into the tale. I hate waste and this was an extreme waste of a good idea.This is a beautifully written, shot, and acted film that I would recommend to all as there are elements of mystery, thriller, horror, and fantasy, as well as a pretty decent love story. Worth a watch at least once.


Now I admit that I don't mind bad movies sometimes. I have enjoyed many cheesy slasher sequels, and I didn't even mind the village. As a movie lover it is rare for me to turn a movie off before the end, out of hope for finding a redeeming point. I couldn't make it through this movie, I even tried again a couple years later with the same result. I've read many reviews with twilight comparisons but honestly you're better off watching twilight. At least you know what to expect from that and it doesn't try to sell itself as something it's not. A dark retelling of a classic Grimm fairytale this is not. Bugs bunny did the fairytale more justice than this movie came close to. I'll spare you the details of everything this movie does wrong, just please spare yourself the torture of watching it.


I found this film amazing! I truly loved it! It definitely hooked me from the start as it used the original story of 'Red Riding Hood' however it soon developed into a whole new plot that fitted so nicely. Not only that, but the actress Amanda Seyfried performed her role incredibly well, which made the film much more enjoyable. The tension and shock of many of the scenes really intrigued me because i wasn't expecting such a huge plot twist. Furthermore, the way that they tried to disguise who the wolf was extremely clever as i would never of guessed who it was in the end. Finally, i believe that the whole setting of the film was brilliant as you could really imagine yourself in the actual movie, which made it so much more interesting.
