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The Wedding Party

The Wedding Party (1969)

April. 09,1969
| Comedy Romance

Young Charlie begins to develop a case of cold feet as his upcoming wedding looms nearer. Desperate to throw the wedding plans off the track, Charlie tries a variety of tactics, including attempting to rekindle the relationship between his fiancée Josephine and her former boyfriend.


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Perry Kate

Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!


Charming and brutal


An absolute waste of money

Janae Milner

Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.


The Wedding Party is a very old and outdated comedy about a groom named Charlie experiencing jitters as his wedding is approaching soon.He employs several activities not to get cold feet by rekindling the relationship he has with his fiancée and her former boyfriend to escape the scene.With the description,it was obviously nothing but a farce.But what makes the movie relevant today is the first appearance of today's acting legend Robert De Niro,who back then was known as Robert Denero. Added to the cast is the late talented actress Jill Clayburg and the director of the film is Brian De Palma,one of the best in Hollywood.While this was made in 1963,it was nevertheless put into the shelved and released six years later.I tried to see it just to get to see the 20-year old De Niro making a screen debut and a start of a long and successful career.It was good to note that he did pretty well as a comedian despite being a supporting player in a very comedic film that only belonged in the 60's and it won't even get released today.


This film is very slow paced and dated. I got this as I am a huge fan of Brian De Palma and must, simply must see everything he does and did. This film however is not very good. I would like to pawn it off on the fact that De Palma did not direct the whole thing and was just one third of the team but that would be a lazy cop out. This movie is slow because he and the others are new and inexperienced at film making. This was one of his first movies if not the first and you can tell he is a virgin as far as film-making goes. This movie does a few high points. Their is the typical fast forward motion that most De Palma films have in this but I think it was more to save film in this than to be artistic, but it was out of this that the fast forward shots for Carrie, Hi, Mom, and Greetings were born. Their is also a highly funny portion in this movie with an Arab ex boyfriend of the bride who comes to visit. I love this part of the movie the groom is trying to pass the bride off to the Arab so he can free himself from the shackles that will be marriage, but the Arab does not bite and gets the heck out. This movie is also good because it has early performances by Robert De Niro and William Finnley. They are great as the grooms guest and I love that they are in this. Watch this movie for De Palma's growth as a filmmaker but stay away if you are just an average movie goer.


This is a pleasant little film by De Palma, and is a light hearted comedy. It has a traditional comedic feel to it with it being in black and white and it's use of speeded up footage. It does however get a little tiedious at points but is an appealing quaint little comedy about eccentric family and friends. The young De Niro in the film gives a fairly empty performance, but works well in the double act with his other zany friend. The improvised dialouge adds a more realistic/un-predictable feel to the film and it's worth seeing for it's light-hearted entertainment and humour.


Being the first feature film with Robert De Niro (although not released for years later), this is worth the watch. De Niro's role isn't huge, yet amusing as one of two friends who first try to prevent another friends marriage only to later chase him down to force him into it. Any die hard De Niro fan will get a kick out of an early performance by arguably the best actor today.
