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Deadly Force

Deadly Force (1983)

July. 08,1983
| Drama Action Thriller Crime

Stoney Cooper, a former Los Angeles police officer, is at a low point in his life. Kicked off the force because of his anti-authority attitude, he now ekes out a living as a freelancer in New York. All this changes when the daughter of an old friend is killed by serial killer terrorizing L.A. Although almost nobody in his old home town is happy to see him back, Cooper pledges to bring the killer to justice before any more innocent people die.


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A Masterpiece!

Nayan Gough

A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.

Calum Hutton

It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...


This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.


Deadly Force is an action thriller, but with a twist that I like. I can't believe the bad rap this film has got. This film really has a story to it. At the request of a friend, who's daughter is the latest victim of the X killer, a motiveless madman, who leaves a X marked across the victim's foreheads, ex cop Hauser in top form, returns to his old battleground in L.A. He receives a not so welcoming reception, from some of his old acquaintances, including his ex, a successful news reporter, covering this story. It isn't long before Wings is pushing this guy's buttons, in one thrilling scene he's nearly taken out by this nut, while lazing in a bath. But there appears to be more deadlier forces at play here. We too are a granted a little hot sex scene that Hauser and his better half, starkers, makin' out, amidst the madness. Hauser's character here as a lot of his other characters, is intriguing as it is ambiguous. We want to know more about him. He's a wild card, a good cop thrown off the force before he wouldn't play by the rules. Him and his old black superior, Hoxley, clash many times. After all, next year is an election year. He really has it in for Hauser, even going to the point, of tipping one of his ex con enemies off, whose been promised a split of reward, if he catches this fruitcake. This film has enough action for the serial killer/cop thriller fan and Hauser's screen presence is one great reason to watch this. Remember he did start out on The Young And The Restless. The violence is surprisingly tame, but wit Hauser in the lead, and on the chase, it makes the whole movie worth it. Underrated. A compelling watch.


What we have here is a typical run-of-the-mill eighties crime/action/thriller from the somewhat lower budget regions. The plot involves a (very active) serial killer running amok in L.A. One of the apparently random victims, being killed at the very start of the movie, is the granddaughter of an ex-thief. Granddaddy then calls in the help of Stoney Jackson Cooper (Wings Hauser), a former hard-boiled cop from the L.A. police force who doesn't like playing by the rules. When he arrives in L.A., the authorities, local criminals as well as his (soon-to-be) ex-wife are not too happy with his return. But Stoney doesn't care. He's got a job to do and a promise to keep: track down the vile killer and put a stop to his activities.The story bounces to the left & the right at an uneven pace, but still manages to be quite coherent and even turn in a twist at the start of the third act (albeit one you'll probably see coming). Wings Hauser is in top shape in this one and pretty much owns the movie. One scene has him relaxing in a bath tub, and then going after the killer butt-naked after the whole loft has been shot to pieces during the killer's surprise attack. Even a pretty decent but obviously very standard climax is added to the mix (Wings vs. the killer, after his true identity is exposed). Other forms of entertainment, aside from shooting & killing, are included also, like a soft-core sex-scene (Wings & Joyce Ingalls) and an obligatory car crash/explosion. Yes, "Deadly Force" does its best to play it right.Sadly, one of the worst aspects of "Deadly Force" is the musical score. The main theme - if you can call it that - doesn't work at all. It's too rocky & funky and is used too often & inappropriately (even during the climactic fight & chase scene at the end). It gives the film a much sillier & dated vibe than it should have. A more gritty & tense analog synth score would have worked wonders, I'm sure. But in the end, "Deadly Force" is much more entertaining than it's poor rating on here would lead you to believe. And it's mainly thanks to Wings Hauser and a typical B-movie script that at least tries to make things work.


A customarily vanilla, but rather violent and tawdry action thriller joint with a colourfully explosive Wings Hauser performance as an ex-cop returning to Los Angeles to find the serial killer that murdered his friends' granddaughter. He's a rogue who believes the system doesn't work and would go about any way to get the job done ("Your crazy man!"). Because of this, he's not welcome by the local authorities, then there's the ex-wife and also the local criminals who he had a past with when he was a LA cop. There's no surprises here, but it's well made in workman-like manner by director Paul Aaron ("A Force of One"). Fundamental is how you can describe the b-grade story, but it did somewhat change route in the back-end after what I thought was going to be your typical stalk and slash outing with a (ex-maverick) cop after a psycho serial killer. In away I probably would have preferred if stuck to that formula (something similar to Charles Bronson's "10 to Midnight"), then where it actually headed. Even the added love-interest with Joyce Ingalls's character felt like nothing more than padding. The narrative does have a scattered pattern going on, but everything is thinly examined when it comes to its finale. Pacing can be very uneven, but the action is physically tough and breakneck (as well as that pumping soundtrack)… but you end up wishing there were more extreme dynamics than what's produced. Also showing up in the cast is Paul Shenar, Al Ruscio, Lincoln Kilpatrick and Arlen Dean Snyder. Middle-of-the-road entertainment. "You leave L.A, I'll have your ass!"


Don't listen to the IMDb philistines who knock this film. This is quite possibly the best movie ever made. Former soap hunk Wings Hauser stars a no-nonsense retired NY cop thrown into L.A.'s seedy crime underworld on the desperate heels of a crazed serial killer. A fist-full of cinematic fury all the way to its bitter, inevitable conclusion, "Deadly Force" offers uncompromising acting talents, a blistering soundtrack and a directorial style primarily inspired by French New Wave and Italian Neo-Realism. This film brilliantly explores the philosophical paradox of what it's like when the "hunter becomes the hunted." A must see.
