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Shooting Captured Insurgents

Shooting Captured Insurgents (1898)

July. 31,1898
| War

“A file of Spanish soldiers line up the Cubans against a blank wall and fire a volley. The flash of rifles and drifting smoke make a very striking picture.” (Edison film catalog)


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Just perfect...


Good movie but grossly overrated


Good concept, poorly executed.


It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.


This print is featured as an unadvertised bonus to Kino's magnificent collection "The Movies Begin: A Treasury of Early Cinema" in the second volume, namely "The European Pioneers." The reason they call this an unadvertised bonus is because the print survives in a most blurry condition, thus it is below Kino's standard quality.Apparently this film is a reenactment of an event in the Spanish-American war. There is not much here. A group of soldiers line up some other soldiers against a wall. The commanding officer signals and the soldiers shoot at the ones lined up against the wall. As the smoke clears the soldiers are seen falling to the ground. That's practically it.A dramatic picture, shocking for 1898. But it has good historical value and must have been a great achievement. Of course it is not a real event, but looks pretty believable even today.(Note: I plan to review all of the unadvertised bonuses at some time. This is the fourth I've reviewed. The others are "Girls Swinging" (1897) "The Interrupted Bathers" and "The Draped Model" (both 1902).


Shooting Captured Insurgents (1898) This here is a rather violent, for its time, film that shows some Spanish soldiers being lined up against a wall and shot dead.From what I've gathered this here isn't real footage of an execution, although there are some of these movies out there. It seems this one here was staged just to tell a story or give people the idea that they were watching the "bad guy" being executed. You have to wonder what people in 1898 would have thought about material like this and I can only imagine that it probably met with some controversy or at least some outrage by certain folks.

Snow Leopard

This staged war feature - grim and a bit unsettling in itself - is an interesting early example of the power that movies have to blur the line between reality and illusion. It was based on reports of similar factual events, but the movie itself was staged. It looks quite realistic, though, especially by the standards of its day, and it would not have been surprising if its original audiences interpreted it as a factual record.The footage depicts a stylishly dressed Spanish officer leading a firing squad in the execution of a small group of Cuban freedom fighters. There seems to be little doubt that it was intended to influence public opinion in favor of the war against Spain, and as such it would have been one of many such efforts from the press and other influential institutions of the day.Many history books record the efforts at the time of the Hearst press and others in support of war, but moving picture footage like this - even if it is only a fictional recreation - is much more likely to be seen by future generations, in addition to whatever influence it may have had in its own time.


Of course, it would've been dangerous and extremely difficult to film actual events during the Spanish-American War. So the Edison Manufacturing Company did the next best thing by re-enacting an event for this short.Even though it wasn't "real", I can only imagine how disturbing it would have been back in 1898 to see people being lined up and killed. Due to its gritty, documentary-like feel, it is still somewhat unsettling to view even today. This short has been preserved by the Library of Congress and I viewed it as one of the unadvertised bonus shorts found in the DVD boxed set of "The Movies Begin - A Treasury of Early Cinema, 1894-1913".
