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Lady Gaga & the Muppets Holiday Spectacular

Lady Gaga & the Muppets Holiday Spectacular (2013)

November. 29,2013
| Comedy Music

Thanksgiving special starring Lady Gaga performing songs from ARTPOP and Muppet sketches.


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I love this movie so much

Aneesa Wardle

The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.

Ezmae Chang

This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.


One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.


Lady Gaga is a rather talented musician and songwriter who has made her name with some provocative songs and videos over the last few years. She will in due course be known as a performance artist as she marries pop music with art.The Muppets of course have been around for decades enchanting a new generation of children every few years but in their own way have always been subversive and edgy. So its no surprise that these two have come together to film a Holiday Special. In fact the avant-garde Elton John popped up in the original Muppet Show back in the 1970s. Elton pops again here as well.However what is hard to stomach is that this is a cynical corporate cash in to promote the new Muppets film and for Lady Gaga to promote her new album on prime-time TV with The Muppets as hangers on.There are songs, a few sketches and some guest stars along for the ride but its you the viewer taken in for a ride as there is little entertainment value unless you are a Lady Gaga fan.


Remember how the Muppets used to work? The Muppets were the headliners and the humans were guests written into the show. The Muppets were always madcap and funny and the guests were swept along with the flow (The finale in the John Cleese episode of the original series was hilarious).Did that happen here? No.Laughs stopped as soon as Lady Gaga was on screen and her outfits were not appropriate for the younger audience that the Muppets used to be aimed at. The result was a boring and often uncomfortable view.Our whole family became bored with this production early on and the blatant promotion of her new album at every song was appalling.Shame on you Disney for allowing this travesty. Jim would be rolling over in his grave.


I am a Muppet's fan... having grown up on watching them. I could not wait to see the show with my kids. I was appalled that they would allow Gaga to dress so scantily (my 8 and 10 year old were uncomfortable looking at her in her seashell bra and panties). Seriously, why couldn't she cover up her tattoos and take out the nose piercing? Such a poor example for children to see all that! Should have been about the Muppet's not Gaga's new album! I would NOT watch this with children! In addition, Gaga was not even a good actress in the show. & Seriously...lets bring on a cross dressing man to sing too... really confuse todays children! Why can't it be a clean family show. I am not an old bitty or anything... just think that this is what is wrong with America that this stuff is OK to watch for kids.


What a mess. The puppets displayed more emotion and personality than Lady Gaga. This show sucked the Happy right out of Happy Thanksgiving. This show was like a shadow of its former self. Lady Gaga can really write and sing great songs but she can't act. Did Disney just let her do what ever she wanted? This seemed pieced together. They forgot to actually write humor into the show. In her first song she was barely dressed. Not appropriate for a show that can be expected to have young children watching, it is the Muppets after all. For her grand finale she sang the song she sang earlier simply with the Muppet's jumping around her? That's the Grand Finale? I guess they should have thrown the boom-a-rang fish instead. Would have been more entertaining.
