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My Little Pony: The Princess Promenade

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My Little Pony: The Princess Promenade (2006)

February. 07,2006
| Fantasy Animation Family
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Wysteria is beaming with pride; her gardens are in bloom, her little Breezie friends are in town, and it's time for Ponyville's fanciest spring parade, the ultimate celebration of flowers, flowers, flowers! But things don't go according to plan when Wysteria accidentally awakens Spike the Dragon, a sleepy, silly 1,000-year-old dragon. For you see, legend holds that when a dragon is awakened, an new princess is about to be crowned. But who is the Princess of Ponyville?


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Slow pace in the most part of the movie.


It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.


This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.


Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.


Now hear my out, I don't think this movie is terrible or even bad. Yes, the reason Wysteria became a princess was contrived and stupid but the conflict she goes through while she's a princess is good. Yes, the animation has some genuinely awful moments but it was also ambitious and tried new things with the animation. Yes, Spike is a jerk but he also has an interesting back story. The other new characters aren't that bad either. The breezies can be annoying but I did feel for Zipzee during a few of her scenes. Wysteria is also a great new character. Yeah, I know the songs aren't that good but the only bad one in my eyes is the one where they give Spike a bath. However, there's this thing called the SKIP BUTTON! If you can't suffer through the songs, just skip them and quit your moaning. Anyway, onto the worst aspect of this movie: the ending. Now unlike other people, I actually get what this movie was trying to teach. It was trying to say that a title shouldn't change who you are. However, the ending messed it all up. The proper way to end this would've been for Wysteria to tell everyone that being a Princess is basically nothing to her and that she was foolish to try and change herself just because of her new title. In conclusion, the haters do nothing but look at the flaws of this movie and don't even try to look past them or try to find anything good. It's like they want to hate this movie! My recommendation: Give it a chance before you bash it to smithereens.


My Little Pony: The Princess Promenade is without a doubt the greatest film I've ever seen, and it has changed my life forever.Princess Promenade has raised the bar even higher on what films about ponies can do! The film left me a quivering and exhausted waste of a man. Every brain cell in my head had been worked and reworked into over-time dissecting apart and digesting the multi-layered and daring plot line. My emotions were all spent. All of them. Princess Promenade showed me what a film could do. Joy, loss, love, anger... This movie had it all.After the film's ultimate climatic conclusion, I was in a completely comatose state. I awoke, emaciated and unable to move, in a puddle of my own waste. The scent off human excrement hung heavy in the air for days, and I was powerless to move or yell for help. But I didn't care. All I was capable of doing was soiling myself and reflecting upon the staggering cinematic masterpiece, which was now stuck on the DVD title screen repeating the film's wonderful main theme on a beautiful and perfect loop, like the flawless circadian rhythm of the ocean's tides.My upstairs neighbors eventually called plumbers, concerned about a possible sewage leak. The plumbers found me whimpering and writhing on the floor. They contemplating putting me out of my misery with any one of their heavy bludgeoning tools for a few solid hours, before thinking to call an ambulance instead.It took me a full two weeks to recuperate and gain control of my cognitive functions and remember my name or generally process any thought that wasn't pony-related in nature. It was many months before I was even able to speak again. But when I was finally able to talk once more, all I could say was "wow. What a movie!" My nurse was a little shocked to hear me talk at first, but she smiled warmly and told me I was the seventh patient that year admitted to the hospital as a result of what she affectionately referred to as "The Princess Promenade Syndrome" (or TPP Syndrome for short).Even though I still haven't regained control of my bowels completely, I have absolutely no regrets. Everyone needs to see the movie. 10 stars.My only advice would be to play it smart and wear a diaper. Just in case :)

Cinema Buff

William Faulkner once said, "The aim of every artist is to arrest motion, which is life, by artificial means and hold it fixed so that a hundred years later, when a stranger looks at it, it moves again since it is life."When sitting down to watch "My Little Pony: The Princess Promenade", I was forced to reflect upon Faulkner's quote. This movie, which almost does not deserve such a basic term - as if to imply that it could and should be compared with other such "movies" - involves the disruption of flower parade with the awakening of a 1,000-year-old dragon.However, the plot is merely the MacGuffin for the emotional truths that reveal themselves in 50 rapturous minutes."The Princess Promenade" shows the typical Victor Dal Chele touches. The lyrical camera-work, complex story lines and ambitious themes immediately remind us of "Transformers: Go-Bots" and "RoboCop: Alpha Commando", not to mention his predecessor "My Little Pony: A Very Minty Christmas". However, his previous work now feels like mere preparation for this, his masterwork.Earlier reviews have compared this film to the work of Ozu. Actually, the influence of a number of masters is evident here. He combines the artistic editing of Eisenstein, the visual innovation of Welles, the provocation of Fassbinder, the existential philosophies of Godard, and the frenetic surrealism of Luis Buñuel. These elements are merely jumping off points, though, for a unique style that future film scholars will refer to as "Dal Chele-ism".But as any film-goer will tell you, style only goes so far. The reason "The Princess Promenade" deserves its place next to "Grand Illusion", "La Dolce Vita" and "Rashomon" is the emotional impact it achieves.The story starts off light enough, making the viewer feel at ease. It is funny, often times hilarious. Then, it is revealed that the laughs are masking a deeper, more tragic subtext, and the emotional weight of this revelation induces tears in all who watch.The third act is truly revelatory. I found myself first hating, and then embracing, humanity. And when I had unleashed all of my emotion at the world and society around me, the movie forced me to look within myself. It revealed that I, like everyone else, was ultimately an empty vessel, full of hope and longing but ultimately achieving nothing.As I was ready to hang my hat, and admit defeat at this monster of a film, its denouement landed with a message of hope that would have been manipulative had the previous 47 minutes not laid the groundwork for this, its most logical resolution. As the last image faded, I felt hopeful for myself as a human being and for humanity as a whole.And as the final credits rolled, I wept. I wept not only for the ponies and their plight with the dragon and the flower parade. I wept for myself, as I had not felt such an emotional charge from a work of art. I wept for the cinema, as a new standard has now been established in visual storytelling. I wept for Victor Dal Chele, who now stands tall as the premiere voice of our generation. And most of all, I wept for the world, which will never be able to match the painful honesty, blistering imagination and unending beneficence that Mr. Dal Chele has presented in this, surely the finest film of our generation.


To hear about it is to want, to see it to experience heaven. I saw this piece of treasure in my local store and finally I had the chance to experience it for myself.Words cannot express my love for this piece of mind-rending perfection, to see such heroic endeavor, such blissful significance and poignant mastery that the mountains trembled. Rivers changed course and oceans shifted, reshaping the divide of continents, forging the destiny of a thousand generations of evolution. The cherebim, witnessing this beauteous cataclysm, rent their garments and wept tears of gold...At last I was a born again pony.
