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Mind Game

Mind Game (2004)

August. 07,2004
| Fantasy Animation Drama Comedy

Nishi is a loser who has a crush on his childhood girlfriend. After an encounter with the Japanese mafia, he journeys to heaven and back, and ends up trapped in an even more unlikely place.


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If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.


Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.


This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.


It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny


I had to give this a 9 out of 10 for a couple of reasons: 1.) This is a truly original movie 2.) With a little patience the animation is greatly rewarding 3.) It's a rare movie about the enthusiasm of life without force-feeding it into the viewer's face.I liked this movie mostly for reason number two and next because of reason number three. The animation is one of the real driving elements behind the film and if you enjoyed stuff like American Pop or Fire & Ice from Ralph Bashki, then you're also (more than likely) enjoy the animation and wacky celebratory art-style, rotoscoping, cel-shading, 3D and a bunch of other animation techniques used in this film.Now, the real meat and potatoes lies within this movie's message for appreciating life, as it goes in the movie: the story never ends, just like life goes on even after the curtain drops for the main character (being you). Unlike most films that force-feed viewers a "hero" who must save the day, get the girl and redeem himself, Mind Game instead wants viewers to root for the hero because the hero is put into a position where only he can root for himself. I also liked that this movie gives a flipside on what it is to appreciate life, even when you have nothing to look forward to in life. I think it helped turn this sometimes violent and dark film into something inspirational and hopeful. I also truly enjoyed the "possibilities" this movie played with that life can sometimes throw our way. All in all, I loved this film. It's not a typical Japanese anime by a long-shot and it's certainly not for everyone (especially younger viewers) but it's a great film that any avant garde film enthusiast would greatly appreciate.


Love this film, though - like another reviewer - I find the beginning a bit difficult to embrace, due to the initial portrayal of the lead character, Nishi, as an - on-again, off-again - screeching, whining, gushing emotional wreck, who also is drawn to look embarrassingly cartoonish during his outburst. But this proves to all be intentional, setting him up for a personal transformation. In fact, he gets not ONE chance to change his life, but TWO. Initially, he is an ineffectual coward. This ends very badly for him and the woman he loves. In fact, he dies. After being brushed off and disrespected by God, however, he decides to take his life back and goes to another extreme, becoming so fearless as to be reckless, again bringing horrible consequences upon himself and the woman he loves, and also this time, her sister (the three are swallowed by a whale). The bulk of the film involves the lessons he learns while inside the whale, one of the most important being not to give up or retreat from life, like the bohemian man they meet inside of the whale, who - for 30 years - has managed to learn to make himself safe and comfortable, but who has also effectively stopped growing in any way other than old. In short, he's forgotten what it means to live.


I saw this movie at the Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival "www.bifff.org" in March 2006This movie is a real kick in the face, a ballet of music, feelings and poetic vision of life. Something between David Lynch and The Yellow Submarine of the Beattles. The hero is falling into desperation and will meet god for a little interview.Please take that ride ! You will not regret it. This movie is full of pleasure and humor and you will probably cry or laugh ...Thanks BB


Wow. What can I say? I was truly blown away by this movie. Winner of the Noburo Ofuji award (the most prestigious award in Japan for an animated film), this film has unfortunately only had a very limited release in Japan (although it is playing in theaters again since winning the award). The director, Masaaki Yuasa, has previously done critically acclaimed animation work on other series, and helped create the equally mind-blowing, and somewhat disturbing short animated movie "Cat Soup".The first thing about the movie to note is the animation. The animators worked in a collaborative effort, and included a wide range of experimental and traditional animation techniques, a bit of CGI, and even a bit of live action. Viewed as individual pieces, it can be jarring, but seen together as a whole, each piece seems to fit with each other perfectly, with the different animation forms setting the mood perfectly.The story begins in present-day Tokyo, and follows a loser who is letting his childhood girlfriend slip away. Things take a twist to the fantastical side, as the characters embark on a surreal journey that changes everything about them. The actual elements of the plot are not really the focus of the movie..it is about setting the mood, creating the atmosphere of the characters' emotions, and drawing the viewer in to same mental journey the characters are going on, without even realizing it. The pace of the movie picks up and slows in parts, before building up to its thunderous and (literally) exhausting climax.See this movie , if only for the virtuoso animation that you will not see in any other film. And who knows? it just might change your whole outlook on life.
