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Extract (2009)

September. 03,2009
| Comedy

The owner of a factory that produces flavor extracts, Joel Reynold seems to have it all, but really doesn't. What's missing is sexual attention from his wife, Suzie. Joel hatches a convoluted plan to get Suzie to cheat on him, thereby clearing the way for Joel to have an affair with Cindy, an employee. But what Joel doesn't know is that Cindy is a sociopathic con artist, and a freak workplace accident clears the way for her to ruin Joel forever.


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It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.


If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.


if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.


An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.

Gre da Vid

If you like Jason Bateman movies, you will like this one. Of course, funny, but the subject matter is sometimes off color, but what's new.


One of the few movies of today that shows real human behavior, Instead of embracing and normalizing how dumbed down people are today, Instead this movie makes fun of it, like movies should. Because this new dumbed down generation is not trendy it is just pathetic and lost. I also love the humor in all of Mike Judges movies, Not many people today can make a comedy anymore without dragging in Joseph Goebbels styled politically correct propaganda. It is just straight up humor. I was actually surprised how well Ben Affleck did in this movie. I also love the sweat pants joke, LOL Well this is my review with me trying to get it's full ten lines, I do not feel you have to babble on about nonsense just to describe how good or bad a movie is, But apparently this site thinks you have to do so.


I love Jason Bateman, so I catch any film he's in. This one is "Extract," a Mike Judge film from 2009.Joel is the owner of an extract manufacturing plant. He's not having an easy time of it. His wife (Kristen Wiig) won't have sex with him because he gets home too late, so he is constantly trying to get home before he puts on the sweat pants - because then it's over. He never makes it, and on the day that he almost makes it, he is stopped by the world's most talkative neighbor (David Koechner) who wants to see if Joel and his wife will attend the Rotary Club dinner. Meanwhile, Joel has taken advice from a drug addict as to how to prove if his wife was faithful, so she's now sleeping with someone she thinks is the pool man.That's on the personal front. Then his floor manager is seriously injured in a machine accident and it looks like a big lawsuit. His new employee, Cindy, is a scam artist, and is encouraging the injured man to soak the company dry.Joel had an offer to sell the company which, with the lawsuit, may not happen. Does he even want to sell? Does he want his marriage? He doesn't know, but he'd better find out.Comedy movies with wacky characters in wacky situations is my favorite thing. With a little more tightening, this movie could have been hilarious. As it is, it's amusing, but maybe there are one too many things going on.Still, the performances are good, and it has some very funny situations.


I stumbled onto this movie on broadcast TV, and couldn't stop laughing. Just looked it up...it's a Mike Judge movie? What the heck...the studio must not have advertised it at all. (Yet they pump tens of millions into adverts for horrible Melissa McCarthy movies!).Maybe Mike Judge is being punished for telling the truth too often. (See "Idiocracy"). I see a lot of people slamming this movie because Ben Affleck is in it? Honestly, I think we've gotten to the point in our culture that people are unable to think for themselves, and just reflexively "hate on someone" because that's what they heard someone else do. It's stupid.See Extract! It's hilarious!
