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The Wild Blue Yonder

The Wild Blue Yonder (2005)

September. 05,2005
| Comedy Documentary Science Fiction

An alien narrates the story of his dying planet, his and his people's visitations to Earth and Earth's self-made demise, while human astronauts in space are attempting to find an alternate planet for surviving humans to live on.


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That was an excellent one.


best movie i've ever seen.

Abbigail Bush

what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.


The movie really just wants to entertain people.


With The Wild Blue Yonder, Werner Herzog has pushed the boundaries of cinematic experimentation further than most post-modern art films have. what we see here is a zone between, fiction and non-fiction. It is an amalgamation of every form of photography ever invented from 19th century hand cranked camera film to the most advanced digitally enhanced still images. Despite a little pretentiousness in the writing, it remains a fascinating picture, (even if it may require multiple viewings)The Wild Blue Yonder starts off in an urban wasteland, with Brad Dourif as an alien from a 'Blue World' in the Andromeda galaxy. He tells us about the journey he made to Earth hundreds of years ago, about a settlement that his race tried to build, about his work in the CIA, and about a secret galactic voyage taken by a small team of astronauts which brought them to his home planet, in search of a replacement for Earth. The movie also looks at the advanced mathematics used for space travel, the lives of astronauts in space, the mystery of the Roswell UFO, and the exploration of the mysterious and ethereal blue planet submerged in water from which our strange narrator came. Whenever Brad Dourif is on screen, you cannot help but be drawn to him. the ambiance surrounding him is very deep and his behaviour is both human and alienated. He is a wise but strange being.Just as it is hard to classify this movie, It is equally difficult to say who will like it. I will tell you that extreme patience and calm is required in order to enjoy The Wild Blue Yonder. There are depths to this movie so great, that every time I see it, I am increasingly in awe.


Ranging from boring to excruciating, this film combines an hour of stock footage, a bizarre & often unpleasant soundtrack, grating narration, overacting by the only actor, and an uncompelling and often incomprehensible story to create a near utter waste of an hour and a quarter.Brad Dourif is unlikeable in the only significant role, and his enunciation during the narration is often strange and unpleasant. Sadly, this narration is the only respite the viewer receives from otherwise interminable scenes of stock footage of astronauts and scuba divers floating about. I suppose these sequences are meant to be profound; I found them exceptionally tedious. They are not helped by the accompanying music. I also failed to suspend my disbelief when, presented with footage of Arctic divers, I was told that this was astronauts exploring a planet with a "sky made of ice" above a liquid hydrogen environment. Points are for a mildly intriguing initial ten minutes and a somewhat interesting scientific discussion of wormhole travel.3/10


Werner Herzog makes some pretty good documentaries, but this fiction pseudo-doc isn't one of his better accomplishments. The Wild Blue Yonder (2005) takes stock footage and real interviews and then intertwines it with a fictional story narrated/discussed by (actor Brad Dourif) an alien from another planet.The story, constructed with this outside footage, is about some journey to and from the Andromeda galaxy, and it really doesn't matter because the story is really boring. Yeah, some of the imagery is really beautiful, and the concept of the film is one of the more original things I've seen... Hell, I wouldn't even know what genre to categorize this in (fictional documentary, I suppose).This, unfortunately, doesn't make up for the sheer dullness of the movie and the agonizingly bad soundtrack. Dourif's poor acting doesn't help things much either.


An extremely disappointing Herzog film, Wild Blue Yonder is laboured and boring. Herzog's ability to identify peculiar subjects for exploration have resulted in some of the most enchanting documentaries and films. Be it Grizzly Man, White Diamond or his effort in 10 Minutes Older, there is an unmistakable zest about his films. In Wild Blue Yonder, Herzog intersperses a space mission with an alien as a character pulling the strings. Again, the subject is potentially exhilarating. But the film failed to keep the intensity of the above mentioned films. The meandering here is dull and the slow-pace just gets to you unlike say in Fitzcarraldo.
