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The Bounty Hunter

The Bounty Hunter (2010)

March. 19,2010
| Action Comedy Romance

Milo Boyd, a down-on-his-luck bounty hunter, thinks he's seeing an upswing in fortune when he gets a call to bring in his bail-jumping ex-wife, a reporter named Nicole. Milo considers the job an easy payday, but Nicole quickly escapes to chase a lead on a murder case. The former spouses play an escalating game of one-upmanship, until they suddenly find themselves on the run for their lives.


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Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.

Ella-May O'Brien

Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.

Jenni Devyn

Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.


This is not a must see, even for the RomCom crowd, but I enjoy it well enough. If you're a divorced guy, you should get why this has some appeal to it. It has a good cast, a little action, some eye candy AND it's always funny when someone else gets tazed. It's not 300 but it's probably as good as, or better than, anything else SHE's been in. I can watch this every 2 - 3 years.


The Bounty Hunter is the reason some people don't like romantic comedies. It stars two good-looking people (although Gerard Butler is in the midst of his grunge phase) to lure lots of people from their homes during opening weekend. Once seated in the movie theaters, it would be best for the audience to glaze over and focus on the eye candy rather than the plot.I know that sounded a little harsh, and when compared to other movies each of the stars has made, The Bounty Hunter really isn't that bad. It just isn't great, and given the box office appeal both Gerard Butler and Jennifer Aniston had at the time, I think everyone expected a little more from their first and only Hollywood pairing. They play ex-spouses, one of which is a bounty hunter and the other is, well, hunted.If you don't mind sitting through a pretty silly romantic comedy with just as little humor as there is romance, go ahead and rent it. It's not a movie you'll walk out of, but you'll probably shrug your shoulders at the end of it and sigh, "Oh well."

Python Hyena

The Bounty Hunter (2010): Dir: Andy Tennant / Cast: Gerard Butler, Jennifer Aniston, Gio Perez, Christine Baranski, Jason Sudeikis: Routine romantic comedy about reconciliation, which viewers may need from the filmmakers. Gerard Butler plays a former cop turn bounty hunter who accepts a case to bring in his wife, who fled court. She had a parking violation, which she appeared for until a serious story took off that needed her attention. She is played by Jennifer Aniston and she is working on a suicide case until one of her associates is kidnapped. Central plot regards Butler's struggle to drag Aniston to jail and the constant bickering. It isn't difficult to see where it is headed. Directed by Andy Tennant who has made better films than this. Hitch and Ever After: A Cinderella Story are more ambitious Tennant titles. Both Butler and Aniston are subdued in formula writing. After their initial introductions they are thrown into action scenes and shouting matches that eventually land in a conclusion that is meant to be intelligent but comes off as cheap. Gio Perez plays Aniston's snitch who spends most of the film locked in a closet. Christine Baranski is underused as her mother who has a love hate relationship with Butler. Jason Sudeikis plays Aniston's co-worker who is more into her than the screenwriter was when it came to writing this crap. The film regards marriage and regret and to some degree viewers may relate to the gender war presented but it fails to go beyond being a morbid romantic tease. Perhaps the only bounty that should have been issued would be on a better screenwriter. Score: 4 / 10


The opening sequence was enough to tell you that you were in for a lazy, poorly thought out movie. IN the opening scene Gerard Butler is driving his car when suddenly smoke comes out of the trunk. He stops and opens the trunk lid and Jennifer Aniston jumps out holding a road flare. It turns out that Butler arrested Aniston and locked her in the trunk. In an effort to escape she found the road flare and ignited it. Really?If you ever have the misfortune of being kidnapped and locked in a trunk and you happen to find a road flare, whatever you do, do not light the damn thing. Several things could have happened, all of them resulting in Aniston's death. If you are in a car trunk, one thing that you are in short supply of is air. Lighting a fire would quickly use up all of the air and she would suffocate. It would also get extremely hot, like 300 degrees or so. You would have baked Aniston. Finally, that vehicle, like nearly all cars has the gas tank next to the trunk compartment. The gas follows out towards the engine through rubber tubes. The flare would have probably melted these rubber tubes and flooded the trunk with gasoline. If she was lucky, she would have blown up which would have been so preferable to burning up alive or suffocating.The point is that they filmmakers thought this little bit was clever and entertaining. But it had the opposite effect. Sort of like the entire movie. They though it was clever and cute, when it was dumb and not thought out. Don't feed us crap like this and act like you thought of something smart. It was incredibly done.One more thought Jennifer Aniston acts exactly the same in every single movie. Why do they bother giving her a different name. It should be Rachel Green all the time.
