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Inferno (1999)

September. 25,1999
| Drama Action Romance

Eddie Lomax is a drifter who has been in a suicidal funk since the death of his close friend Johnny. Riding his motorcycle into a small desert town where Johnny once lived, Lomax is confronted by a gang of toughs, who beat him and steal his bike. However, Lomax is not a man to take an injustice lying down, and soon he begins exacting a violent revenge on the men who stole his motorcycle, with local handyman Jubal Early lending a hand and several area ladies offering aid and comfort.


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Simply A Masterpiece


Sadly Over-hyped


Good story, Not enough for a whole film


Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.

Tango and Cash

Not much ass kicking in this one - very little in fact. But, on the plus side, everything JCVD shoots with a gun explodes (motorcycles, barrels, etc.). There's a few building explosions in there too which is pretty sweet. The scenery is nice - filmed in the Mojave desert in Cali. Would love to check that out.Also, there are a few great tit shots (why doesn't every movie have 'em?), a respectful nod to the 80s when they were mandatory. Young Jamie Pressly looks hot. Damn. Pat Morita's accent is hilarious, and the old man from the Seinfeld episode is in this movie too (the one that has the old records that Kramer and Neuman take). So bad it's good. jacobnunnally.blogspot.com

Raul Faust

Yea, "Inferno" is a great movie. It's photography isn't big budget, it looks like an 80's film. But the rest is likable.The mix of many genres, such as drama, action, thriller, comedy and even romance are very well balanced and deliver a good time. The actors are above average, there's no scene that you can say "Ooh they are acting". It's sad that the writer wanted to praise Van Damme as the nicest guy ever, it seems to be kind of egocentric, but it's not irritating enough to spoil the quality of this film. And the airplane scene in the last fight is lame, but I will just ignore that.And in the end, we have a nice message of friendship. I really recommend this film for entertainment!

Frank Markland

Jean-Claude Van Damme stars as Eddie Lomax a suicidal tough guy who finds he ultimate motivation to live, revenge and it is here when he plays Yojimbo and knocks around the redneck punks who ripped him off of his sacred motorcycle. Inferno or as it is known here in the US, Desert Heat is the last gasp of 80's action in a decade that was leading into a decade that wussified the genre with CGI and digitalized fight sequences. Desert Heat then is generally far more enjoyable than the general output post-2000 but what we also have is a goofiness I miss in the panic of either deadly serious action flicks or crushingly dumb action flicks (Ahem , XXX) so in the end we have a movie that I loved. Jean-Claude Van Damme as usual provides the usual high kicking action sequences we come to expect but also provides us with more laughs this time. Indeed the real fun in this gleefully nutty dumb action flick is the demented dialog which consist as an ego trip. For instance Pat Morita says at one point about Van Damme "I bet he gets lots of P---y!" or when Larry Drake is asked why he favors his youngest son "I actually loved his mother, you were both unfortunate side effects of recreational f--king back when f--king was fun!" Of course his response to his saddened son, was to get over it. While I can't actually recommend you go out and rent Desert Heat, I do say that if you stumble upon it on late night TV, I highly doubt you'll find a more enjoyable movie to watch.* * out of 4-(Fair)

Brian T. Whitlock (GOWBTW)

This Van Damme movie was a bit more of a renter than big screen material. Of course, this had some ad lib as well if you know what I mean. The cast have some well known stars. Pat Morita(The Karate Kid movies), Larry Drake(L.A. LAW, and Darkman 1&2), Danny Trejo(so many movies impossible to keep count) the same with others. A man left for dead, is typical, but when the heavy steal his wheels, that's grounds for seek and destroy! Eddie Lomax(Jean-Claude Van Damme) goes nuts in the desert, then his friend SixToes(Trejo) revives him. Going into town is where all the action and comedy starts and ends. Having slice of apple pie will definitely put a smile on anyone face. Because it's an all-American treat. My favorite part are the two Christian couple who give Lomax a room, and the old guy, had more concern about Lomax and the safety of others. Especially, when he got the two blondes out of the bar, and they got to shower and shave. It wasn't the blondes the couple should be worried about, Lomax got the thanks, he will never forget! In fact normally the woman wipes out the man during sex, in this case, he wiped out the blondes and Mrs. Reynolds felt confident that Lomax was a saint in his own way. Other than that, the movie was OK, after all. Good for fans of Van Damme, and I like the howling of the coyote in it as well. Rating 2.5 out of 5 stars.
