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Restrepo (2010)

June. 25,2010
| Documentary War

Directors Hetherington and Junger spend a year with the 2nd Battalion of the United States Army located in one of Afghanistan's most dangerous valleys. The documentary provides insight and empathy on how to win the battle through hard work, deadly gunfights and mutual friendships while the unit must push back the Taliban.


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One of my all time favorites.


Excellent, Without a doubt!!

Aiden Melton

The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.


It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.

Darren Shadix

I was a member of Battle company during this deployment. They gave us a helluva fight. "Restrepo" and should be an eye-opener for anyone curious about what guys go through in Afghanistan. My only complaint is I wish there was more action in it. Be sure to check out "Korengal" as well. I recently just published and e-book about it (available on Kindle, Nook, Kobo & Smashwords) entitled "To Quell The Korengal" if anyone is interested in reading more about this.www.amazon.com/Quell-Korengal-Darren-Shadix- ebook/dp/B0197IIPVQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1449888085&sr=8- 1&keywords=to+quell+the+korengal

Ronan O'Sullivan

I completely disagree with the above review. If the Junger and Hetherington want to make a documentary - they are perfectly entitled to make it the way they see fit, and if they chose not to become the immersed in politics of the conflict then so be it. If you want to see that kind of documentary - switch on the History Channel any night of the week. The viewer gets right into the action in 'Restrepo' with the soldiers and it has given many a young person second thoughts about joining the military. That in itself is praise enough for this awesome documentary on man's inhumanity to man. The action shots are superb and real - you do not want any of the soldiers to be hurt because you get to know them as the film progresses.


The film as itself is very good. It contains scenes of actual fighting, which are not so often seen in documentaries. On the other hand, as a viewer one must start thinking about the conflict the film depicts. When you look at "the Dead cow scene", this is where the flow of my mind goes the other way. At first, I had sympathy for the soldiers in this film. Afterwards, when you see how they laugh at the man whose cow they have killed, and offer him "beans, rice and flour in the weight of the dead cow" as a compensation... Then you start thinking on what are those people looking for in Afghanistan, why are they not at home in the US? A very strong sentiment of rage goes through your body after wards.


I watched Restrepo last night. Its a documentary about some army platoon in Afghanistan. First they meet with the local populace, and the locals complain that civilians have been killed, and the commander is like, "Well, its time to move on from that. Get over it. We are starting over with a clean slate now." Then they steal one of the villager's cattle and eat it, and when the villagers complain about it being illegal, the commander accuses them of being Jihadi.Then they arrest some people, and the villagers complain about illegal detention, and the commander says, "I Don't F***ING CARE" Then the villagers finally act up, so the army calls in airstrikes and kill ten civilians including some children. Then one of the Americans get killed, and they cry like babies until they get bolstered up by a tough-talk session in which they promise to make the enemy pay. After that, they indiscriminately shoot everything that moves. At one point, they compare it to a video game or a hunting resort. Finally, they say "F*** this place" and go home. Very inspiring stuff, god bless America.Its basically about a bunch of uneducated moron dude-bros who are pretending that its war, when really they are just sitting on a hilltop harassing villagers.
