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Kiss the Girls

Kiss the Girls (1997)

October. 03,1997
| Drama Thriller Crime Mystery

Forensic psychologist and detective Alex Cross travels to North Carolina and teams with escaped kidnap victim Kate McTiernan to hunt down "Casanova," a serial killer who abducts strong-willed women and forces them to submit to his demands. The trail leads to Los Angeles, where the duo discovers that the psychopath may not be working alone.


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Good story, Not enough for a whole film


Don't listen to the negative reviews


A different way of telling a story


Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.


Kiss the Girls had a heck of a lot going for it.Morgan Freeman, you have to give it a chance. Think about it, has the man ever been young? Yes? No? I've never seen him anything but old, but who cares, I've never really seen him do a bad job either.And now he's the new Leonard Nimoy isn't he? The narrator of absolutely everything. The voice of countless documentaries.Ashley Judd, not exactly a bad actress is she? Sure, in the 90s she may have kinda sorts looked like a clone of Jolie, but she always did a far better job. No matter what the movie she's been solid.Cary Elwes, why isn't he in more movies? He's sort of like a British Errol Flynn, totally fun to watch and a great sense of comedic timing. What was he doing in a movie like this? Who cares, we'll add that to the reasons to9 watch it anyway.And then, in small print, you see the name, you see that name: James Patterson. You almost have to cringe whenever you read it.Ever been on a long flight? You've probably read one of his novels and if you have it's been out of a sick desperation to kill time.James Patterson, yeah, world famous for making the clichéd crime novel. The same clichéd crime novel. Sure, the names change, the crime changes, but in the end it's like the cheap procedurals you watch on TV. Every one you watch is almost exactly like every other one you will and have ever seen.Unfortunately, despite the cast, the James Patterson effect takes hold of "Kiss the Girls" and you walk out of the theater with that irritating sense of deja vu. You've been there before, you've gone to that movie before, and in a few short days this film is going to blend in a confusing mess with all the other films you've seen that were almost exactly like it.


heres a film straight out of a thriller book called kiss the girls by James Paterson a great author for twist in his book so in this film we see that Alex cross played by an excellent Morgan freeman searching for his his niece but with unsolved cases of missing women Alex loves solving the insolvable but with time running out the rest of the cast we Dr Kate mctiernan who is a doctor but is person who likes sports but is feisty character played by Ashley Judd but as we cut back to women being takes Casanova a great lover of collectible items of dreamshis plans for the women he took in his lair being carefully no give the evidence away but with a twist in the tale he plans his next victim but when one of them escapes .she makes it known that she that Alex crosses niece can be got but in a race against time to figure out where she was an who was holding them but with a film like this you don't know who the good guy or bad guy is so figuring out will leave a twist and shock you as the scenery is beautiful shot in the deep south this is a good stylish thriller that will leave you wanting a sequel 7/10and my 90 review


Really, I had to watch Kiss The Girls a few times to appreciate it. Is it up in the same league as the brilliant, scarring and nightmarish Se7en? No, but still this one really entertains, and bringing with it, a style too. Violence is scarce, very scarce including one shock moment in the grueling climax, which I must say I did enjoy. Morgan Freeman, brings another fine piece of acting as well as a solid performance, obviously a researcher of roles, who hones his craft. He's well supported by Ashley Judd, the first victim to escape the clutches of a psycho snatching young woman, girls, he picks, keeping them in an underground lair (an effective and nightmarish atmosphere sphere here) days, before killing them. An incentive which has put forensic profiler, novelist, Alex Cross (Freeman) is that this psycho keeper has Freeman's niece. Revealing the killer too early, I thought to myself, what the hell? but later I realized there was more to it. He wasn't the main player. Cary Elwes was particularly good with the southern accent, a cop, assisting Freeman, while Elwes's partner, Sykes (Alex McCarthur) another versatile performer, Who really at moments, has you thinking he's rotten, I liked too. There are other good performances too, where I liked that Jeremy Piven was in this. There was, for some reason, at times, Ashley Judd got on my nerves, where the interrogation scene between the professor, a suspect, and Freeman, which got too close for comforting, eventuating into a physical contact, was my favorite. A different and refreshing serial killer movie, in terms of idea, that of course can't match up to Morgan's other SK pic, masterpiece, two years earlier.


In Kiss the Girls, Morgan Freeman plays a smart psychologist/detective whose niece has been kidnapped. Ashley Judd plays a doctor who kick- boxes in her spare time.A serial killer in North Carolina is collecting beautiful, talented women and keeping them in his lair before killing them, its implied they are tortured before their death.Judd's character escaped from the underground lair in the forest and it turns out she has been kept drugged which the police trace and get clues to the potential killer.The film wants to be part Silence of the Lambs and Se7en. Although Freeman might be older than the Alex Cross from the novels he is believable although he seems to end up in charge of the case very easily when he was supposed to be a guest in another police force and told not to mess around in the kitchen.Also Cross does not believe in calling police back up which means suspects evade capture leading to a contrived showdown. Also it makes you wander if the girls in the hidden lair are well fed and looked after, which means the villain has to regularly turn up with food and provisions that would leave tyre tracks and the like meaning the lair is not so well hidden. Such flaws in the plot and some bad lines let the film down.
